United Party of Canada debuts in Durham byelection as a newly formed political entity

Newly formed United Party of Canada makes its debut in the Durham byelection

Introducing Grant Abraham: The Man Behind the United Party of Canada

Grant Abraham, a father of four boys and a dedicated husband, has emerged onto the Canadian political scene with a mission. As the founder of the United Party of Canada, Abraham has chosen the riding of Durham as the battleground to debut his new right-of-centre party. But what exactly does Abraham stand for and why is his party gaining attention? Let’s delve into the core beliefs and principles that drive the United Party of Canada.

Reclaiming Social Conservatism: The Core of the United Party of Canada

Abraham believes that the current Conservative Party of Canada has betrayed social conservatives, a significant portion of the Conservative base. He aims to integrate social conservative values back into the political discourse, drawing inspiration from the Reform Party era. With a focus on grassroots support and a fiscally conservative approach, Abraham’s party seeks to reignite the social conservative agenda that he feels has been lost in the modern Conservative landscape.

Challenging the Status Quo: The Vision of the United Party of Canada

The United Party of Canada differs from the CPC on key policies such as withdrawing from the Paris Accords, opposing funding for abortion overseas, strengthening traditional family values, and opposing Medical Assistance in Dying. Abraham’s party also takes a strong stance against globalism and Trudeau’s vision of a “post-national” Canada. By challenging the influence of international organizations and advocating for Canadian sovereignty, the United Party of Canada offers a distinctive perspective on the country’s future direction.

A Spiritual Battle: Bringing Faith into Politics

Abraham is not just focused on political issues but also on spiritual ones. He believes that Canada is entrenched in a spiritual battle and that without a foundation rooted in spirituality, the nation risks losing its way. By incorporating spirituality into the national discussion, Abraham aims to reignite the values that built the country and provide a framework for addressing current challenges.

The Road Ahead: A Compelling Future for the United Party of Canada

As Abraham and his party set their sights on the future, their goal is to target 250 seats in the next general election. While Abraham was denied a candidacy in the Conservative leadership race, he remains committed to introducing his party to Canadians and building its presence across the country. Although the Conservative candidate, Jamil Jivani, is the frontrunner in the Durham by-election, Abraham sees the bigger picture – the opportunity to offer Canadians a new perspective on politics and governance.

In conclusion, Grant Abraham and the United Party of Canada represent a fresh voice in the Canadian political landscape. By championing social conservatism, challenging the status quo, and embracing spirituality in politics, Abraham offers a unique vision for the future of the country. Whether or not the United Party of Canada gains traction remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – Abraham’s passion and determination have put his party on the map as a contender worth watching.



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