Alta. guideline changes may impact renewable energy projects


Alberta’s 7-month pause on new renewable projects is coming to an end and as it does the province is placing new rules and restrictions on where green power projects can be built ctv’s Annie B Oliver on the power Clash for years Alberta has been the go-to place for renewable energy

Projects but industry experts fear new government policies could slow that momentum a slower piece of development and probably slightly higher prices for albertans uh in renewable energy would be too big out comes starting March 1st the Alberta Government is introducing 35 km buffer zones around what it calls protected areas and pristine viewscapes

Where wind projects cannot be built projects on Crown Land will now be reviewed on a case-by casee basis and new Renewables cannot be built on the most fertile agricultural lands without a clear plan for how the project can safely coexist with crops and livestock we need to ensure that we’re not

Sacrificing our future agricultural yields or tourism dollars or breath taking viewscapes to rush Renewables developments through the government says its new agriculture first changes will lay the framework for a more affordable and reliable energy grid Renewables have a place in our Energy Mix but the fact remains that they are intermittent and

Unreliable they are not the Silver Bullet for Alberta’s electricity needs and they are not the Silver Bullet of electricity affordability but environmental experts say the premier’s framing is misguided we need to make sure that we continue to develop our least expensive forms of energy so that albertans can have some affordability

Back in their lives Dan Balaban heads one of the largest renewable developers in Alberta there still will be projects uh but uh probably not nearly as many he says today’s change is part of a battle between Alberta and Ottawa over Net Zero goals ultimately what ended up happening

Is the renewable energy Industries uh been C caught in the crossfire and uh I don’t think that’s fair renewable energy is a business another one of the changes is that developers will now be responsible for putting up money to pay for the eventual cleanup costs of their renewable energy projects Annie berson

Oliver CTV News Ottawa

Annie Bergeron-Oliver explains how advocates fear changes to Alberta’s renewable energy guidelines may limit their progress in the sector.

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