CTV National News | Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024: New information on 2019 lab firings


Tonight a question of foreign interference the release of secret documents into the high-profile firing of two scientists accused of sharing information with China China is by all evidence trying to interfere the unsealed Details four years later the sudden return of measles and the alarming rise of vaccine skepticism we

Have to have constant vigilance also co-ownership Canadian in sharing the dream and the cost of a home people are struggling to make mortgage payments plus a high degree of unpredictability weather warnings and Whiplash from coast to coast just like weather Wars and remembering comedian Richard Lewis what

Are you be no curbing the enthusiasm for his comical Legacy CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone New Revelations today about why two scientists were fired from their jobs at a Canadian facility that handles some of the world’s most dangerous viruses the husband and wife pair were escorted out

Of Winnipeg’s National microbiology lab in 2019 and let go in 2021 today more than 3 years later in hundreds of pages of newly released records details about the reason because the workers failed to protect sensitive assets information and their connections to China ctv’s Mike latur starts us off with the risks

Reaction and the findings it was supposed to be the most secure lab in Canada but newly released documents show the national microbiology laboratory in Winnipeg was anything but Dr Jing Juan key and her husband kading Jang were fired from their jobs after officials discovered the pair had a deep

Extensive relationship with China the employees in question uh were involved in a variety of different scientific Enterprises um that were not disclosed the information was contained in more than 600 pages of documents made public Wednesday part of that was an assessment by the Canadian Security intelligence service after doctor key had been

Suspended it said should she be reinstated at the nml Canada’s national security and the health of individuals may be put into Jeopardy adding despite her extensive scientific knowledge her behavior is incompatible with holding a government of Canada security clearance it’s a bit shocking it’s a bit disappointing to know that protocols weren’t followed

That uh some people didn’t do their job and that it’s not a surprise one of the allegations is that scientific information produced in Canada appeared on a Chinese patent another accusation one of the scientists intentionally shared information with China while Holland insists no sensitive information left the labs he does have cause for

Concern the lengths to which China was willing to go uh and is willing to go in a contemporary context um to influence uh science and and obtain information is deeply disturbing that’s why those in the intelligence Community believe this is yet another reminder that Canada must take foreign inter interference more

Seriously this is China’s business they do this they they do this all over the world for influence as well as through Espionage questions remain about how this could have gone on unchecked in the lab while the minister says officials could have and should have done better he doesn’t think that anyone else should

Be fired Omar all right Mike thanks the health unit responsible for one of Canada’s largest Children’s Hospital says it’s investigating exposures to measles and its ER the development comes as cases of the contagious virus are on the rise ctv’s Adrien gobrial on the new warnings ahead of spring

Break a deadly virus nearly eradicated makes a potent return measles we say is the canary in the coal mine outbreaks are rather explosive widely regarded as one of the most infectious deadliest diseases on the planet for children public health and Hamilton Ontario have issued this release that they’re investigating exposures in Hamilton

Related to a confirmed case of measles from another jurisdiction in nearby Branford Ontario a child is currently in hospital with measles following a trip to Europe we know that measles is circulating around the world and we’re expecting that we likely will have individuals come back to Canada and potentially um have contracted measles

The most recent public health data shows that during the first week of February there were four confirmed cases of measles across Canada that number is likely larger now with doctors pointing to vacc hesitancy the fact that this rhetoric has made people fearful and avoid getting a vaccine from one of the

Most deadliest diseases known to children like it’s it’s incredible that we’re having this conversation a new Angus Reed survey has found that one in six parents say they’re against vaccinating their children that’s a four-fold increase since before the pandemic in 2019 inside this Toronto vaccine clinic individuals

Of all ages arrive today wanting to ensure they’re protected moving forward it’s not very hard you just have to sit there and then they’re going to do the rest since being largely eliminated since 1998 in Canada each year a small cluster of measles cases do pop up

What’s different this time is reports of outbreaks in the US and Europe with spring break travel on the horizon we’re going to Disney World in a few weeks during March break and there’s an outbreak in Florida right now measles is an Airborne virus that can linger in an

Enclosed space for hours doctors are asking each of us to monitor for symptoms and if you’re sick stay home Omar all right Adrien thank you the federal government is under more pressure tonight to find out exactly how much a controversial pandemic travel measure cost the taxpayer this Roberts

