?BREAKING: David Menzies sues Chrystia Freeland’s bodyguards


Miss Freeland how come the irdc is not a terrorist group why is your government supporting Islam EXC excuse me what are you doing under arrest for assault why are you ping you’re under arrest for assault you’re under arrest for Assa police you’re under arrest how am I

Under arrest you bummed into me you pushed into me you bumed I was just scrubbing I’ve got my credentials here and you just bumped into me so excuse me police you’re under arrest what your name and your Bader we’re going to continue the arrest for now seriously

Well yes we’re continuing the arrest do you want to approach AR sir we need to talk about this we need to discuss this can I ask you to put your micone away that was very aggressive what I saw over there there was lots of pushing and shoving that was happening and you the

Minister you were running in with your microphone that was very aggressive you shouldn’t be acting like that why are you taking my phone because you’re under arrest can I have the microphone can I have the microphone can I have the microphone res can you take

Your why am I I’m just doing stop resist you don’t need to welcome to Black Faces Canada this is what they do to journalists I was merely scrumming Minister Freeland and a RCMP officer blocked me and evidently this is now a trumped up charge of assault

FKS this is the state of freedom of the press in Canada that outrageous video was Christia Freeland the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada instead of answering legitimate questions by our reporter David menes she stood by and smirked as her bodyguards falsely arrested David roughed him up and accused him of

Assault sadly this is not the first time that the Trudeau liberals have sent their bodyguards to attack David look at this outrage from a couple years ago in Toronto where they beat him so badly he fell to the ground I’m on a what is this I’m on a

Sidewalk I am on a side what is this you cannot touch me not rushing are you kidding are you kidding let’s go me what is this you can’t am I under arrest am I under arrest am I under arrest because otherwise you have no right huh I’m asre Lance I’m the president of

Rebel News Network and David menes is one of our most outstanding reporters this cannot be allow loud we cannot in Canada have anyone assaulted this way and when it’s an a reporter being assaulted because he’s doing journalism in some ways that’s even worse because it’s not just a personal attack it’s an

Attack on freedom of the press and so I’m here today to meet with Lawrence greenspa one of Canada’s leading criminal lawyers who’s not only a criminal defense lawyer but he has sued police many times in the past for police misconduct and we’re going to go through

A lawsuit drafted by Lawrence to take on the government’s pattern of abuse we’re going to talk to him we’re going to talk to David and then at the end I’m going to ask you if you can help us the only way to make this stop is to

Have a judge order it to stop but to do that we have to hire one of the top lawyers in the country to make it possible and that costs money unlike the government we don’t have unlimited resources if you can go to stand with david.com you’ll see a copy of the

Lawsuit we just filed and if you feel moved to help you can do that right there lren it’s great to see you I’ve gotten to know you a little bit over the last year for your work for Tamara leech the trucker Convoy leader and I’ve been impressed with your command of the law

With your energy with your excellent communication skills which is half the battle and I knew you were the right lawyer for this case you’ve watched the video you’ve drafted the claim why don’t you tell us what we’re doing in response and what this lawsuit means well first

Off um thanks very much for your comments uh the group of lawyers that uh work with me have put to we’ve put together this statement of claim it’s it’s really based on uh what one would have to consider an affront to human dignity and uh a violation of freedom of

The press uh as you point out uh David was doing his job uh he was doing it in his own uh somewhat persistent style and uh that’s totally and should be totally permissible in in our in our democracy and it also should be completely protected by our Charter of Rights and

Freedoms I mean one of the things that’s that’s absolutely key is uh in the fundamental Freedom section of the Charter of Rights it talks about uh freedom of peaceful assembly freedom of the press freedom of speech uh these are people have to realize fundamental freedoms and although our Charter of

Rights starts off with all of these rights and freedoms are subject to such reasonable limits as can be demonstrably justified in a free and Democratic Society uh we don’t start with the limitations and certainly this kind of limitation on freedom of press and freedom of speech uh has to be

Challenged and that’s what we’re that’s what we’re doing with this statement of claim uh that we uh have issued in the superior court of justice here in in Ottawa in in Ontario so the charter can be used not just to strike down a law that’s unconstitutional but it can be

Used against particular government conduct is that the theory so these bodyguards these are CMP and York regional cops they were acting on behalf of the government in an unconstitutional way is that the theory that’s certainly the allegation is that fundamental freedoms under the charter have been violated at which point you turn to

Section 24 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which talks about uh affording a remedy which is appropriate and just in the circumstances and what that means uh in this case uh is that uh the claim for damages money damages uh can be made out on the basis of section 24 in

