Trudeau Liberals seeking to censor, punish those who share ‘content that foments hatred’


The online harms Act is enacted as follows definitions let’s spend a little bit of time on definitions the following definitions apply in this act child means a person who was under 18 so that’s relevant when they talk about bullying and we’ll get to that a little bit later commission is the

Digital safety commission content that FS hatred this is very interesting I mean means content that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act and that given the context in

Which it is communicated is likely to foment detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of such a prohibited ground let me translate so it they’re saying hatred means if you detest something that’s just sort of a thesaurus hatred and I hate something I detest

Something sort of the same thing vilify is is to say is a little more than hate it’s to it’s to say you’re awful I I don’t just hate you I think you’re evil that’s vilification detestation a little bit different but content that FS foments hatred that’s such an important concept because

Like when I was charged with uh hate speech for publishing the Danish cartoons of Muhammad I didn’t actually do anything uh I didn’t Express hatred towards anyone they didn’t say I did what they said I did is by publishing something quote likely to expose a person to hatred or contempt so they

Said that by publishing those Danish cartoons of Muhammad why don’t we throw them up on the screen while I’m talking by publishing those Danish cartoons of Muhammad in a news article I was likely to cause person a to hate person B didn’t happen they had no evidence of it happening no one said

It happened no one was harmed it didn’t happen it might Poss possibly in the future happen likely to expose a person to hatred or contempt but it’s not it’s not an actual um harm not even a fake harm of you hurt my feelings I was prosecuted for 900 days

You can go to Wikipedia and you’ll find it there I think they still have it they may have taken it down now just go to Danish cartoons Wiki and you should be able to find it wouldn’t surprise me if it was taken down uh 15 years ago you

Were allowed to see that online yeah there it is just click that yeah they you they won’t they won’t let you see a large copy of it so this was the Danish cartoons of Muhammad you can see some of them are very mild two of them are a little bit edgy

One looks like a turban is a bomb that’s in the top and one is two women in a burka and a guy with a sword but the other ones are pretty friendly that top left one there um it’s the cartoonist drawing Muhammad the the middle left on the top

One looks like a stylized Olympic logo or something the one on the right Muhammad looks sort of friendly um that one on the left middle there it says stop stop we’ve run out of virgins a commentary on suicide bombers you can see one that looks like a guy in the

Desert with a a donkey you know sort of like a Illustrated Bible the one on the bottom left there um that boy is named Muhammad and he’s basically saying something like I’m Mohammad I’m a kid here in Denmark or something so that’s it these these cartoons they caused huge boycotts riots

Around the world hundreds of people killed in riots about these cartoons people who had not even seen the cartoons we did a news story about it simply doing a news story about that news event was deemed likely to expose a person to hatred or contempt that is now criminalized content that fants hatred

Or might foment it’s likely to ferment show the law again is likely to ferment just detestation do you see that likely to highlight that on the screen likely to so it it didn’t happen yet might not happen if it happens no one was stabbed no one was punched they just had hard

Feelings that’s not a crime that’s what content the fance hatred means you didn’t have to hurt anyone you didn’t have to damage anyone you didn’t no one had to show that you they lost a dollar or lost a friend or had anything bad happen to them it’s

Just that they could have it was likely to expose me to what to hard feelings that’s now crime just keep trucking content that incites violence well that’s already against the criminal code this is a distraction inciting violence is against the criminal code it has been ever since we’ve had a criminal call

Let’s keep going content that incites violence extremism or terrorism keep scrolling down that’s against the law right now that’s not new that’s just in there to distract you content that induces a child to harm themselves well this is interesting because remember we just read the definition of a child anyone under

18 so what does this mean content that Advocate self AR harm does that include cutting off God forbid your breasts as a girl or you penis if you’re a boy that’s what they’re talking about with their transgender surgery child was defined as anyone under 18 and this says content that

Induces a child to harm themselves mean content that Advocates self harm disordered eating or Dying by Suicide or that counsels a person to commit or engage in any of these acts I would put it to you that it’s self harm to chop up children in the transgender gender affirming surgery um

