Canadian parents increasingly skeptical of vaccinations


Vaccine skepticism in Canada is growing and more parents are waking up to the corruption of the pharmaceutical Lobby and hopping off of the vaccine bandwagon while traditional CBC viewers remain committed and steadfast to the safe and effective Mantra uh the vaccines that uh that happened during the pandemic the uh

Whether or not they’re Mna or the uh or or or not uh are a miracle of science they saved tens of millions of lives uh and so the fact that that’s been politicized as deeply concerning and we’re seeing the effect of that so for Rebel news I’m tamary ugal here

To highlight some recent data out of Canada showing that parental opposition to mandatory vaccination is up 14% since 2019 an Angus Reed poll found that not only are parents opposing mandatory vaccination in places like schools and daycares in record numbers but the number of parents with children

Under the age of 18 who are against against vaccinating their children has grown by 133% in that same time period now this survey took a randomized sample of just over 1,600 adults it asked parents thinking about your own children how do you feel about vaccinating them and the I’m not sure response doubled

From 8% in 2019 to 16% in 2024 in this year parents that would vaccinate without Reser ation shrunk from 88% in 2019 to 67% this year and then there are the parents who are against vaccinating their children and that shot up fourfold from 177% this year up from 4% in 2019 the

Poll rates people on a vaccine acceptance Spectrum from Max vaxer to antivaxer Max vaxers amounted for 29% of Canadians and are defined as those who feel vaccines are very effective at ensuring better outcomes for both the individual and the community who support mandatory vaccination for children and who are not concerned about the

Potential for significant side effects on the very opposite end of the spectrum antivaxers accounted for 14% of Canadians and were defined as those who overwhelmingly feel that vaccination is harmful and unnecessary that the science isn’t settled and that the body does not need vaccination to build up immunity to

These vaccine preventable illnesses then in the middle there were two groups the vax proponents at 34% of the population defined as those who are largely supportive but have some reservations and then the vax Skeptics those who are skeptical but not dismissive and they account for 24% of the population so if

We were to lump one end into vaccine hesitant it would total 38% of the Canadian population and the other side vaccine supporters would be 64% that means that just over over onethird of Canadians are at least skeptical of the settled science and those that vote left especially the radically far-left

Liberals in the NDP are most likely to be Max vaxers 44% of liberal voters and 40% of NDP voters which far surpasses the average totals for their Max vax position compared to 22% of conservative voters where 28 and 22% are either vac skep or antiva especially those under

The age of 55 have grown exponentially skeptical of vaccine efficacy to prevent or reduce the chance of catching the disease one is supposed to be vaccinated against total number of Canadians who believe vaccinations are not very or not at all effective at reducing the chances of catching these diseases for the

Community is up nearly two fold from 8% in 2019 up to 14% this year the male groups skyrockets in the 18 to 34 age bracket from 8% in 2019 to 22% in 2024 and then the 35 to 54 demographic is on par from 9% in 2019 to

23% this year women in the same age groups increased too but not at the same degree and those aged 55 and up stayed relatively similar here I should note that this age group is referred to as the traditionals and every eight out of 10 of them watch the CBC so glean from

That what you will Canadians are increasingly concerned about the side effects in 2015 28% agreed that there is a real risk of serious side effects from vaccinations a number that grew to 34% this year in 2024 84% of those classified as antivaxx were concerned about serious side effects and 73% of

Them said the science on vaccinations is not clear all groups felt generally afraid to bring up the topic of vaccines with friends and family and in the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic vaccine passports mandates and a whole host of purported to be about public health measures and restrictions that

Were based on fear and hysteria instead of evidence Canadians find themselves grappling with the growing skepticism around vaccines and vaccine efficacy as scientific uncertainties abound with pervasive distrust in big Pharma and the way that public health and our institutions shamelessly aligned themselves with pandemic profiteers we must recognize that avoiding difficult

Topics only exacerbates Division and unease Canadians how do we make respecting diverse perspectives and evidence-based debate great again for Rebel news I’m tamary ugolini if you’d like to find out more about why Canadians are skeptical about vaccines and general vaccine programs you can find a whole host of information-based reports at no more

Shot.cvs find out about all of that and more at no more

As Tamara Ugolini explains, vaccine skepticism is growing in younger Canadian demographics as more parents question safety, efficacy, and the need for pharmaceutical intervention.

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  1. The misinformation and lies told during the "pandemic" has undermined the public trust for our health authorities. What happens if a real pandemic presents itself in the future. They have already proved that they cannot be trusted so they will likely meet a much higher degree of resistance by the public.

  2. As more information and confirm ed studies are finally being released, I do believe that the vaccines are unsafe and will have long term effects on a large number of people. Isn’t it funny how the flu magically disappeared when Covid was supposedly active?

  3. After my 9 year old developed Epilepsy , I sat All 4 of my kids, then, 10 -17 , Down and with a tearful apology for allowing them to be vaccinated ! When I was a kid there were 4 and Now my kids from birth to 8 Years had Over 70. And I can't tell you what is in Every injection so this post stays up !

  4. Older vaccines that were properly tested are a life saver. The covid vaccines studied by HONEST virologists and honest SCIENTISTS are proven to be far more harmful than good. So Canada spare us the reteric and bullshit!!


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