Addition to the other wrongs that took place here which would be the false arrest the false detention the negligent investigation uh of David before the arrest uh all of these what we call torts or classical causes of action uh damages can be can be sought and have

Been sought in the statement of claim for that as well as damages as a remedy under the charter you know I I’ve watched that video probably five times and it feels so gratuitous they smashed David up against the wall why they handcuffed him why did they handcuff him

They had half a dozen cops there they marched them into a police car like all of these things felt like they weren’t genuine policing I don’t think anyone there thought David was a real threat he he was wearing his badge he introduced himself and I I think it was designed to humiliate and

To dissuade and to say don’t you ever think you can ask a question to the Deputy Prime Minister again I mean and David’s right here we’ll bring him in the conversation in a minute but why did they handcuff him well and it’s the very question is that you ask is is the basis

Uh for why we have in this case uh as we’ve alleged very clearly that there has been over the last several years a pattern of intimidation and exclusion against Rebel news reporters and I think this case is is the uh perhaps the epitome uh that captured on video as to

Uh what I mean by that pattern now there have been other incidents and we refer to some of the other incidents in the statement of claim uh where Rebel news reporters have been either purposely excluded excluded when all of the other media are permitted to uh ask the same

Types of questions of the political leaders and uh the intimidation that has occurred in this case uh it’s almost like it was pre-planned and orchestrated and we don’t have to prove that but what we I all we have to do is prove that uh what took place here uh was a violation

Of freedom of speech and a violation of freedom of the press and uh in my mind it certainly uh it’s quite evident when you watch the video David you’ve been a journalist longer than anyone else at Rebel news you’re you’re the dean of Rebel news older than older than any

Other staff in a good way you’re actually the only person in our team with a formal journalism degree you’ve worked for actually a lot of mainstream Publications and you never swear you never get physical you never like I mean some people might find you annoying you

Know you you might be an acquired taste but that’s a far cry from a a reason to have you arrest Ed or roughed up do you think that they are targeting you and rebel news because I look around Canada and I don’t see any other journalists even by yeah certainly no

One in the mainstream media even if they ask prickly questions I’ve never seen this done to anyone else other than you and other Rebels you know it’s a great question Ezra and by the way I want to thank Mr Greenspun for taking on this case I can’t think of a better lawyer uh

To represent us but the um it that’s the thing Ezra the when it comes to the Iranian victims vigil of uh February uh of January rather um we were invited to that and we weren’t crashing any kind of party we were told please come and cover this uh when it came to Christia

Freeland if anyone’s saying well how dare you go up to a a cabinet minister and uh scrum her uh while she’s going to an event Ezra I asked her when else do we have an opportunity we can’t get into Liberal Party uh press conferences they

Just won’t let us in so when it comes to that event the Iranian uh 4th anniversary vigil when it comes to what happened at The Brick Works in 20121 which in some respects I think was even worse I mean there was a stitch up by that mounty in January to pretend that I

Assaulted him but in 2021 there wasn’t even a charge it was these goons jumping out of an SUV and assaulting me I guess what I’m saying this is the kind of stuff we see in banana republics well we can’t grow grow bananas in Canada so let me rephrase that we’re a maple syrup

Republic if we have I don’t know impolite or insensitive questions or comments about this governing party I don’t think that gives them the right to actually physically assault and come up with false arrest charges for JAL they don’t like Lawrence one of the things David just talked about was when he was

Covering a Christmas party that Justin Trudeau attended when the rest of us were supposed to be locked down and that was the question he was going to pose he was standing outside the restaurant for about an hour waiting for the entage to arrive there were all these other cops

There they knew David they recognized him his cameraman was there there was banter before so they absolutely knew who David was I the the minute trudo’s personal Entourage jumped out of the SUVs they made a beine for him and it wasn’t just gentle pushing and shoving they smashed him they they beat him

Up and and as David says no charge I I have never seen that in Canada in my entire life have you have you ever seen a reporter literally being beaten up in Canada I’ve seen it in Turkey I’ve seen it in Iran and China what what do you

Make of that incident I’ve never seen and in over four Decades of doing this kind of work I’ve never seen that kind of treatment for a reporter and uh I’ve seen the video The Brick Works video I’ve seen that uh it is for that reason included in our statement of claim as

One of the examples of the way in which uh Rebel news reporters are being excluded or intimidated or in that case assaulted uh and I don’t think it’s any coincidence that uh it’s happening to Rebel news reporters uh over and over again and uh as I say we’ve included a

