Canadian citizen faces $6,250 quarantine fine amid ArriveCAN app scandal


I was 17 when the commun when communism in Poland collapsed but I lived I experienced myself the martial law tanks on the streets and I my hometown is actually where Le valenza comes from so uh and my school was 200 meters to the shipyard and uh so I was the uh the

Witness of what’s going on and when covid-19 uh craziness hit 20 2020 it was very clear for me from the very beginning when I’ve seen all those mechanism of control so um it was very clear to me that it’s not about health that is about control so Alexa Ben news and I’m

Currently in Montreal and you know most of the people think that Health measure is done life is back to normal but no today we have an interview with Jacob and Jacob have been the victim of one of the Hefty fine that people have received for not respecting the quarantine when returned from a

Travel he went there because he had a really important reason in his ear to explain what happened this interview took place last Autumn and the court date has been rescheduled to April 15 2024 to allow us to seek assistance for the democracy found in challenging Mr

Mser fine Mr muler is one of many victim of the so-called arri scam ha which has CA taxpayer more than 59 million of dollars this ha used to track and gather the vaccination status of Canadian is currently under investigation in the house of common this is a significant Scandal especially considering that one

Of the consultant involved in this matter who received the most money open since 2011 two companies in fiscal paradise and is apparently known to the RCMP in other investigations if you would like to fight back against this hap and support Jacob in contesting this excessive fine you can contribute to no

Arrive to help cover the expenses associated with his legal battle can you just like tell us a little bit who you are sure hi uh my name is Jacob I’m a Canadian citizen but I’m originally polish my whole family is still in Poland and um last year in May

2022 uh my mother passed away so I made everything possible to attend her funeral and from the very start was very difficult because uh the government didn’t want to help at all even for compassionate reasons in May 2022 uh it was the time when uh the measures will Li were lifted for

Vaccinated people for covid-19 however they were kept for unvaccinated people but it was known officially that both could carry get the virus and get sick so there was no scientific or medical ground to keep it it was merely a pun punitive measure okay before returning

To Canada I was obliged to fill out an a form uh in arrive Canada application and declare whether I was uh vaccinated or not and then this application would uh would tell me okay you have to self isolate so then I believe that based on this information I

Was entered my my uh my information was entered into the system and I was supposed to self isolate for 14 days but at one day day I was just climbing the walls and I decided that I need to clear my thoughts and uh I took my car I was

Just driving around and I was stopped by the cop he was surprised we had a short conversation he he checked my uh my license and then he gave it back to me told me to go back home which I did at the time he didn’t hand me any any

Ticket he said nothing he just told me to go home I went home and and 15 months later I got the ticket $6,250 ticket in the mail he didn’t say it he was behind me and this is a common practice I believe that the cops are scanning plates randomly so it must have

He must have just seen it and the system that it uh he didn’t tell me he just said to me is it your car are you Mr and I said yes and why aren’t you at home and I said and then I try to explain why

How was your reaction when you get the ticket in the mail nothing surprises me anymore here in Canada so I thought that maybe I met a human being at the time that maybe he didn’t report it and I’m a healthy person because guess what to to be able

To travel to come back to Canada I needed to have a negative covid test result well he reported it and it took the uh the crown almost uh more than a year just to s s me that ticket and now I have a court case it’s in December on the 20th

Of December 2023 want you have your t on the fact that your ticket is on the criminal and penal Department how do you feel about that well how do I feel about it I’m a law abiding citizen and uh all I did was to attend my mom’s funeral and

To drive my own car and I wasn’t even speeding it’s it’s wrong and I contest this ticket to be honest I I’m not sure about my Approach how to how to fight it because on moral grounds I would love to go there and say in the courts this is

Wrong I have done nothing wrong and crossing the border here in Canada it was a Nut House the airport was just completely crazy and there in Europe was a completely different world people were free already in 2021 and uh so they don’t understand they were never

Oppressed by the state as much as we have been MH I’m a little bit afraid and concerned about the future of my kids because the thing is that the people that has done it to us have done it to us they’re still in power if I had a few

Responses uh but not from the politicians you are the third one to respond and I’m very grateful for that can we know like who did respond to you it was de the Democracy found and uh um I think the Justice Center for constitutional freedoms actually they

Helped me to get uh to Poland last year because upon their suggestion I’ve uh found this loophole that’s another thing the government lied to us uh telling us that we can’t leave the country we could there was a way to do it and I even call

The uh I know I’m changing the subject a little bit but this is the broader context uh I’ve even called the Ministry of Health of Canada uh last year and they were not able to give me any law that would forbid us to to um to leave the

Country or to Bard a plane it was merely basically the uh uh the policies that were the policies Arab can also called AR scam it’s one of the most huge scandal in Canadian history 59 million of dollars in taxpayer money being used to create a app for not only tracking Canadian but

Csing them to being vaccinated now it’s under scrutiny at the house of common but we are going to do our part we are going to fight along some of the victim of this ha and we will challenge it legally so if you want to contribute you can do so at no arve chip in generously right now if you can

| The ticket, issued without prior warning or explanation, has left Jakub Malcer bewildered and frustrated. ‘I’m a law-abiding citizen, and all I did was attend my mum’s funeral and drive my own car. I wasn’t even speeding,’ he said.
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  1. if he was caring this would never happen, when will you all wake up you can't make laws if you're not n a voting card wake up the Prime Minster is not on a voting card till you all wake up to this, we are doomed you already to send your kids to fight a war for nazis?

  2. I was a victim of ArriveCan as well. I was attempting to return to Canada but had been hit with Covid while away. At great cost I extended my stay outside of Canada by 17 days to recover and not be contagious. Upon my return I was forced to test and forced to quarantine 14 additional days. The PHAC agent at the airport threatened me with a fine and a hotel stay at my cost if I did not comply. The agent (under demand by the RCMP present) provided her ID to me. My lawsuit includes the agent, PHAC, CBSA and the health minister of BC. When the government changes, I will commence my lawsuit and hopefully set a precedence for everyone victimized by ArriveCan and the Trudeau driven rights violations


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