Trudeau’s ‘online harms’ bill is ‘Orwellian’: John Carpay


John it took me two and a half hours to go through the bills about 100 pages long there’s so many poison pills in it for our democracy so many shocking things if I had to ask you what the worst part of it is I know you couldn’t

Answer me with one example but tell me what the most worrisome parts of this bill are to you and the Justice Center for constitutional freedoms at the top of the list or close to to the top of the list is the power it gives to the federal cabinet to pass

New laws known as regulations which have the force of law uh where they get to Define what is a social media provider and so without consulting Parliament without transparency cabinet meetings are held in secret the cabinet can secretly uh talk about plan and then declare into being new regulations that

Could Define a social media provider uh or a social media service could be uh something like uh a church or a nonprofit or a Citizens advocacy group or Independent Media like like the rebel and true north and Epoch times and so on uh you could be deemed by the federal

Cabinet to be a social media service and so we could have Federal bureaucrats uh looking at the content of the uh email newsletter that that the church sends out to its its uh members and supporters that is frightening they can decide that uh they get to uh finalize

The the definition of harm there’s there’s this wide latitude uh if this bill is passed Federal cabinet uh can turn this into an orwellian nightmare without any Democratic accountability whatsoever uh unless and until there’s an election and and a change of government uh but that that’s uh the power regulation is is frightening

Because it it takes the the legislative authority of of of Parliament and transfers it to the prime minister’s office effectively you know isn’t that incredible I went on for two and a half hours yesterday I didn’t even think of that risk I mean I sort of thought okay

Social media provider I know what that is Twitter YouTube Facebook Instagram Tik Tok but says who know and if if the bill said uh social media provider means uh Facebook Tik Tok Twitter X whatever uh okay it would still be a terrible piece of legislation for so many reasons

But at least we would have certainty on that front but they could they could decide that that the rebel news is a uh uh social media Service uh you know because you’re you’re sending out emails and posting YouTube videos yeah uh Nothing Stops a federal government from

Declaring a church a nonprofit a charity an independent media uh to be covered by this uh the other frightening thing is you’ve got let me stop you for one second hold that thought don’t lose that thought don’t lose it because I want to

Add I want to add a a a clause to what you just said there if we are deemed to be a social media company then that gives them all sorts of invasive powers to come in and root around in our material I did cover that part I just

Thought okay they want to Snoop around Elon musk’s business they want to look through his files look through and do education and advocacy I did think about that yesterday but I only thought of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg as the target deeming us a social media service lets bureaucrats come into our office

And have access to our computers I didn’t understand the threat until you just said that I didn’t mean to interrupt you but I wanted to say what happens if we’re deemed a social media Network because I never contemplated that until you put the fear into me any

Sorry to interrupt your flow you were about to make a second point before I interrupted you I just noticed it because the the the bill says expressly that the the federal cabinet uh gets to Define what is a social media service they get to Define that it’s not defined

By the law that is passed by part Parliament if it was defined as being limited to uh you know fa Facebook and Twitter again it would be terrible legislation but we wouldn’t have to worry about that but now now we do uh are they going to go after uh Charities

And say we want to look into your electronic records and we want to Monitor and control what you’re putting into your email newsletter that you’re sending out to your donors and supporters um in conjunction with that we’re going to hire a vast new Army of bureaucrats that will have the power to

Uh shut down these regulations also empower the the federal cabinet to create penalties and to specify what kind of content is allowed or not allowed yeah um we’ve already got a situation I’ve been thinking about this this chant I’m sure you’ve heard it and many many of the viewers of the Rebel

Have heard it from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free yeah now uh in Estonia and Germany and Czech Republic the authorities have declared that to be criminal speech uh it was somebody was charged with it in the Netherlands and then ultimately acquitted by the Dutch Supreme Court

Saying it was not criminal speech we had a man in in Calgary uh charged with saying that uh charges were stayed but do we really want the government parsing political slogans however offensive they might be uh because this is this is the real risk they’re increasing the penalty

For uh advocating genocide so let Advocate that the killing of of a people group uh presuma based on ethnicity or religion or otherwise um maximum penalties five years I think that’s enough of a deterrent uh it’s already dangerous considering how the government could use its power to Define advocacy

For genocide but no that’s not good enough uh that penalty for advocating for genocide Ju Just words alone you could go to prison for life yeah for that I I think that five five year five years maximum penalty is more than adequate as a deterrent and by the way

There’s this new Standalone hate speech crime that they’re proposing that doesn’t just cover that example there’s a list of prohibited characteristics that you’re not allowed to offend uh or their phrases to F hatred towards and in that list there’s the ones that we’re used to race religion sex national

