?BREAKING: David Menzies sues Chrystia Freeland’s bodyguards


The president of Rebel News Network and David menes is one of our most outstanding reporters he cannot in Canada have anyone assaulted this way and when it’s an a reporter being assaulted because he’s doing journalism in some ways that’s even worse because it’s not just a personal attack it’s an

Attack on freedom of the press and so I’m here today to meet with Lawrence greenspa one of Canada’s leading criminal lawyers who’s not only a criminal defense lawyer but he has sued police many times in the past for police misconduct we’re going to talk to him we’re going to talk to David and

Then at the end I’m going to ask you if you can help us but to do that we have to hire one of the top lawyers in the country to make it possible and that costs money if you can go to stand withth david.com you’ll see a copy of the

Lawsuit we just filed and if you feel moved to help you can do that right there

The assault on David Menzies was part of a sustained violation of our civil rights as journalists. We’ve got mountains of evidence to prove it. And today is the day we fight back.

Visit Rebel News for more on this story by @ezra.levant:



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