Robert Pickton: Victims’ families angered as prolific serial killer eligible to apply for day parole


I I I think of my daughter every single day I don’t want to think about pikon every day but Michelle Pino is forced to think about the man who killed her daughter Stephanie Lane her DNA found in the pig farm of serial killer Robert Pickton on Thursday he will be eligible

To apply for day parole my heart is aching my daughter does not get D PE she’s been gone for 27 years now she doesn’t get privileges that he gets and he should stay where he is until the day he dies in 2007 he was convicted of six murders though he was originally charged

With the deaths of 26 women and there are many more cases in which he wasn’t charged the time has flown by so quickly I I can’t believe he could apply for D this blows my mind as the days tick closer families say they are sick to their

Stomachs thinking he would be able to apply for day parole anybody who did what he does what he did does not deserve to to walk the streets again he’s an evil evil evil man this a former Crown prosecutor says pton would likely stay behind bars I understand the outrage because Pearl is

One of the most misunderstood and even maligned aspects of the Canadian criminal justice system and especially with the case of Mr pikon it makes very little sense that we would ret traumatize the families of the victims for an individual who has almost zero chance of actually obtaining parole families coming together paying tribute

To those who never made it home this vigil is something that needs to be done to honor our loved ones um because of the Injustice for them as well the visual organizer says she recognizes it may be difficult for some families to beat out here outside the

Former pig farm where their loved ones never made at home she says there will be cultural and emotional support for those who need it Angela Jung Global News

Warning: This story deals with disturbing subject matter that may upset and trigger some readers. Discretion is advised.

It’s been more than 20 years since police raided the B.C. farm of one of Canada’s most prolific serial killers,

Port Coquitlam pig farmer Robert Pickton — now in his 70s — was charged with 26 murders in the deaths of women who disappeared from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, but only convicted of second-degree murder for six of them.

On Thursday, he becomes eligible to apply for day parole.

Global’s Angela Jung reports on what this means to the families of his victims.

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  1. And WHO do we thank for this, none other than Trudeau, just like Paul Bernardo (whom I understand went to school with Trudeau), this has been his AGENDA all along. this is not only DANGEROUS it's INSANE,???????

  2. Why was he convicted of second degree murder?? Does that mean he had accomplices? Something has always been off in this case.

    Pickton was found guilty in 2007 of six counts of second-degree murder

  3. The trudeau liberals passed the laws, that are going to let this criminal out on parole and yet they talk about protecting woman when they go after hunters or the letting killers out on bail but they go after law abiding sports people


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