Outrage sparked by ‘Disturbing’ Robert Picton t-shirt featuring ‘hookery smoked bacon’ – BC

‘Disturbing’ t-shirt with Robert Picton holding ‘hookery smoked bacon’ causes outrage - BC

“Imagine wearing a t-shirt that glorifies and makes light of a heinous serial killer’s actions – that’s exactly what a controversial t-shirt featuring Robert Pickton is doing, and it’s sparking outrage across Canada.

The Horrific History of Robert Pickton
Robert Pickton, known as one of Canada’s most infamous serial killers, operated on his pig farm in Port Coquitlam for years, killing multiple women before being apprehended. Evidence of his crimes included body parts and DNA samples scattered throughout his property. His crimes were unspeakable, and the victims’ families are still haunted by the brutality of his actions.

The Insensitive T-shirt Stirring Up Controversy
Recently, a t-shirt featuring Pickton with a smirk on his face while holding a slice of bacon surfaced, with the words “Picton Farms, over 50 flavours of hookery smoked bacon” emblazoned on it. The insensitivity of this merchandise is appalling, with many, including Tanya Holyk’s cousin, Palexelsiya Lorelei Williams, expressing their disgust and disbelief at the mockery of the victims.

The Profit Off Tragedy
The t-shirt is being sold on the Danger Cats website, and despite the outrage, the merchandise is marked as sold out. The Canadian comedy troupe behind the t-shirt has defended their controversial actions, citing comedy as a tool for keeping important issues in the spotlight. However, victims’ families like Williams see it as a tasteless attempt to profit off the tragedies that have scarred so many lives.

Unwavering Criticism and Calls for Accountability
B.C. Solicitor General Mike Farnworth and community members are among those condemning the t-shirt, labeling it as misogynistic and vile. Cancelled shows and calls for sincere apologies are echoing across the country, with venues refusing to host the Danger Cats due to their offensive remarks.

A Closing Thought
In the midst of this controversy, one thing is clear – the pain and suffering caused by individuals like Robert Pickton should never be trivialized or used for profit. It is crucial for society to come together, acknowledge the harm caused, and work towards honoring the memory of the victims while holding those responsible accountable.

Let this serve as a reminder that true healing and progress can only begin when we confront the darkness of our past with empathy, humility, and a genuine commitment to justice.”



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