Is the education system biased towards straight, white males? TDSB teacher guide reveals shocking truth

LEVY: TDSB teacher guide says education system designed for straight, white males

“Toronto District School Board’s controversial Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training has been met with significant backlash. In response, the board has released a 37-page manifesto called ‘Facilitating Critical Conversations’ to help educators adopt anti-oppressive practices in their classrooms. Developed by four visible minority anti-racism and anti-oppression educators with the TDSB, this manual seeks to better equip teachers to discuss the ways in which injustice affects our lives, explore relationships between identity and power, and uncover structures that privilege some at the expense of others.”

“The Critical Race Theory (CRT) playbook is evident in the manifesto, making it clear that CRT principles are not only valued but expected to be taught. This theory essentially frames whites as oppressors and blacks as the oppressed, promoting a culture of victimology and dependence. The teaching resource is based on several core beliefs, including the idea that education in North America is designed for the benefit of the dominant culture, and that schooling must be actively decolonized. It also claims that white supremacy is a structural reality that must be dismantled in classrooms.”

“However, the manifesto has faced criticism for its divisive nature and potential impact on educational achievement. The Toronto school board education director has yet to address the fallout from its DEI training and the tragic suicide of an educator following a series of discriminatory acts. While the document provides educators with tips for engaging in critical conversations about identity, power, and oppression, it has been called racist and a ploy to shift focus from education and achievement.”

“Ultimately, these manifestos are seen as a distraction and an excuse not to do the job Toronto’s educators are supposed to do. As critics argue, they facilitate guilt, divisiveness, and victimhood rather than promoting achievement and consequences for violent and intimidating behavior.”

In the end, it is essential to consider the potential impact of DEI training and manifestos on educational outcomes and the overall well-being of students and staff. Critics argue that while promoting inclusivity and anti-oppressive practices is commendable, the manifesto’s approach may create more harm than good. It is vital for educational institutions to seek a balance that addresses systemic issues while maintaining a nurturing, inclusive, and achievement-oriented learning environment for all students.



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