Blair: ‘Non-combat’ military trainers may be allowed back in Ukraine, but not at this time

‘Non-combat’ military trainers could return to Ukraine — but not yet: Blair - National

“Canada’s Defence Minister, Bill Blair, has hinted at the possibility of sending military trainers back to Ukraine, but only if certain conditions are met. However, he made it clear that those conditions do not currently exist. Blair emphasized that any Canadian military members sent to Ukraine would be in non-combat roles.

Training in Ukraine halted after the Russian invasion, with Canadian troops relocating to the United Kingdom, Latvia, and Poland. Blair mentioned that conditions in Ukraine would need to change before Canadian troops can return to the war-torn country.

The Situation in Ukraine:

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, various countries are considering their involvement. French President Emmanuel Macron suggested sending western soldiers to Ukraine, a proposal that received mixed reactions from European leaders.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated that there are no plans for NATO combat troops to be deployed in Ukraine. On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that increased western involvement in Ukraine could lead to a global nuclear conflict.

Implications of Sending Troops:

Blair reiterated that any Canadian troops sent to Ukraine would not have a combat role, prioritizing the safety of Canadian Forces personnel. He highlighted the importance of continuing training missions, albeit in a safe environment like Poland.


The decision to send military trainers back to Ukraine is complex and requires careful consideration of the potential risks and consequences. While the safety of Canadian troops is paramount, the geopolitical implications of such a move cannot be ignored. As the situation evolves, it remains to be seen how different countries will navigate their roles in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.”



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