Deloitte Canada reveals game-changing blueprint for electrified fleet charging infrastructure success on the road

Revolutionizing the road: Deloitte Canada unveils blueprint for electrified fleet charging infrastructure success

“In the race to decarbonize commercial vehicle transportation in Canada, Deloitte Canada has unveiled crucial strategies for success. Their latest report, ‘Power to the Fleet: Choosing the best charging infrastructure and commercial ecosystem for your electric vehicles,’ dives deep into the role of fleet electrification in advancing Canada’s climate goals. Let’s explore the key insights and recommendations that can shape the future of transportation in the Great White North.

The Urgency of Fleet Electrification
Commercial vehicles account for just 20% of all vehicles but contribute over 60% of road transport emissions in Canada. With the country aiming to achieve 30% zero-emission new vehicle sales by 2030 and 100% new truck and bus sales by 2040, the need for fleet electrification is more pressing than ever. The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is not just about reducing emissions but also about preparing businesses for the evolving mobility landscape.

Navigating the Challenges of Charging Infrastructure
One of the critical constraints in the EV transition identified by Deloitte is charging infrastructure. With over a million EVs expected on Canadian roads by 2025, stakeholders must collaborate effectively to meet the growing demand for charging infrastructure. Strategic planning and partnership across the fleet ecosystem are essential to overcome this challenge and drive meaningful change.

Innovations and Solutions for Success
The report highlights key findings, innovations, and solutions that can pave the way for successful fleet electrification. Fleet owners must choose between behind-the-fence and outside-the-fence charging options based on their operational needs and business models. Accessing financing opportunities and leveraging green financing and government grants can significantly reduce costs, facilitating broader electrification efforts.

Looking Towards a Sustainable Future
As we strive towards a zero-emission future, collaboration is paramount in driving meaningful change. The report emphasizes the importance of partnerships across industries and sectors to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. Establishing EV charging infrastructure requires collective action and coordination with utilities, contractors, and government bodies. Deloitte Canada is committed to supporting stakeholders in navigating this complex and critical transition towards a sustainable future.

The journey towards decarbonizing commercial vehicle transportation in Canada is challenging but essential for building a more sustainable tomorrow. By leveraging strategic insights, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts, we can drive meaningful change and create a cleaner, greener future for generations to come. Let’s work together to power the fleet towards a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.”



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