Trudeau uses child exploitation as cover for latest censorship measures


Hey I don’t know if you saw the show last night or the full two and a half hour live stream I did in the middle of the day it was good but it was plotting I was going through slowly learning along with you I had not read the full

Thing before so I was sort of going slow and I was going in chronological order just sort of Page by page I I want to want to do now instead of doing a two and a half hour version I want see if I can get it down to 15

Minutes not just 15 minutes to summarize it but my thoughts on the whole thing a couple days in I think the first thing it’s what this bill is not about it’s not actually about child pornography that’s being banned by the criminal code for decades it’s not about revenge pornography where you filmed a

Partner and now you’re estranged and they’re an ex and you upload it to the internet in Vengeance that happens these days that’s been criminalized for 10 years Stephen Harper passed a Amendment to the criminal code in 2014 five years in prison if you do that this law is not

About getting social media companies to put a block button to ban to allow you to ban people who to harass you all of these things child pornography revenge porn social media safety that’s already in effect if you feel yourself saying yeah that’s a good idea we should ban

That or we should regulate that okay good um we’re doing that already that is not what this law is about that’s a distraction a misdirection illusion a trick when Trudeau rolled out family members who had child abuse issues he was actually using them he was re abusing them by making them human

Shields Cannon F to distract from his real goal it’s not that just the child pornography this bill talks about banning incitement of violence Banning incitement to terrorism I think you probably know those are already against the law we toughened up our anti-terrorism laws after 911 and inciting violence has being a crime even

Before Canada was born now this is really about censorship it’s obvious this bill creates not one not two but three new offices and agencies dedicated to censoring the inter each one of which has their own office their own staff their own budget their own CEO Plus in addition to those three new

Agencies it beefs up the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights tribunal to show you how important the censorship is the Justice Minister has a new title Justice Minister attorney general and minister of State for online harms as I said yesterday there are hundreds of laws in

Canada the criminal code has hundreds of sections the only one that is now part of the Justice Minister’s new title is this censorship Bill censorship is the heart of it the most shocking detail is a new Standalone hate crime offense punishable by life in prison I didn’t know the Liberals

Believed in life in prison they certainly don’t believe in it for murderers or rapists or terrorists but for hating the wrong people life in prison something equally shocking to me is the pre-crime nature where a judge can preemptively punish someone arrest someone put them under house arrest if

They fear they will in the future commit a hate crime put them in house arrest put an ankle bracelet on them make them undergo regular drug and urine tests seize their lawful Firearms ban them from talking to any particular person ban them from going to any particular

Place and if they resist these going straight to prison for not complying all before they’ve done a thing there’s other shocking things like a requirement that social media companies like Facebook or Twitter take down offensive posts within 24 hours or face huge fines which means that they will have no

Time to investigate or to hear the other side or to properly look into it they’ll simply take everything down when someone complains I think uh one of the most personal aspect of this is the renovation of section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act you may know that

That’s the provision that I campaigned on repealing when Steph Harper was the Prime Minister based on my own experience publishing the Danish cartoons of Muhammad we lobbied the Canadian government and parliament passed a law repealing the hate speech section to those putting it back in and this time it’s even worse he rewards

Complainants with $20,000 payments that is if you complain against Rebel news you can get up to $20,000 from us and cause us to have to pay $50,000 to the government you could complain for every single article WE Post because we tweet and and um use other social media for all of our

Journalism literally every single news story could attract a complaint to the Human Rights Commission for hate because a Money Maker Now this will create and fund an army of professional internet complainers I should say that hate speech to complain to the Human Rights Commission Now specifically includes criticizing gender identity or gender

Expression you might not even know what those words mean they’re so newfangled gender identity is when you look like a fella but you just say man I feel like a woman you can have a beard you can have your twig and berries but as long as you

Identify as a woman you’re a woman and you can go into a change room or a bathroom or a rape shelter every one of those things has happened in Canada you can go into a women’s prison gender expression is when you shave your beard and put on makeup but if you criticize

Either of these practices you could be prosecuted for a hate crime under this bill what’s even more terrifying and this is something new this is not uh the case I was prosecuted in human rights Court complainants can now keep their identity secret even from the accused so a complaint could come in

About a broadcast we do here who complained was it a competitor was it someone we wrote a critical article about was it someone in the liberal party was it an ex-employee or a personal friend who turned sour those are all relevant facts when you’re accused in a real Court so you can say

Oh I know this guy he’s just mad because of that or I know that guy he’s full of it because of this you don’t know who’s coming at you now the ability to look your accuser in the eye is removed in this bizarre law I used to think I used to think my

First reading of the bill I thought this is a war on Elon Musk because he’s taken over Twitter and made it for freedom of speech it is but it’s also a war on every big tech company I think Justin Trudeau looks to those companies and

Says well I want you to censor more for me but really he looks at them and he sees money in fact one of the most shocking parts of this bill is a proposal that 8% of a social media company’s Global revenues be a fine and 8% fine of their entire world Revenue

