Global National: Feb. 22, 2024 | Ontario judge rules Veltman’s murder of Muslim family was terrorism


On this Thursday night an act of terrorism the pivotal ruling over an Ontario man’s deadly attack on a Muslim family his sentence and the loved ones still grieving the verdict will not bring back what was stolen Nazis who fled to Canada they didn’t conduct proper investigations the hunt for those

Who may have escaped Justice for atrocities during the Holocaust plus Canadians keeping up the fight in Ukraine as fatigue sets in for its defense against Russia it does definitely wear on you for sure being in those positions and saving history preserving North America’s largest wooden Church in Nova Scotia global national with Donna

Friezen reporting tonight meu Gara good evening and thanks for joining us an Ontario judge has Ruled The Man convicted of first-degree murder and attempted murder for deliberately striking a Muslim family with his truck also committed an act of terrorism speaking after the ruling members of the

Afol family said more must be done to fight hate in Canada the terrorism designation acknowledges the hate that fuel this fire the ugliness that took the lives of talat Salman madha and yumna but this ha didn’t exist in a vacuum it thrived in The Whispers the pr

Es the normalized fear of the other all of these played their part in the tragedy that unfolded the killer was sentenced to life in prison and was also handed a concurrent life sentence for attempted murder Aran OA was in court for today’s sentencing hearing Sean nether one Community member

Described today as a mix of heartbreak and hope heartbreak at the loss of those Muslim family members 3 years ago hope that people outside this community may be paying attention to this historic ruling a family at a community Shattered by what can now be called an active terrorism the scars physical and

Emotional will remain but we choose not to reply to hate with more hate how are we going to create change um how are we going to work together uh to Make a Better Canada Nathaniel veltman drove his new pickup truck into five members of the asol family out for a walk in

London Ontario four died a young boy survived a jury convicted vpin of first-degree murder and attempted murder after a 10-week trial Superior Court Justice Renee pomerance ruled on Thursday veltman was a white supremacist Whose actions were an act of terrorism speaking for nearly an hour and a half

She called veltman’s act barbaric and a textbook case committed by a lone wolf who hated Muslims on top of the four life sentences for Murder She also handed velman a life sentence for attempted murder a sentence available because of the federal terrorism charges our only hope hope is that today’s

Ruling will bring some sense of justice some measure of comfort and some closure it’s a closing of a chapter just a chapter it’s not the whole the whole book is not closed felman’s defense lawyers said they’re waiting for instructions on what to do next well there may be a conviction and sends

Appeal we’ll see but for Muslims who said veltman’s actions left them afraid to cross the street the ruling is Meaningful I also hope that we are perhaps finally ready after today’s sentencing to see white supremacy as being capable of terroris targeted heinous and hate motivated attacks like

This one are acts of terrorism and perpetrators will and must face the full extent of the law in her ruling Justice pomerance refused to name the Killer by name instead he was called simply the offender going forward he could be called something else convicted terrorist Neu sha OA in London tonight thanks

Sean Palestinian searched through the rubble of a flattened mosque in Rafa today after one of the heaviest nights of shelling in gaza’s Southernmost city at least seven people were killed and dozens more wounded the Hamas run Health Ministry says nearly 100 deaths have been recorded in Gaza over the past 24

Hours in the West Bank a shooting near an Israeli settlement left at least one person dead and five others injured three Palestinian gunmen are said to have opened fire at cars stuck in traffic two of the gunmen were shot dead while a third was injured and taken into

Custody the IDF conducted raids in the West Bank following the attack and there are reports Israeli troops clashed with riers near Bethlehem there are renewed calls for the federal government to unseal records related to Canada’s Nazi war crimes files the liberal government moved to release previously classified details

Earlier this month but Advocates say greater transparency is needed as hundreds of suspected Nazis have never faced prosecution a Canadian woman is pushing to bring the few surviving suspects to Justice Jeff simple has exclusive information in This Global News investigation and a warning some of the details in this report are

