Tom Mulcair ‘not convinced’ Trudeau will find an answer to Poilievre | CANADIAN POLITICS


PVS conservatives continue to widen their lead in the polls according to new data from Nano’s research the numbers show the conservatives have a 17o advantage or 40% of the vote over the Liberals Trudeau and his party have seen a steady decline in recent months and now just pulling at

23% the NDP have risen slightly and to sit just behind them at 21.9 joining me now is Tom Ware CTV news’s political comment Ator and former NDP leader Tom as always thank you for joining us good to be with you Roger uh what do you think when you look at those

Numbers we just read off I think that it’s a lousy day for the Liberals which means it’s a good day for the conservatives uh the NDP it’s interesting because as Nick Nano said you know this puts them statistically almost in a tie because there’s what they call the margin of error in these

Polls the NDP is virtually tied with the Liberals and that’s not good for the Liberals either jug meet Singh and his troops can hope that they can maybe pull the the TR trick that the Liberals have been pulling on the NDP for years go to the poll saying don’t split the vote

Vote NDP because you’ll just be splitting it if you vote liberals that would be a rich irony uh because I I know how the liberals do that so well I think that padv is playing politics in a way that is making it extremely difficult for the Liberals under Justin

Trudeau to find a response I was looking at qu’s really strong bold statements about Trudeau he wants to come up with anti-hat speech legislation dealing with social media and PV just went after him hammer and Tong Roger just saying look this is the guy who got dressed up in

Blackace any number of times said these were racist gestures strong words this is politics at a level we’re not used to seeing in Canada you know there’s voltage there that’s beyond the pale by any historical comparison but it’s working for pav and that’s why I say the

Liberals haven’t found an answer to Pier PV yet and I’m I’m not convinced that they’re going to find it under under Trudeau a lot of people are speculating that Trudeau’s going to give some thought to everything during this spring session and if he can’t move the needle

In the correct direction for him he might just step down that’s my thinking as well I believe that trudo’s hired some new people in Communications it’s not producing anything in the way of results but it’s only a couple of months into the the new session he’ll give

Himself probably until the end of the spring session and maybe do the same sort of thing Ken did say that he will be stepping down give himself a bit of lead time I’m sure he’d love to be ble to make it to 2025 because he was

Elected in 15 that’s a good uh marker under his photo which is 2015 to 225 there are people waiting in the wings first and foremost of course Christia Freeland who’s an outstanding politician but she’d Bear all the weight of the liberal Years Mark Carney an incredible asset for the liberals who could also

Perhaps take a run at it it’ be very difficult for while you have to to try to talk down to him on economic issues for example but Carney again doesn’t have a lot of direct political experience so that could be a bit of a knock against them we’ll see but Trudeau

By the way is is heading Roger it’s worth mentioning because it’s it’s interesting speculation Fe it’s a leap year so we have a February 29th this year and this February 29th is the 40th anniversary of the famous walk in the snow by Pierre Elliot trudo he announced that he

Wouldn’t be running again and uh that’s a lot of people have got that that date circled on their calendar so we’ll see if it means anything would the NDP NDP be thinking about trying to pull the trigger on this and maybe cause an early election to their benefit there was a

Bit of hint in that by the analysis from Nick Nanos it’s not unreasonable but I’m not sure that they’re there yet that you know they know how fragile this whole situation is because these incredible numbers for the conservatives under Pier PV are having a ripple effect across the

Political Spectrum you’re right the NDP could be temped say well maybe we’ve got a better chance now than we’ve had in the past but they wouldn’t necessarily be able to take down the livs because of course the blacka has more than enough seats to keep for example to pass a

Liberal budget in speaking of the bla though Roger ALS you know here in Quebec they are very nervous they know that their vote is always fragile it can move in any direction very rapidly quebecers in just over one generation since Mone have sent up a massive conservative majority a massive block majority under

Lu mus a massive liberal majorities under K and indeed a massive NDP majority that Jack Leighton and I managed to put together so it’s it’s a very delicate situation nobody could ever believe that votes in Quebec should be taken for granted and quebecers tend to vote as one and if there’s a strong

Movement it gets accelerated and it get gets Amplified the block is very worried about its vote so I’m not sure that they’d be in any hurry to provoke an election were you feeling that they might would they be swinging towards conservatives then yes I think that that’s the

Fragility that we’re sensing right now it’s happened in the past Mone got two huge majorities thanks largely to the fact that he ran the table in Quebec you know there were a few areas where the Liberals were able to hold on but generally speaking when there’s that

Type of wave in Quebec it happens quickly and it gets Amplified very fast and so if people if the word goes out that the conservatives are heading to power uh then quebecer is not going to be want to left out of that cabinet table I get the same thing I talked this

Week to a very senior person from from a well organized cultural community that tends to be very collective intelligence about which way they’re going to be voting and this is somebody that I knew in the past who have been very strongly liberal and I said so what’s what’s it

Looking like right now and he said oh he says it couldn’t be clearer everybody’s heading over to the conservatives and that’s in Montreal Toronto and Vancouver so those are Big Blocks of votes that would be moving in that case and uh I think that that’s what the Liberals have

To be worried about the most the brand of liberalism that’s always been the core identity and values of the Liberals is something that pet is taking apart slowly but surely and I’m not sure there’s going to be a lot left if it continues this way what do the

Conservatives have to do p i mean because what is it a week is a lifetime in politics what do they have to do to look ahead I mean if every with everything holds and we don’t see an election till 2025 what does he have to do there’s a lot of hubris and and

Self-confidence in pf which is one of the things that’s working for him but he’s got some really strong and good capable advisers I’ll think of somebody you know like John Barett a former Minister who really likes PF but you can just imagine them sometimes cringing a little bit saying

Oh he didn’t say that so they they’ve got to protect POV from himself because he really does like a very shocking turn of phrase I gave the example before going after Trudeau on blackace I think that P will win that battle he’s he’s staked out some Turf he knows where he’s

Going with that but on other issues saying that he’s going to fire the the the you know the governor of the Bank of Canada I mean the legislation doesn’t even allow for it and it just shows a certain image maity so he’s got to show that he’s actually capable of running a

G7 country not just getting people to agree with him with you know his is sometimes his wild shots that he takes at trudo and how do you think it’s playing out with uh his comments yesterday regarding uh trans women and he felt that women should have their own safe

Spaces very delicate but it it also goes to his base and it there are also certain cultural and ethnocultural and indeed religious minorities who tend to very agree with what p is saying there so one would have thought that this had been largely dealt with under the conservatives of of Steven Harper there

Was whole issue involving legislative changes that seem to address it properly but this has become a Livewire issue it’s one of those hot button issues and you just have to affirm things the same thing Danielle Smith did very recently in Alberta you know she was using political discourse to frankly

Marginalize even more young people who are already marginalized often bullied these are very tough cases there was a case in Oklahoma that was in the papers today very tragic case so you have to be so careful around this because you’re dealing with people’s lives but at the

Same time FV the minute he senses that there’s a political advantage to be had he’ll go after it and I’m not even sure that this is a position that he actually agrees with but he’s decided to stake out that Turf because he’s all alone in

It and he’s going to push the issue as much as he can all right Tom thank you as always for your Insight I appreciate it good to be with you Roger all the best Tom W car’s our CTV News political commentator and former Andy

CTV News’ political commentator Tom Mulcair says Poilievre’s political tactics are not what we’re used to seeing in Canada and it’s working.

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