Couple of the examples The Brick Works is one of them there’s another uh Rebel news reporter uh Christine lava who was uh very badly treated during the course of the freedom Convoy at towards the end of it and uh the this this can’t be tolerated in a democracy you can’t you can’t treat

People who are trying to get at the the truth uh in a nonviolent uh uh way you can’t treat those that you don’t who don’t agree with your opinions necessarily uh in this fashion and uh we’re just it’s just Canada’s not that not that kind of place and and at least

It shouldn’t be that you mentioned Alexa Lavar when she was shot in the leg with a riot gun by the RCMP that was the worst day in our company’s existence and the brutality of that the absolute lack of any precursor she was literally holding a phone the

Cops shot her and then they didn’t even offer her help they didn’t offer her first aid and I I don’t know I mean the the trucker Convoy was peaceful throughout the only shooting in the entire time was that RCMP officer shooting a rebel news reporter and what

Are the odds of that being a coincidence you don’t have to answer that that’s a rhetorical question look let’s do this I want to go through the lawsuit we have you here and what we’ve been we’ve been talking about the politics here a bit but let’s get right into the law let’s

It’s a little bit too long for us to go through Page by Page together I really want to invite people to read it at their Leisure go to stand withth david.com we will have the whole filed document there please read it but Lawrence can you point out what you

Think are the most important things in this lawsuit uh that you think our viewers should no well the claim is based uh on a number of uh a number of pillars or foundations firstly the false arrest the false imprisonment uh the abusive process the assault and battery of David uh negligent investigation and

Then two uh uh fundamental breaches of the Charter of Rights the first one being section 2B which is the freedom of the press and other means of communication and secondly the group of uh rights that are under Section s and section N9 and section 10 which are

Basically right to life and Liberty and security of the person uh right not to be arbitrarily detained the right upon arrest uh various rights that one has upon arrest to the under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms so th that’s really the the basis in law for the claim uh

The amount of Damages uh people always you know highlight oh the amount of Damages being claimed um it’s what I tell people it’s not what you can claim it’s you know it’s what you can prove in this case uh the actual damages to David are are uh they’re important they’re

Significant but far more important is this uh notion that we can’t have police pretending to arrest journalists uh for arrest as a way of getting them uh out of out of the area and as a way of convenience for the the political leadership that’s not a process that uh

Can be tolerated in in a Canadian democracy so there’s substantial damages uh for that that we’re claiming under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms under section 24 uh punitive exemplary and aggravated damages are also substantial because this kind of behavior has to stop it can’t be allowed to continue and

That we’re asking the court to send a message uh to all police forces that this kind of behavior arresting journalists uh uh for on a false arrest of this kind uh is not to be tolerated and uh the only way that a message can be sent by the court along those lines

Is by awarding punitive exemplary or aggravated damages uh they their lawsuit if I may interrupt you there for a second before you move on um if if I’m reading this correctly we’re seeking a total of over a million dollars the vast majority of which is punitive and exemplary and that Charter violation at

First that sounds like a stunning amount but then I think well Omar carer got a $10.5 million dollar settlement because apparently Canadian agents didn’t save him from Guantanamo Bay that’s a lot of money for Canadian taxpayers to pay for an actual confessed terrorist are there cases where a million dollars in

Punitive Exemplar each Charter damages other than that extreme case of w more are there cases that that you that come to mind uh because I think our viewers would say well David was embarrassed and he was handcuffed and he was roughed up but that’s not a million bucks the point

Is it’s for the charter breach to teach them a lesson where can we look to for an example or a precedent here the the the million dollars the the the real um essence of this lawsuit is to be found um if and when the court determines that

This is part of a pattern if there’s uh if the the and the case law and the charter uh case law is is clear that pattern uh if established can aggravate the damages it uh it it emphasizes the breach and the violation of Charter

Rights and we deal with that on a on a semi-regular basis when we find for example uh that with in a particular police force we’ve uh most the police forces right across the country don’t even have a system in place to monitor the times when a judge has found a

Charter violation by a police officer it doesn’t even go into it they don’t care they don’t they they’re not even aware of it um I’ve cross-examined police officers who were not even aware that a judge had found that they had violated a person’s rights in a previous case so if

You don’t even have a system where these kinds of breaches are recorded and brought to the attention of the police service and certainly not the police officer and you end up back in court and I’m cross-examining the officer and he says well I didn’t know I

I I you know I gave my evidence and then I left and nobody ever told me what the judge found so most most police forces don’t even have that system in place and I’ve been talking about it for years it’s now at the point where some of the

Ottawa judges include in their decision where they find a violation they say and Mr Crown attorney I want you to make sure that the police officer is advised of my decision um where you have that kind of a a lack of accountability system in any Municipal Police Force and

