Doctors vs Costly Legal Battles V1


But proving this is going to be a long and drawn out process which Alexander says the cpso depends on the college counts on this they they can charge $10,000 a day uh to a member uh uh to to conduct a hearing and on top of that within their own process they can charge

You $10,000 a day for a hearing and so that discourages most doctors from fighting so doctors tend to settle because the whole system has been set up to to be so timec consuming so costly whether Dr Troy wins or loses this is a case of great public interest that will

Determine the state of the constitutional right to freedom of expression in Canada and Define the extent of regulatory colleges Authority in it especially as it pertains to Medicine

| Lawyer Michael Alexander is fiercely defending persecuted Ontario physician Mark Trozzi, asserting this is as a pivotal battle for freedom of expression.


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  1. Thanks for staying on the issue andTrozzi’s case. Most important but shows ewe have not made the truckers point, clear enough. Covid was a cure for NOTHING, but rather a great harm to many! (I doubt they allow you to read such posts as mine!)


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