Brazil wildfires: Firefighters, locals battle inferno in north amid drought


V pegando toda aquela Serra Lá Vem vindo a gente vem combatendo combatendo mas não não conseguimos combater tudo aí teve que acionar aí os meninos do bombeiro aí para vir aqui dar uma ajuda jogar PR lá apagava aqui a com a mesma quantidade [Aplausos] comunicando que e esse fogo vem se

Alastrando e ameaçando a propriedade do solicitante seus bens né seu patrimônio dessa forma deslocamos de maneira rápida para cá para fazer esse esse combate e a estiagem está forte esse ano Mas mesmo ela sendo forte nós não estamos desprevenidos e estamos preparados para fazer essa essa a extinção dos focos e

Dar a resposta necessária à nossa população a nossa população não está sozinha nós estamos 24 horas em condições de fazer o combate

With the help of firefighters, Cantá locals in Brazil’s northernmost state, Roraima, fought a raging fire in the mountains on Thursday.

Roraima is currently facing an intense spike of wildfires and has seen more than 2,600 since the start of the year — 2,000 of which took place in February alone.

The state dealt with the same number of fires in 2023 as a whole, according to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE).

“We can’t fight it all, so we had to call the firefighters to come here and give us some help,” Joeli Rodrigues, a local who tried to extinguish the fire, said.

“The drought is really strong this year, but even though it is strong, we are not unprepared, we are ready to extinguish the outbreaks and provide the necessary response for our population,” firefighter Kennedy Guerra Rodrigues said, adding “we are ready to go, 24 hours a day.”

Despite the ongoing wildfires in Brazil, President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva has been working hard to cut deforestation down nationwide. In 2023, the statistic was halved and became the lowest since 2018.

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