Origin things like that but there’s sexual orientation and there’s two new ones gender identity and gender expression and what do those words even mean gender identity is you say well I don’t care what you say I feel like a woman I feel like a girl I

Sure I have a beard and I still have my twig and berries but I identify as a woman so I’m going into the girls change room now and I’m going to swim against the girls that’s gender identity gender expression is okay I shaved my beard I

Put on makeup and I’m pretending to be a girl if you run a foul of those two band characteristics you could be liable for a hate crime I mean listen we don’t have the details here yet but that Standalone hate crime is is life in prison it’s not just you I mean and

Think about what a controversy transgenderism trans transgenderism is in the country anyone who dares to challenge it can be charged with a hate crime am I wrong on John you’re you’re the guy who’s been looking at this through a legal lens is it true that if you criticize transgenderism and someone complains you

Could either be hit with a Criminal prosecution you could be hit with a recognizance order where you’re put under house arrest you could be prosecuted before the human rights tribunal and subject to $20,000 in compensation and $50,000 fine if you fight against transgenderism in a way that the government doesn’t like you

Could be refined or even jailed or put under house arrest did I get that right you got it right and this gets back to the duplication because the gender identity and gender expression have already been added to the criminal code of Canada so the willful promotion

Of hatred uh against a group on the basis of gender identity or gender expression is already a criminal code offense as things stand right now so potentially uh if you were a vifer Critic and maybe you didn’t choose your words wisely and you you came out with

With a a sledgehammer maybe you used an atomic bomb to kill a fly if you go over the top on criticizing this uh transgender ideology and and the activism uh you could be facing criminal charges but there there you would have the defense of Truth you would have the

Defense of discussing a topic in the public interest you would have the uh um you would have other defenses available the other duplicate of thing and this is really interesting the criminal code already empowers judges to uh uh impose a more severe penalty if the judge has

Who’s reviewed the facts and has looked into it if if the judge is sentencing somebody to a crime of uh sentencing somebody for murder or assault or vandalism or any other crime if the judge determines that that crime was motivated by hatred the judge already has the authority to impose uh

A stronger sentence now I’ll give you an example if there’s a bunch of idiot Thugs who very mindlessly put uh a bunch of graffiti on the wall on the outside wall of a synagogue but they don’t really care where they’re doing it and they’re just using any old wall they’re

Guilty of vandalism uh property destruction which is a criminal code offense however if they’re painting uh swastikas and slogans like death to the Jews on the synagogue wall they could get a more severe punish pment because that would be a hate crime so the judges already have the authority that that if

A crime property damage murder assault whatever if a crime is motivated by hate the judge can impose a more severe sentence that’s already on the books and this gets back to this Grand standing of you know oh well now we need a standalone hate crime no uh it’s one

Thing to have a stiffer penalty where there is evidence that the crime was motivated by hate but you have to actually be found guilty of doing that other crime of the underlying crime and and then you can get a higher penalty but a standalone hate crime is uh it’s just Orwellian

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Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms president John Carpay joins The Ezra Levant Show, where he tells Ezra Levant that the Trudeau government’s ‘online harms’ bill is an ‘Orwellian’ attack on free speech.
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  1. 0:29: ?? Federal cabinet's power to define social media providers without transparency and consultation is concerning.
    2:13: ? Critique of proposed legislation granting invasive powers to government over online platforms.
    04:14: ?? Proposed government regulations on online content control raise concerns over free speech.
    6:25: ?? Controversy over hate crimes for criticism of gender identity and expression in Canada.
    8:38: ?? Discussion on potential criminal charges for spreading misinformation and the use of hate motivation in sentencing.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  2. If you base this off of what the govt used to explain their invocation of the emergencies act, that being that the ruling liberals interpretation of parts of the act was different than what was written into the act, in other words they liberals changed the meaning of the law away from how it was written toward what they needed it to mean, then this new gives the liberals they authority to make any law up as they want, in whatever way, whenever they want, to fit any situation they want. This is a lawless govt. But then we've seen this liberal govt act this way many times

  3. Bitcoin is on its way to breaking records, getting closer to hitting new high prices, showing that it's gaining more value and could go even higher than we've seen before. This could mean great things for people looking to invest, suggesting now might be a good time to get involved before it jumps even higher. It's an exciting moment that could change the game in general…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 9.2Bitcoin….At the heart of this evolution is Mr John Preston, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. His holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make him an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment

  4. Title: Safeguarding Digital Dialogue: The Role of Digital Platforms in Modern Democratic Discourse

    Didn't the Liberal Party MPs assert their understanding of technology to the public? Indeed, a tremendous wave of technological innovation is sweeping across the globe, with a myriad of disruptive technologies rapidly accelerating and converging. This convergence is leading to a unique point in time where all these innovations will simultaneously provide new capabilities to humanity, creating a technological singularity akin to that anticipated with artificial intelligence.