Is that a crime yeah I don’t think so I think uh I think Trudeau will use this as L Bar say this will be applied against whoever the government wants to uh content that sexually victimizes a child or revictimized a Survivor obviously everyone agrees with this um

Much of this is already in the law and if we need to update the law so be it but that’s not the purpose of this law that’s not the new offices that’s not the new hunter killer uh Commissioners that’s not the $20,000 bound uh for having your feelings hurt this is

The window dressing that they want you to focus on content used to bully a child again a child could be 17 and a half years old um means content or an aggregate of content that given the context in which is communicated could cause serious harm to a child’s physical or mental

Health what does that mean what does the word bully mean I mean I suppose we know it when we see it to criminalize bullying for 17 someone who’s 17 years and 10 months old basically an adult you can criminalize communicated content if it could cause serious harm to a person’s mental health this

Is threatening to criminalize social interactions that might include just harsh banter hazing in a friendly way theoretically even harsh criticism from a family member or from a teacher or anything well I mean I the word bully is so vague in fact I don’t think the word bully

Itself in fact the word bully itself is not actually defined in this in this law

Ezra Levant discusses the perils of Trudeau’s latest online censorship bill, including punishing those who create content that could ‘foment detestation.’

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  1. So the bill is a larger and wider blasphemy law. The real problem will occur when a person speaks the truth about something or someone and the government believes it is harming their diversity, equity and inclusion policies.

    This is a bill that will do far more harm than good no matter how much our government will portray it as better than sliced bread.

  2. if they can't define hate, how in the hell are they going to charge anyone? I have a feeling they're pushing this bill for worse reasons, beyond Trudeau's ego. What if we were to go to war- our rights would vanish, and bills like this would pass immediately (?)

  3. Anti rainbow cult content will obviously be considered content that foments hatred but you can be sure that any anti white or anti conservative content (despite absolutely being content that foments hatred by their own definition) will be just fine and allowed.

  4. Then why isn’t Trudeau and company massively censored when he or they in Government act or speak in a hateful manner.
    It’s been proven that citizens in Canada have been harmed by him or his Government.
    Aren’t Dictators one of the most hateful person in society???

  5. Canada's MAID program clearly violates one of those provisions. It is amazing how the importance of mental health is stressed here, yet ignored when it comes to the pronoun gang and their confused sexuality.

  6. Trudeau is really following the dictators handbook. Such a need to control, everything. please keep in mind that for the entirety of Canadian history, few of the things he wishes to do were necessary, and the country got along just fine. of course, the Internet is fairly new but it is coming up on 30 years old, and people never needed the federal government to hold their hand when using it.

  7. Amazing how wimpy Canada has become. We won't be able to talk soon for fear of hurting someone's feelings. What a sick government we have. trudeau is causing mental anguish everyday by his crimanal and craziness. He should be charged with treason. Thank you Rebel for putting this out. God bless.

  8. This bill right here is only about controlling speech and doesn't do anything to protect anyone. There are already laws in place to protect children, plus web browsers have safety settings which parents can turn on to prevent their kids seeing unwanted things. We all remember in a few of Trudeau's interviews where he mentioned that criticizing him is hateful, so we can all expect what will happen if this becomes law.

    This is bill is for crushing political dissidents and to control their agenda and narrative. Trudeau saw how successful CCP China is in controlling the internet and wants to do the same. After he passes this bill, he will then start to arrest political dissidents, probably including politicians who oppose his view. This will create fear amongst all the other parties and will cause the other parties to always be in line with them and their narrative (creating a fake sense of democracy).

    99% sure this bill is going to be rammed through like C-11 and C-18 and become law. Once this law is implemented, he will have total control and the people will no longer be able to fight back (look at CCP China). In China, they take down content that the CCP do not approve of very quickly (usually within a few minutes to an hour) and then disappear those people during nighttime. Trudeau also mentioned about implementing digital ID after this bill is passed in a recent interview. He said that if a person would like to access the internet, then they will need the digital ID to do so.


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