Mr pzer Mr pzer opposition parties teamed up to pass a non-binding motion in the House of Commons giving the government less than a month to detail all expenses related to the arrive can app a recent audit estimates Canadians paid about $60 million for contract that was initially valued at over 2 million

And there is word tonight that as of 11:30 p.m. eastern time tomorrow Canada will be reimposing some visa requirements on Mexican Nationals visiting this country cdv’s Chief political correspondent vashi capelos is here to talk about the reasons for the measures but vashi tell us first why

Now hi Omar well they’re doing this now because of Pol political pressure largely coming from Quebec you’ll remember a letter recently sent from the province’s premier to the Prime Minister saying Quebec was nearing a quote breaking point in receiving Asylum Seekers Fran Leo specifically flagged people coming from Mexico thanks to the

Lifting of a Visa requirement and now Weeks Later the federal government is responding with this change in policy a senior government Source confirms to us that the new Visa will last for 10 years for successful applicants but if you’re already qualified for a Visa if you’ve already qualified rather for a Visa in

The last 10 years it will still apply if you qualify for one of the new ones you’re also going to be able to stay in the country for six months at a time and one more thing Omar the political pressure wasn’t just coming from Quebec it was also coming from the US which

Wanted Canada to reverse course and reinstate the Visas as well the big question politically will be whether this move does enough to assuage either the us or domestically maybe more importantly Quebec Omar all right bashy thank you and whether you’re seeking Asylum or not chances of finding an

Affordable place to call home are dimin finishing new numbers show Canada’s rental vacancy rate is the lowest it’s been since the 80s and rents have soared far above average annual increases of about 3% so some Canadians are taking the unconventional path to home ownership cdv’s BC bureau chief Andrew Johnson

Explains for many Canadians in 2024 a dream home is owning one at all people are struggling to make mortgage payments so they’re teaming up to share a home it’s both an affordability hack 100% Vancouver realtor Noom Dolan specializes in pairing up strangers to pull their resources you also get access to

Different types of housing so single family type homes with yards you can get access to neighborhoods that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to get into Christian VRA and his family currently split the rent in Metro Vancouver with a roommate now they’re shopping around to share a mortgage feels very comfortable

Living with her already and so you know rather than renting I think maybe it’s time to buy experts warn crafting a strong legal framework upfront is key sharing of space who gets what space uh what’s permitted in common areas who’s allowed to visit when are they allowed

To visit when do you sell the property a new le survey finds close to half of Canadians are willing to consider non-traditional ways of getting into the housing market and that’s being primarily driven by young people Millennials and uh Jen’s years uh it’s our it’s our largest client base peramal

Goai is one of the people behind an app bringing buyers together in Toronto where he’s seeing those young people partner with their Elders duplexes or triplexes where they’re all kind of supporting each other but also financially um being way more stable it’s a multi-generational model goai

Says he knows well given his South Asian Heritage a model he believes more Canadians are ready to Embrace they may not have a choice Andrew Johnson CTV News Vancouver parts of Canada got hit with a serious case of weather Whiplash today spring-like temperatures followed by a dramatic plunge to more seasonable

Weather in fact most of the country was under an alert today cdv’s Allison banford on the forecast a fever dream for those in Toronto regrettably dressing for summer too soon wearing shorts earlier today and it’s freezing cold right now frigid conditions dropped temperatures 20° this afternoon intense winds nearing 80 km an

Hour throwing debris from this construction site scattered power outages are affecting thousands everything is out even our heers everything is connected and everything is out the opposite effect in southern Saskatchewan where bitter cold wind chills as low Asus 40 closed these slopes for the day it’s always a difficult decision to make every

Province in the country is facing Nature’s wrath in one way or another parts of BC are bracing for 20 cm of snow and flash freeze warnings blanket Eastern Canada it’s almost like a Litany of weather misery in terms of uh either uh extreme cold or Flash freezes or rain

Or strong winds or storm surges I mean it is just everything just seems to be happening in about one or two days the weather roller coaster could carry through into spring in most parts of the country meteorologists predict drastic mood swings in the months ahead that could see summerlike temperatures followed by

