Leap year: Will you be working for free this Feb. 29?


You could call it a February freebie but it can also be a February bonus and it depends on how your compensation is set up if you’re paid hourly or per shift you have an extra day pay but if you’re a salaried worker with a fixed amount annually that isn’t adjusted for leap

Years then you are technically working pro bono on February 29th bright hr’s Thea Watson says employers and employees alike have questions about what the leap year means for them we have an AI power chat bot that over the last few weeks the number of queries going into it by

Our current customers has been doubling if not tripling because everyone has this Burning question labor lawyer John Pinkus says it depends on the kind of contract and setup that you have in place for most employees in fact I’ll say the vast majority of employees you should expect it is going to be business

As usual unless you have a contractual entitlement that is based on the amount of days per year if you have an annual salary then that’s not going to change if you have a weekly salary uh that’s very likely not going to change this is not an unforeseen circumstance where things

Can get really complicated is for minimum wage workers who are compensated on an annual basis if their pay Falls below minimum wage because of that extra day they may be entitled to extra compensation and gaviola Global News Toronto

With the leap year, a once-every-four-years compensation conundrum reappears: who gets paid more because there’s an extra day in the year, and who ends up essentially working for free?

Thea Watson from BrightHR noted a significant increase in queries from customers about this issue, explaining that “We have an AI-powered chat bot that over the last few weeks, the number of queries going into it by our current customers has been doubling — if not tripling — because everyone has this burning question.”

Global’s Anne Gaviola explains how this is decided and why there’s more at stake for people making minimum wage.

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