Community votes to ban Pride crosswalks in small town of Westlock in Alberta


Well a town in Alberta has voted to ban rainbow crosswalks that celebrate Pride it passed by a slim margin in Westlock that’s north of Edmonton after put to a town vote ctv’s Miriam Valdez caretti is tracking the story and joins us now with more uh mam good morning and take us

Through this vote what led to it and what it means well good morning Roger yes this vote happened late last night and there were 24 vot that ended up having this motion passed and this was about 13 just over 1300 people who cast their vote and essentially this now means that the

Existing rainbow crosswalk just outside near City Hall must now be removed and they did they did excuse me Implement restrictions saying that only government Flags can now be flown in the town and this all came about uh last September when a group demanding neutrality in public spaces delivered a petition to

Council with signatures from 10% of the town’s nearly 5,000 residents and we also know that this happened last year in a town in Southern Ontario but essentially um you know leading up to this vote the town’s mayor did ask members to vote opposing this vote he even listed out a series of videos

Asking people to consider you know the lgbtqs plus community and saying how you know having this ban might impact the community in terms of having people want to move to this town now is this something we’ve seen in other cities as well or is this a

First yeah well this isn’t the first in Canada that we know of um we know that there was a town in Southern Ontario Norwich that had this happen um and we do know that um this happened with pride Flags in the municipal area and that decision was actually ruled overruled

Last month leading Council to pass a motion allowing a list of pre-approved Flags including the pride flag and we know um that there is a community poll Community flag in that town where the community can kind of just gather in that one area um so there is still space

For that and so there is a possibility that this could be overturned in Westlock we know that there has to be a petition that has to be put forward but they will have to wait about a year for that cooling period so because that did happen in a community in Southern

Ontario there is a possibility in Westlock and as I mentioned this vote only happened because of 24 votes so that really goes to show that every vote matters Roger all right mam thank you for that update ctv’s Miriam VZ car

The town of Westlock which is west of Edmonton, Alberta has voted to ban and remove Pride crosswalks following a community vote.

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  1. Public support of one group over others is unacceptable! A sidewalk is a sidewalk, and must have normal lines and colours. The one thing that we ALL can connect with is the flag of the Province and Country! Why, if this is acceptable, are there No ‘Heterosexual Pride’ crosswalks, to be Fair!! ENOUGH of this nonsense already!

  2. Well, to be honest I always thought the crosswalk thing was dumb. If you want to rent a billboard then rent a billboard but no one should be able to simply graffiti on public property, nevermind that a crosswalk is a traffic safety instrument of the highway traffic act,that have very specific dimensions and features. I have to wonder if a rainbow crosswalk is really a legal crosswalk and if a person gets hit at a rainbow crosswalk would the charges stick ? Do you have to stop at a flowery piece of artwork at a corner that may or may not be a stop sign ?


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