Cold snaps and Stormy Weather Omar all right Ellison thank you in Texas the forecast is calling for rain and it is desperately needed hot and dry conditions are fueling the second largest wildfire in the state’s history menacing Flames have chewed up more than 850,000 acres of land threatening

Communities in the Panhandle the old oldest sitting US president got a clean bill of health today Joe Biden’s annual medical exam found the 81-year-old was quote fit for Duty that doctor’s approval comes as he seeks a second term in the White House and when the country

Votes in November the face of the Senate will be different one of the most influential American politicians is stepping down here’s ctv’s Washington bureau chief Joy mbin a standing ovation for the most powerful Republican in America Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell I’m no longer the young man sitting in the back

Hoping colleagues would remember my name it’s time for the Next Generation the Next Generation now led by Donald Trump and is make America great again brand of politics we need back McConnell blamed Trump for inciting the January 6th attack on the capital but refused to vote to convict Trump on impeachment

Grounds the two have not spoken in years he didn’t show the ultimate courage which would have been to vote to convict not everyone is sad to see McConnell go his hard ball political moves helped create today’s conservative majority Supreme Court for Trump that overturned abortion rights but after months fighting for

Ukraine Aid and pushing the importance of us leadership the Senate leader finds himself at odds with his own party believe me I know the politics within my party party at this particular moment in time I have many faults Mr understanding politics is not one of and after a

Series of Health scares a concussion and freezing while speaking all right I’m sorry you all we’re going to need a minute Connell says at 82 it’s time to move On as President Joe Biden’s campaign fights off attacks that he’s too old at 81 for a rematch against 77-year-old Trump age in US politics is a big concern get out of here so far McConnell has not endorsed Trump’s re-election bid for president McConnell will leave leadership in November but continue on

As a senator until his term expires in 2027 Joy malbin CTV News Washington the US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on whether Donald Trump is immune from prosecution on charges to overturn the 2020 election arguments are scheduled to begin in late April and that means his criminal trial will be

Delayed even further possibly until after the November election Ottawa said late today a Canada is working on a humanitarian airdrop in Gaza quote as soon as possible that will not involve Canadian military aircraft the news comes as Israeli officials said the first delivery of food arrived in

Northern Gaza this week the UN says nearly 600,000 people are on the verge of famine the Palestinian red crescent Society released this footage of medic searching through Rubble for survivors after what it says was an Israeli strike on a house meanwhile families of those held hostage by Hamas have begun a 4-day

March from Southern Israel to Jerusalem demanding the release of their relatives the Russian capital is gearing up for a rare display of dissent at the public funeral of Kremlin critic Alexa naali on Friday I’m not sure yet whether it will be peaceful or whether police will arrest

Those who have come to say goodbye to my husband nal’s wife addressed European lawmakers today nearly two weeks after the 47-year-old died at an Arctic penal colony Western leaders and supporters blame Vladimir Putin for his death coming up they are not the Silver Bullet for Alberta’s electricity needs

Alberta’s sweeping new room rules and restrictions for power Projects Alberta’s 7-month pause on new renewable projects is coming to an end and as it does the province is placing new rules and restrictions on where green power projects can be built ctv’s Annie bar Oliver on the power Clash for years Alberta has been the go-to place for renewable energy projects but

Industry experts fear new government policies could slow that momentum a slower pace of development and probably slightly higher prices for albertans uh in renewable energy would be two big outcomes starting March 1st the Alberta Government is introducing 35 kmet buffer zones around what it calls protected areas and pristine viewscapes where wind

Projects cannot be built projects on Crown Land will now be reviewed on a case-by Case basis and new Renewables cannot be built on the most fertile agricultural lands without a clear plan for how the project can safely coexist with crops and livestock we need to ensure that we’re not sacrificing our future agricultural

Yields or tourism dollars or breathtaking VI Scapes to rush Renewables developments through the government says its new agriculture first changes will lay the framework for a more affordable and reliable energy grid Renewables have a place in our Energy Mix but the fact remains that they are inter and unreliable they are

Not the Silver Bullet for Alberta’s electricity needs and they are not the Silver Bullet of electricity affordability but environmental experts say the premier’s framing is misguided we need to make sure that we continue to develop our least expensive forms of energy so that albertans can have some affordability back in their lives Dan