    This acceleration in technological development is matched by an increasing pace in media creation from global and emerging countries, enriching and livening the now global, technological, business, and informational ecosystems.

    We are in the era of AI, marked by the invention and innovation propelled by humans and increasingly by AI itself. In this new age, there is a notable divergence between the efficiency of AI-driven economies and governmental operational efficiency which is not AI based, and not technology driven. This gap may widen significantly soon, and increasingly so, with governments potentially unable to manage the complexities of rapidly evolving societies and rapidly complexifying societies, especially as governmental growth might only be linear and hampered by economic, global sovereign debt wave limitations, demographic limitations, efficiency constraints, energy policy and other constraints.

    Governments that restrict themselves to using predominantly 20th-century frameworks, such as the parliamentary system, may find themselves ill-equipped to handle a highly agile, highly dynamic, highly threatening, and highly energetic, operational environments, equivalent to the combat command operations in the most intense wars. These legacy administrative governance frameworks were designed for slow agrarian and barely industrial societies, not designed for the post-computing age, let alone the era of Industry 4.0 technology emergence and AI/AGI. Without integrating emerging technologies, governmental systems may fail to keep pace with the exponential growth of complex societal needs, raising the risk of systemic collapse. see book : "The Collapse of Complex Societies".

    The Government of Canada, for example, has opted to employ AI-augmented and monitored digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and YouTube. These platforms not only serve the public but also act as tools for digital transformation and modernization within the government itself, for free, allowing employees to use these networks for official tasks effectively. This seamless integration has facilitated an exponential rise in operational efficiency without necessitating complex internal reforms, and has helped advance the speed of operations at Government of Canada to be in perfect sync with public sentiment and the exponential rise in the number of simultaneous threats, dangers, risks, challenges and dangers.

    Through these platforms, Canadian government professionals can efficiently harness 'crowd intelligence'—gathering, organizing, and processing public feedback, ideas, and concerns. This system enhances transparency and ensures that accurate information reaches the appropriate public representatives efficiently. It resembles working on a "Google Cloud Document," at a high tech corporation like Google, where multiple contributors, possibly SGT and Google AI teams one day, can collaborate efficiently, now applied to governmental operations, enabling public engagement, swift resolution of concerns, and timely policy updates. Furthermore, the transparency afforded by social media allows for a broader development of ideas, enhancing democratic engagement.

    However, the innovative prowess and the scientific advancements facilitated by these amazing social media tech platforms are under threat. Prime Minister Trudeau's implementation of strict censorship laws, online hams laws or hate speech laws, imposing severe penalties, risks stifling 'free speech', 'freedom of thought' (or posts), and hampering the digital platforms' role in "bridging the gap" between citizens and their representatives. This not only limits public discourse but also hinders the digital governance transformation, crucial for navigating the complexities of modern society and technology. In this role, SGT has taken the initiative to help demonstrate how citizens can not only 'bridge the skills gap' but also 'bridge the gap' between 'citizen needs and local data', to the Government Of Canada's 'advanced reasoning analysts' and 'decision-making MPs', and similar 'professional representatives'.

    The current approach, as developed by digital giants, serves as an effective management solution for governmental operations, not just fo public entertainment, education and business use. It creates an agile, energetic, and challenging environment necessary for modern governance, allowing for precise and informed decision-making. By leveraging the 'collective intelligence of Canada in it's entirety' and the 'analytical power of AI', the government can enhance its decision-making processes, aiming to build a stronger nation equipped with advanced reasoning capabilities, at 0$ cost.

    Yet, Trudeau's policies pertaining to censorship and online hams legislation, and the associated punishments designed to stop fee speech over these digital networks with government officials, risk impairing Canada's ability to adapt to the fast-paced digital era, hindering the nation's capacity to manage volatile information landscapes and emergent 5th generation conflicts, as well as preventing the agile and dynamic modernization of the Government necessary to deal with the vast set of problems set to materialized in the wold from 2020 to 2050, known as the "Great Filter", which is described on our web platform. Without the support of digital networks, the government risks being overwhelmed by the increasing complexity and myriad challenges of the 21st century, from climate change to technological disruptions.

    These networks, vital for a digitally enhanced society, enable Canada to navigate and manage the complexities of an increasingly intricate world. Without them, the government risks leading the country towards systemic failure, holding onto outdated management methods that are no longer viable in today's complex and rapidly evolving landscape.

  5. Columnist Andrew Coyne, who is related to the Trudeaus, said the bill was bad but "could have been a lot worse". The only thing worse than life in prison is the death penalty. Does Mr. Coyne know something we don't? The Liberals are legislative mavericks. Chilling.


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