I dare say within the RCMP as well uhu there’s bound to be repeat offenders in this case um there there’s there’s clearly a number of incidents over the last several years that have all ended up in the same result which is Rebel news reporters being punished Rebel news reporters being assaulted Rebel news

Reporters being excluded or intimidated that’s really the heart of the million dollar claim for damages and aggravated punitive exemplary call them what you will or pattern damage is under the charter that’s really the heart of the claim is if we can show as I think

We can that this is part of an overall strategy as to how to deal specifically with Rebel news reporters you know it’s funny you talk about a pattern the the bald cop who really went to town on David I just it just felt like he had

Done this a hundred times before and it was like second nature that’s what was shocking to me the arrest was startling but the the the gaslighting the lying the the immediately creating a fake narrative you assaulted me the way they slipped into that so n like there those

Are good actors they’ve done that before they’ve been practicing their lines we uh we as as you said earlier we we regularly sue the various police forces um and we’re involved in cases right across the country of that nature uh it’s not not any more surprising uh any

Any longer uh that when many times when somebody’s being arrested during a uh struggle uh the police officers are yelling well stop resisting stop resisting and you watch the video and the person is not resisting at all but it’s become part of their way of dealing

With these uh of uh types of situations unfortunately that’s incredible you know I’m I’m going through the the the lawsuit there’s so much in here it really is the story of Rebel news um we’ve been excluded from things peacefully as well as violently I mean we’ve been blocked from attending the

Election debates we’ve been blocked from attending un meetings by the order of the Canadian government and that’s frustrating and I think that violates our rights too but when they do it violently it’s just it it’s in intolerable to me it reminds me when that Turkish president erdogan visited

The United States and his bodyguards roughed up roughed up uh Turkish protesters as if they were back in Ankara or Istanbul I um I I’d like to ask you a few technical questions I just want to once more invite our viewers to read it because there’s a lot of meat in

Here and I I and I think you’ve touched on the main points uh you can read it all at stand withth david.com but I’d like to ask you some process questions because sometimes LW sus take many years this is a fairly succinct lawsuit you have a few incidents that you’re talking

About but the claim I think is easy to understand it doesn’t feel like a complex case you have you want to prove the pattern you want to talk about the incidents how soon do you think how how many days weeks months years do you think this will take to go through the

Process how long do you think the trial itself might take um do you think we’ll see Justice within a matter matter of years do you think the police might say whoa let’s talk about a settlement this looks awful you’ve done this a 100 times we this is our first time what should we

Expect what should our viewers and supporters expect it’s going to take years uh I don’t think there’s going to be a huge appetite for settlement uh because uh in in our experience uh as soon as you put aggravated punitive exemplary damages on the table uh any settlement is going to

To uh the police are going to at least seek to realize a settlement without that on the table and in this case that’s the main event the aggravated punitive exemplary damages the claim for Charter relief under section 24 because of the pattern of misbehavior uh putting

It mildly of the of the police um because of that being on the table I don’t think this is one I mean I would be delighted if they they came back with a substantial seven figure offer that would be great but uh we have a duty to be realistic

And I think uh the fact that that type of damage is being sought almost guarantees that it’s the kind of matter that won’t settle uh it certainly won’t settle early and uh it may be one where we have to actually go through a trial um in the trial uh there would I

Anticipate be a number of incidents other than this Mo the this this one with David there would be a number of other incidents that we would have to bring forward uh in order to prove pattern right and uh I don’t think we’d have a great deal of difficulty doing

That but that would take time that would take trial time right well I’ve committed to David to follow this through and and we have a track record at Rebel and is standing up for our people even if it’s no longer commercially rational to do so we do it

Because we want to show the world that don’t don’t mess with us uh we and I and I feel an obligation to our reporters who go through that on my behalf and on behalf of the viewers I feel a loyalty to them and in this case I think it’s an important precedent let

Me ask a quick question of David and then I’ll come back to you Lawrence David there’s a lot of groups in Canada that right in their very name claim to be about press Freedom there’s Canadian journalists for free expression there’s a Canadian Association of journalists there’s Amnesty International the Canadian civil liberties Association

There are a lot pen Canada all of these talk about reporters who are roughed up arrested I and I pay attention to these guys I have not seen a single one Express even a tweet of support for you or a tweet of discomfort with what they’ve seen happen to you and either

It’s professional rivalry with you ideological Rage or maybe maybe it’s because these days most journalists depend on Justin Rau for media subsidies but it is the Silence of the Lambs and I don’t I don’t know what your thoughts are on this um I talked to a senior