What so by the way I Googled it yesterday and I think Facebook had revenues of about $140 billion do us last year so 8% you’ve got a 10 billion us amount that the government of Canada thinks they’ll just take from Facebook um we’ll see how that goes down but of

Course Trudeau thinks he can spend money better than anyone can spend their own money there’s something else that is terrifying the power to get into the internal records and the uh computer files of any of these social media companies not to do some police work but to do advocacy and

Education but I don’t think it’s in the end really about hunting Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg I think in the end it’s about hunting you if you have written a Facebook post or a Twitter post five years ago 10 years ago even one that you’ve forgotten about the law specifically says if there

Is an offensive publication online that’s still online and you could delete it you have the power to delete it and you don’t you’re liable for it literally everything and anything you have ever written online can be used used against you you can be prosecuted for it a $20,000 punishment um if a

Complaint comes at you plus a $50,000 fine to fight that would probably cost you $20,000 in legal costs this is going to be rushed through Parliament of course Jack meet Singh and Justin Trudeau has just renewed their vows in their Coalition so what’s the public reaction mean so far the Canadian civil liberties

Association the Constitution Foundation the Justice Center for constitution freedoms have all said this is very troubling but there’s people who will profit by it Bernie Farber is one such name he was the chair of the so-called anti-hate Network that gets millions of dollars from American sources as well as

The the Trudeau government Farber is a misinformation expert here he is claiming that a pamphlet in Florida an anti-semitic pamphlet in Florida was actually being just distributed in Canada he used the exact photograph of when it was shot in Florida the guy’s a liar but he makes money out of whipping

Up hate so of course he loves this he’s gonna get rich off this I saw Stephen Camp the former hate speech officer the Edmonton Police Service who now works for the Canadian race relations Foundation paid for by taxpayers so what I’m saying is all the race husters The

Anti-hate huers Who griffed for a living off of this they love it because they no longer have to apply for Grants to get their money they can just file complaints for cash let me quote to you from an access to information request that we did with the government about

This Canadian anti-hate Network and how they get funded to file complaints take a look at this this is that group that Bernie Farber was associated with this is the hunter killer group that likes to smear conservatives this is from their Grant application to the government we got this through an access to

Information request look at this we continue to file professional and lawyer reviewed criminal complaints that provide evidence of criminal activity by members and supporters of hate promoting groups however since applying for the grant we have been disappointed to find that engaging law enforcement in this way is not particularly fruitful now

While we still file those complaints we put less of an emphasis there and pursue other legal Avenues in cases of criminality too EG lawyer drafted complaints to social media platforms I have no problem with the language and the agreement in regards to law enforcement as in version one

However if you have no objections I have admitted references to law enforcement in section one and section three any I won’t continue on but you can see that this is a letter from the Canadian anti-hate Network to the government of Canada saying we need money and we will

Take your taxpayers dollars and we will use this to file legal complaints and lawsuits against Trudeau’s enemies that’s how they operated until now but now they’re going to be given the legal right right to live off of us and off of you and anyone they complain

Against I think it’s going to be how they kill Rebel news by the way every single news report we do will be hit with a complaint for up to $70,000 per incident 20,000 to the complaintant 50,000 of the feds it’s sort of like what they’re doing to Trump endless

Nuisance suits just batter us repeatedly distract us waste our time and energy so what are we going to do about it number one the word to Canadians make videos about it write newss stories send out emails raise the alarm globally let the world know especially our American

Friends who care about freedom of speech what’s going on in their next door neighbor we have a petition so we can show the government how wrong it is stop the censorship. ca if we can get hundreds of thousands of names show the government how serious this is and I

Want to prepare for litigation now what do I mean by that this is not law yet it was just introduced this week hasn’t been voted on yet hasn’t been gone through the Senate yet hasn’t been proclaimed yet the human rights tribunal hasn’t been staffed up yet these three anti-hate censorship offices haven’t

Been hired yet it’s probably going to take months maybe even until 2025 so we do have some time but you know the instant that the power switches are flicked on I can’t imagine Rebel news wouldn’t be sued the very first day they’re Al live not for the life in prison stuff

But for the $70,000 battering ram every day every day that’s how they’re going to come for us and the moment this law is Al we will go to court if we have standing if we are we have to see the final version of the law are they coming

For us are they complaining against us are they investigating us the moment we can I want to be ready I want to do our legal research now I want to prepare the litigation now so the first time this law is used we pull the trigger and we go after it I

Want the facts to be solid and I want the lawyers to be great I want the best arguments I don’t want the first test case to be with a crummy lawyer or a crummy fact pattern we’re starting now Rebel news really has no choice here we have no choice in the matter don’t

You think don’t you agree with me that of every news agency of every contrary voice in this country that would be targeted by this bill Rebel news would be at the top of the list but don’t you also think that if anyone can fight back it’s going to be

Us and by us I mean we and you go to stopthe censorship. ca

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra broke down the Trudeau Liberals’ latest censorship attempt — Bill C-63. The Liberals introduced the ‘online harms’ bill earlier this week.

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