Disturbing this star of David marks the spot where Jewish civilians were executed in 1941 when the Nazis invaded this Lithuanian city of Rini and evidence suggests some of those involved in the matter Massac may have escaped to Canada accused war criminals people that the government claimed were not in

Canada I was able to locate Professor Abby Corb is an expert in extremism who has worked with police and intelligence agencies around the world and she’s a Nazi Hunter most of them refugees who have already fled from persecution after the second world war Canada welcomed more than 150,000 refugees and Corb says many

Nazis slipped through the cracks their names were sent to Canadian authorities and passed down to members of the Jewish community in 2017 Corb became the custodian of hundreds of Nazi war crimes files and conducted her own investigations I found a lot of them Corb says dozens of suspected Nazis are

Still alive and one case captured her attention from that Lithuanian city of Rini written testimony from a Survivor named Dena Zeiss flum described how Jews were rounded up she hid in a barn under the hay and watched laying in the barn I could well see two women standing at the

Pit small children’s heads being hit with heavy stones or one head at the other child’s head one of the women was the student clita the student clita no first name was provided but those Clues gave investigators a place to start the same story came up in three or four

Different Holocaust testimonies two of which gave the same name immigration records revealed two names that matched Lithuanian sisters who arrived in Canada in 1948 the eldest sister Joana was 18 at the time flum claimed to have seen the student clita killing small children Joanna clita listed her occupation as

Student and her birthplace was about 70 kilomet from residing in the 1990s under pressure from Jewish groups the RCMP launched investigations into hundreds of suspected Nazis including clita they didn’t do conduct proper investigations police documents show investigators never visited Rini or found the witness Dina flum due to time

Constraints and higher priority files it also appears police never spoke with the Canadian suspect Cita Global News recently tra cracked down a Lithuanian woman named Joanna Maiden named clita who lived in Ontario but it was too late okay I’m Jeff I’m with global news she died a couple of

Years ago at 99 her children said they know nothing about the allegations in Rini much of her file along with hundreds of others remains redacted it’s frustrating Mark fryman’s parents survived the Holocaust the former deputy attorney general for Ontario has been working with Corb for years lobbying the

Government to release Canada’s Nazi war crimes files I think a lot of the files contain embarrassing Revelations about the Canadian government the Canadian police the Canadian prosecution service of the more than 1,500 RCMP investigations none of the suspected Nazis have ever been successfully prosecuted and given the advanced age of the surviving suspects

Time is running out Jeff simple Global News Toronto Global News is airing a special report Rising hate anti-Semitism in Canada you can watch that on Saturday at 7 p.m. with Russia’s full-scale war on Ukraine dragging into its third year this weekend there are fewer recruits looking to enlist both sides have suffered

Extraordinary losses in Ukraine families are pushing for loved ones to return home and stay longer for badly needed rest foreign Fighters including Canadians are attempting to help fill the void crystal ganing is back in Ukraine and spoke with some Canadian troops about the front lines the fatigue

And what allies can do to help my family is really supportive in all this winter in Ukraine looks and feels a lot like it does on the Prairies but this isn’t Edmonton it’s Isom and we caught up with Jesse just before he was set to head

Back out to the front line it’ll Harden you and make you pretty tough pretty quick previously he was a paratrooper with the Canadian Armed Forces since March 2022 the proud Ukrainian Canadian has been working to repel invading Russian forces first around keev then zapia now his unit is positioned near

Bakut every single battle I’ve been it’s been overwhelming Russian Artillery hammering our positions and less significantly less shells going back towards the Russians Munitions weapons and items for soldiers such as night vision goggles are still needed getting these items into Ukraine in a timely matter is still problematic Canada this

Week announced more than 800 sophisticated drones with night capabilities for Ukraine delivery is slated for the spring the money for them was announced in June of last year still Allied Nations such as Canada say Ukraine has their total support Dave Smith who is also fighting for Ukraine disagrees fixed military procurement