Global male columnist who said I don’t believe David men is doing real journalism I don’t believe Rebel news is doing real news it was a real question of a real public uh officer on a matter of public concern how is that not the working definition of news I was enraged

By that what’s your take we see that identify me as a a man who identifies as being a journalist which is is so outrageous because like when you look at radical transgenderism you could have a 300b bearded man and his name is Tinkerbell and they would never say he

Identifies as a woman it is a real woman trans women are real women uh but I’ve gone to Ryerson for a journalism degree from 1985 uh for my whole life I worked full-time as a journalist I have won awards for my journalism I think that might meet The Benchmark of Journalism

So is the question Ezra um our ideology is not in sync with them is our politics kind of soured to what they uh promote and the Very fact that we have never taken a nickel of government money and nor would we ever do that um maybe there’s some resentment there maybe

There’s a vendetta there personally as I can tell you my professors back in the early ‘ 80s when I went to Ryerson even the ones that swung left they would be appalled at the ethics breach of a journalist being paid by a federal government that they’re supposed to be

Covered and they would be app and they would be appalled by police brutality Once Upon a Time the left cared about these two things freedom of speech and police restraint and now the left is utterly silent Lawrence I’m so glad you’re taking this case uh we really

Have come to admire your work on the Tamara leech battle and I I I once said to you and and maybe you thought I was joking but I I wasn’t joking God forbid I ever get arrested myself you would be the lawyer I call because I I’ve observed how you’ve fought her very

Uphill battle they that I mean that’s a David and Goliath story if ever there was one and they’re throwing the unlimited resources of the state at her and I think they might try and do that to us too and and I mean we are outgun on the financial side of things that’s

Why we need our our friends to go to Stan withth david.com to help chip in I’m excited about this because I feel like it’s the start of the fight back uh I’ve I’ve read this lawsuit many times as it was drafted and I guess I can hardly wait that’s a strange thing to

Say about lawsuits but I think this lawsuit will not only vindicate David but the process of it will smoke out out a lot of the thinking of the government maybe we’ll show things reveal things that are secret maybe there’s conversations about get Rebel or or I

Don’t know but I think that the process will be educational give me your final thoughts here before we go out there and do some battle well I I think the uh the likelihood of actually being able to uh pierce the privilege Veil which will undoubtedly be thrown up against us

They’ll be oh well we can’t disclose this because it’s an investigative technique or we can’t disclose this because it’s a it’s going to undermine National Security and I I expect that there’ll be all kinds of uh privileges claimed uh but the bottom line as uh tough accountants like to say the bottom

Line is that uh what took place with David and the clear violation of his rights the allegation and actually charging him with assault handcuffing him taking him away it was outrageous uh it’s not something that any thinking Canadian no matter what political stripe uh should want to to have happen in in

In our country and it’s uh that’s why you know that’s why there’s courts to to Avail ourselves of of Remedies uh with a view to not only remedying the situation exposing it first and then remedying it but making an order that at the end of

The day a judgment that at the end of the day sends a message a very strong message which is that you don’t deal with media people you don’t deal with journalists you don’t deal with people who may have different opinions than you uh in this fashion that’s just not

Something that that should be happening in Canada yeah and I’d say to any viewers who don’t share our our ideology the freedoms that David is fighting for the precedent that Lawrence hopes to set it will redown to your benefit too don’t smile when a conservative reporter is

Beat up because that sets a pattern and a precedent that’ll come around and get you too I only wish our liberal reporter colleagues would understand that well I’ve enjoyed the course of our discussion uh for folks who want to read this through it’s there’s some a little

Bit of legal jargon in it but it’s very easy to understand a lot of plain language facts in there you can read the whole thing at Stan with david.com I’m not going to ask you in public to estimate the costs of this to to us but I know it’s a six figure cost

Uh from previous litigation that we funded for other people and I know that the other is going to throw a bunch of resources at it because they want to win they don’t want the prent and they hate us so the only way we can level the

Playing field is with our viewers and if you love David Menses like I do and if you hate what was done to him please go to Stan withth david.com thanks for your support

| The assault on David was part of a sustained violation of our civil rights as journalists. We’ve got mountains of evidence to prove it. And today is the day we fight back.
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  1. These lousy useless cops should be jailed for there crimes of false arrest and lying can you imagine what they do when there not in the sight of witnesses around god held the so call detainees

  2. These are morally bankrupt people!! DPM advised him to intimidate and arrest him to stop the questions that day and in the future!!
    She is a THUG and should be arrested and charged with all the crimes she has committed against the people that PAY her!!


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