Balaban heads one of the largest renewable developers in Alberta there still will be projects uh but probably not nearly as many he says today’s change is part of a battle between Alberta and Ottawa over Net Zero goals ultimately what ended up happening is the renewable energy Industries uh been

C caught in the crossfire and uh I don’t think that’s fair renewable energy is a business another one of the changes is that developers will now be responsible for putting up money to pay for the eventual cleanup costs of their renewable energy projects Annie berson Oliver CTV News Ottawa five former

Members of Canada’s 2018 World Junior hockey team accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a London hotel have been granted a trial by jury a trial date for the five players likely won’t be set for months and an update to a story we told you about last night fast food chain Wendy’s

Has now flipped its decision vowing it has no plans to raise menu prices at times of peak demand the burger chain was grilled on social media with accusations of price gouging the term surge pricing was popularized by Uber Uber which has long charged higher fairs during busier periods still ahead

Remembering Richard Lewis there’s a pronoun in the basement oh my God the king of self-deprecating humor Dies the entertainment world is remember bring beloved standup comedian and star of Curb Your Enthusiasm Richard Lewis who has died I told him what I told him I was happy that’s what I’m telling him how can you steal my termination best known for his self-deprecating dark humor Lewis starred alongside close

Friend Larry David on the HBO show their natural Synergy of getting under each other’s skin was captured on last week’s episode I have better news for you I’m leaving you in my will I’m tweaking it and you’re in it no no no don’t don’t do that it’s done you’re in man Lewis

Showcased a Charming combination of neuroticism and principled stances the plan is a plan a confirmation is a guarantee you’re going to show up okay Sunday same time same place well I’ll need a confirmation he rose to prominence in the 1980s as a sarcastic sharp-witted comic you get set in your

Ways I’m eccentric I know it’ be I can’t imagine having someone want to live with me less than a year ago he revealed his battle with Parkinson’s Lewis passed away peacefully at his home in Los Angeles after suffering a heart attack he was 76 years old coming up after the break we are

Here to you know not only just be part of the uh you know exploration in space uh but to also lead the way remarkable first images from the surface of the Moon and the Canadian Tech that brought them back to Earth we have a fascinating new Glimpse tonight of the Moon captured by Landers that is still showing signs of Life despite being written off and as Garrett Barry tells us the fresh perspective was captured with Canadian Tech you’re looking out of the lens of a canadian-made camera most of the images

You’ve seen if not all of them uh from intuitive machines uh that look sort of like a like a round Globe have come from our cameras technology designed in Toronto has made the long and difficult trip to the moon finding a solution that can do all that as Electronics to

Survive the temperature that won’t get fried going through the radiation belts and can withstand a very tough launch environment canadensis supplied seven cameras in total for the im1 mission and because of today’s news that adicus will soon sleep but may come back to life in a few weeks the company would still busy

Today in their own mission operations room for the ILX uh for for that Imaging system our role has been to uh create all the scripts so turning on and off the camera how long you’re going to image it for where you’re going to store the data how you’re going to move the

Data from the camera to the Lander um looking at all the images once they come down they hope to have their cameras on the very first lunar Observatory part of their role in the current adicus mission was to test those cameras in harsh space conditions there’s a second Canadian

Company MDA that’s applied for this Mission too NASA’s new model of partnering with private companies is allowing some Canadians to get in on the action but it’s also just you know Canada really standing up and saying like we are here to you know not only just be part of the uh you know

Exploration in space uh but to also lead the way with astronaut Jeremy Hansen set to become become the first Canadian to fly by the moon on the upcoming Artemis 2 mission it’s an exciting time for our country’s space industry G Barry CTV News St John’s and that’s a snapshot of

This Wednesday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and see you Tomorrow

New information on the high-profile firings of two scientists in 2019; concerns vaccine hesitancy may allow a deadly comeback for measles.

1:05 New information on lab firings
3:52 Measles cases cause concern
6:39 New visa requirements
7:54 Alternative home ownership
10:05 Wild weather across Canada
12:11 Mitch McConnell stepping down
16:14 Roadblocks for renewable energy
21:01 Canada’s connection to lunar lander

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  1. High density rental (ghetto) housing will only make things worse for crime. In addition it makes it so canadians must rent. I personally don't want to pay someone else's mortgage. I want to be able to afford to own my own home.


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