Energy Minister’s comms director shows how Liberals still admire China


Ezra Levant here for Rebel news I’m outside the courthouse in Lethbridge here I am live tweeting the pre-trial hearings of the so-called CS for the men from the Coots blockade a couple years ago and I and I’m tweeting so my Twitter is open in the court and um something

Pops up on my screen that I’m being followed on Twitter I’m being followed by a lot of people on Twitter not in real life that would be terrifying but on Twitter I’m being followed by Sabrina Kim whose biography says she is the director of communications for Canada’s minister of energy and natural resources

That’s great I’m delighted she’s following me I don’t want her to stop because I talk about energy a lot I I I wrote a few books about it you might recall ethical oil the case for can’s oil sense I wrote a followup called Ground swell the case for fracking I I

Care about energy not just because I use it but because Canada is a great producer of it Alberta in particular and saskatch one to and and even other parts BC and and the Atlantic and and I hate the war on oil and gas because I think

It’s a war on Prosperity a war on our standard of living a war against the poor I think it’s an ideological war and every barrel of oil that is not produced in Alberta is one more barrel of oil that’s produced and sold by dictatorships like Saudi Arabia or Iran

Or Russia that’s why I called it ethical oil as opposed to OPEC conflict oil anyway that’s my background back to this TW so I’m I I’m being followed by the director of communications for can’s minister of energy and that’s great I want her to see what I have to say but

Look at the rest of her bio feed is is in her Twitter feed is 90% climate and 10% dogs so that’s a little joke there I like dogs but she’s not joking when she says 90% of what’s on her mind is climate so she’s not the communications director for Steven Gilbo the

Ideologically crazy environment Minister she works for the energy Minister who’s supposed to be for energy but she says 90% of what’s on her mind is climbing now you can see her pinned tweet which is sort of what you tack on a bulletin board as your favorite moment is when

She was wrapping up as uh Stephen Gilbo director of communications and you can see pictures of her jetting around the world there’s a bizarre picture of her sitting on a boardroom table uh which is very childish I think and very strange of course she’s wearing masks like the

Rest of them and let me just read some of these tweets I’m just going to go in order here the first one China leads energy transition says Canada’s natural resources Minister oh my God I mean eight years later he’s still doing that China’s the country we most admire stick

There’s a level of of uh admiration I actually have for China um because their you basic dictatorship is allowing them uh to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green as fast as we imagine saying that China is the is the role model

China the most abusive totalitarian regime in the world the world’s largest dictatorship but also China the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide if you care about that kind of thing and more to the point China’s large the world’s largest polluter of real pollution so that that’s really the model we want to

Follow she says what’s the next one risk of stranded LNG liquefied natural gas assets is real Canada’s energy Minister says so Canada has all sorts of natural gas uh a huge amount and natural gas obviously um is volumetrically expansive but when you chill it when you make it

Very cold it turns into a liquid at a tiny fraction of its size so you can actually put it in those ships that look like ships with big bubbles those are LNG ships liquified natural gas and it’s how the country of Qatar has become a trillionaire country uh Qatar is one of

The largest producers of natural gas in the world they liquefy it put it on those boats and send it to places like Japan and Korea and India and around the world Canada luckily has a huge amount of natural gas but the Liberals say there’s no business case for it even

Though Ukraine just for one example is bance for it Japan’s begging us for it and and this is the so-called director of communications for the energy min saying oh no those are going to be stranded assets you’d be an idiot to invest in them they’ll never go

Anywhere um I’ll read the next one Ottawa to try to prove it can tackle climate change affordability CL crisis at once with new lowincome energy program they they just can’t quit their carbon tax the next one is uh about giving tens of billions of dollars to automobile manufacturers for their

Batteries the next one is looks like a press release from the Stratford Today newspaper Stratford homeowners benefit from Greener homes Grant and they show that weird heat pump thing you know you scroll down page after page and it’s not the energy Minister she’s a spokesman for it’s the

Anti energy Minister and she follows me on Twitter for Rebel news I’m Ezra Lance

? | Tell Trudeau Canada doesn’t need a green reset of our economy!
Ezra Levant takes a break from covering the ‘Coutts 4’ pre-trial hearing to look at a surprising social media follower, the director of communications for Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson. As Ezra explains, her feed on X (formerly Twitter) reveals how the Trudeau Liberals still, eight years later, have an admiration for the Chinese Communist Party’s basic dictatorship.
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  1. Carbon. Based. Life.

    Some renowned physicists and geologists have things to say about CO2 & climate change.

    Climate change is as much of a self interested industry as oil and gas, and is presently spewing way more falsehoods than oil and gas. They’re competing with big pharma for liars of the century. And offering less back to humanity than any other industry

  2. how old is she sitting on a table even children knows better than sit on a table that prove how the left is they never been thought how to behave like a real grow up adult in society. they never experience living in china with the real people been tortured and treated like slave

  3. Ezra, these liberals haven't worked in the oil industry? Ezra, like Trudeau, can't wrap his puny mind around it. He takes our money and then chastises us on oil/gas industry. What idiot. If the oil would be in Ontario or Quebec he wouldn't say a peep this why I think Trudeau is delusional lunatic that he needs to check in sanatorium he lost his screw??

  4. This is typical of all of Trudeau's cabinet and unfortunately, most of the civil service. If Pierre is smart, he will immediately eliminate at least 50% of the civil servants because they will be a drag on anything. He wants to do to show progress in this country.

  5. Well for her to be sitting on a government bureau table while looking through some papers like a hoe tells me everything I need to know about her and Jonathan need a stack of books to put his computer up on lmao couldn't use tax payer money to buy a tray table adjuster ?

  6. A successful alberta and Saskatchewan is a successful Canada, let the grown ups go back to work. Alberta once had hard workers from all over the country come here to work, Trudeau's welfare state must end and allow us to make a living again

  7. Trudo only spews chinas soft power propaganda saying china is going green is the stupidest thing to believe ever and yet trudo said it because he is their tool and he will be tossed aside like they tossed Uyghurs into concentration camps

  8. Don't forget how Trudeau harshly turned down Germany in its hour of need when Russian gas was cut off.
    Chancellor Scholz came in person to beg Canada for gas. Trudeau coldly and falsely said LNG is no good business-wise. Meanwhile it's growing exponentially worldwide.

  9. After Guilbeault "solves" climate change, his next projects are: 1) Stop Continental drift, using large staples across the fault lines 2) Develop very large corks to install in volcanoes to prevent future eruptions 3) Speed up the rotation of the earth around the sun to eliminate leap years.

  10. The very fact that these idiots still wear masks (or ever did for that matter) completely exposes their stupidity and ignorance. Of course, as soon as they speak a few words, that also exposes their stupidity.

  11. Most Canadians do not understand that the Liberals filled hundreds of posts with these young, poorly educated, naive environmentalists. They make very good salaries, have outstanding benefits and pensions, and always spew the same rhetoric. We get to pay for it. These eco-zealots have never had it so good. They will never have better jobs than the ones they have in the federal government. Most of them came from radical environmental organizations like (Can’t) Stand Earth, Greenpreach, and Environmental Defenceless. They were indoctrinated years ago, and their Patron Saint is Greta Thunberg. When they get together, they create a bubble of fake climate crisis that excludes reality. Imagine a high school gymnasium full of immature climate zealots chanting slogans. That’s who “advises” these Liberal ministers.


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