Both for my own you know uh brothers and sisters back in the Canadian Armed Forces but also just to be a reliable International partner when it comes to Global Security Smith requested voluntary release from the Canadian Armed Forces so he could fight for Ukraine he was last on the front lines in early

December soldiers he says don’t get to stop operations when supplies run low the operations just become more dangerous Ukraine doesn’t release Soldier fatality numbers saying only their losses are not as high as the Russians we do know there is a push to replenish the ranks late last year Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski

Said that the military leadership asked for up to 500,000 new recruits it does definitely wear on you for sure being in those positions with the amount of drones and how much the Russians have here but everyone here still is highly motivated mobilization efforts mean Billboards are everywhere this one reads

The victory is in your hands join the Army contentious legislation is also moving through Ukraine’s Parliament the latest version includes lowering the draft age from 27 to 25 and making basic military service compulsory for males 18 to 25 mentally preparing yourself to go fight is the best way to get ready for a

Fight um but it’s a lot easier to do when you know that you have f-16s and 155 shells and you have the tools required to do the job there are soldiers from all over the world fighting here in Ukraine the Canadians we spoke with say they know the risks

And they also know what’s at stake they hope allies of Ukraine will continue to support them as long as it takes Crystal Ganson Global News har region Ukraine the mother of Russian opposition leader Alexi navali has now been shown her son’s body but says Russian authorities are trying to blackmail her

Into a secret burial she says she spent nearly 24 hours with Russian officials and was told he died of natural causes but his remains won’t be released until she agrees to a private funeral she rejected the demand navali died last Friday in a penal colony today his wife ulia and daughter

Dasha met with US President Joe Biden in California he says naval’s Legacy of Courage will live on in them and those fighting for democracy and human rights Biden says Russian President Vladimir Putin is responsible for naval’s death and sanctions will be announced tomorrow this is the image Putin is

Projecting in Russia Today he took the co-pilot seat in a nuclear capable bomber a move widely seen as bolstering his leadership and a reminder of Russia’s nuclear superpower status the plane can carry 24 missiles and fly 12,000 kilm non-stop past their Prime ahead the problems with via rails aging train Cars VIA Rail is warning it might have to cut service along some of its Canada wide routes in the coming years because of Aging outdated passenger rail cars the crown corporation’s Network covers around 10,000 kilometers but with the majority of its cars already decades past their intended lifespan they’re

Only getting harder to maintain as my Armstrong explains via is hoping to get the green light from Ottawa to start purchasing a new Fleet Before Time runs out with every year the challenge grows Vil’s Fleet is getting older and older the long-distance passenger rail cars

Were bought in the 1940s and 50s and for the crews at the Montreal maintenance facility keeping them going isn’t easy they make Parts out of nothing because you can’t even order parts for these trains anymore that’s how old they are via has about 11 different types of long-distance rail cars sleepers births

Dining cars they’re about 200 running right now but that number is shrinking it’s pulled 25 rail cars from service because they couldn’t be repaired any longer and that’s not going to stop we’ll probably have to continue to remove year after year some cars and eventually it will impact the number of

Car available for service that is to expl claim that warning via took journalists on a tour of the facility Thursday it says it needs to start the process of purchasing new rail cars soon or cuts are coming proposals have been made to Transport Canada talks are underway because the status quo isn’t an

Option by 2035 if we haven’t injected new cars in we will be stopping service um our Coast to Coast service all together now we’re not there yet now via officials say they don’t have a concrete estimate for the cost of replacing ing the fleet but it would likely be a few

Billion dollars it’s a big ask of Ottawa and comes just a few years after it got 1.5 billion to upgrade inter city trains in the Windsor Quebec City Corridor and it’s not the only ask V is also pitching a proposal for a new high frequency and faster service

Between Montreal and Toronto we’re the last G7 country of not having a rapid uh longdistance draing now Canada hasn’t been upgrading its Network as quickly as other countries long-distance passenger rail cars in Canada are on average twice the age of rail cars in the US Mike Armstrong Global News

