School closures in 4 districts due to heavy rain and sudden temperature drop in N.B.

All schools in 4 districts closed after rain, then plunging temperatures hit N.B.

“New Brunswick was hit by a fierce storm, bringing heavy rain and wind on Wednesday. But as the storm passed, temperatures plunged early on Thursday, prompting widespread school closures and travel disruptions across the province.

Schools in various districts, including Anglophone South, Anglophone East, Anglophone North, and Francophone Northeast, remained shut due to the severe weather conditions. However, Francophone South closed all schools except those in the Fredericton and Oromocto areas, while Francophone Northwest and Anglophone West schools opened with some delays in bus services.

Flash freeze warnings were issued by Environment Canada for most of the province, cautioning about freezing water, slush, and precipitation as temperatures plummeted. Flooding also caused road closures, with Sussex experiencing closures on at least 12 roads. CBC meteorologist Tina Simpkin noted that the rain had transitioned to snow rapidly as the cold front swept through the region.

Temperatures which reached as high as 11°C on Wednesday were forecasted to drop between -6°C and -14°C by Thursday afternoon, creating hazardous conditions for residents across New Brunswick. Additionally, over 7,000 customers were left without power, adding to the challenges faced by the communities in the aftermath of the storm.

As New Brunswick grapples with the impacts of the severe weather event, it serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of climate patterns and the importance of preparedness in the face of such emergencies. While the storm may have passed, its effects linger, highlighting the resilience of the province’s residents in navigating and overcoming such challenges. Let us take this opportunity to reflect on the need for proactive measures to mitigate the impact of future weather events and support one another in times of adversity.”



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