Montreal on its last legs next the please to save this historic Nova Scotia church as our equipment is on the surface of the Moon and we are Transmitting that was the moment odys landed on the moon’s South Pole late this afternoon it’s the first privately built craft to touch down on the moon’s surface and the first by an American spacecraft in more than 50 years Nova Scotia is at risk of losing a Historic

Landmark a church that’s one of the largest wooden buildings in North America could be demolished soon Heidi petk explains what would be lost it’s a centerpiece of Nova scotia’s Acadian Shore one Pierre camo and Andre valer have spent a decade trying to save but time is running out the day that the

Wrecking ball which showed up would be one of the saddest days of my life St Mary’s Church has stood here since 1905 touted as the largest wooden Church in North America once the center of Catholic Worship here it’s just sad to think that it might not be here anymore

The 56 M Spire is hard to miss the interior A Feast for the eyes but as worshippers decreased maintenance costs ballooned the roof sprung a leak and the parish tried to fund raise 10 million for repairs they got an offer from a donor whose identity they won’t reveal

Who offered to pay the entire costs of renovating the building but then the donor disappeared so now the arch dases has the church up for sale for $250,000 as is the last time there was mass here was Christmas Eve 2019 that’s also the last time these pews were full

Of parishioners the church was officially deconsecrated last November that’s also when the furnace stopped working the building’s uncertain future like so many other former churches this is a very significant problem nationally the church as Church buildings are very challenged to continue the heart says it’s a monument it’s a beautiful

Building it needs to be preserved but the head says it’s a money pit that there’s no money to put into as repairs become more costly with time community members say at this point saving it will take a miracle Heidi pic Global News Church Point Nova Scotia and that is global national for

This Thursday I’m neua tonight’s your Canada is Crescent Lake in Robert’s arm New Finland and Labrador thanks so much for watching and hope to see you here again tomorrow have a great night

EDITORS NOTE: A portion of the newscast was removed from the online version due to technical difficulties. We regret the error. You can watch Adam MacVicar’s full report here:

More than two years after a man’s deadly attack on a Muslim family in London, Ont., a judge has ruled it as an act of terrorism, sentencing him to life in prison. As Seán O’Shea reports, victims’ loved ones and the Muslim community say today’s ruling marks a day of heartbreak and hope.

There are renewed calls for the Canadian government to unseal records related to the country’s Nazi war crime files, as hundreds of suspected Nazis potentially living in the country have never faced prosecution. Jeff Semple speaks with Professor Abbee Corb, who gives an inside look of her hunt to bring the few surviving suspects to justice.

With Russia’s invasion dragging into its third year and wearing heavy on Ukrainian troops, Canadians are among the foreign recruits are trying to help fill the voids of Ukraine’s defence. Crystal Goomansingh speaks with some of the Canadians on the frontlines about their experience, the fatigue from the conflict and what Ukraine’s allies can do to help.

The majority of VIA Rail’s passenger train cars used nationwide are decades past their intended lifespan, making the aging fleet increasingly harder maintain over time. Mike Armstrong looks at the Crown corporation’s pleas to the federal government to greenlight a new fleet and what’s at stake if they go unanswered.

Plus, Église Sainte-Marie in Church Point, Nova Scotia is the largest wooden church in North America, but it has not held a service in years, and could be demolished soon as its condition deteriorates. Heidi Petracek looks at the problems plaguing the historic building and what would be lost if it cannot be saved.

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  1. So we go from being happy that a white supremacist got 5 life sentences to nazis living in canada needing to be found and prosecuted to saying we need to do more to support white supremacists and nazis in Ukraine? Can you guys try and be consistent?

  2. Jordan Peterson will be beside himself with grief at the Veltman ruling. However, he'll be gladdened by news that Nazis were permitted to come to Canada. When will Global News investigate Peterson and his pro-Nazi statements?


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