CTV National News | Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024: Inflation rate falls to 2.9 per cent in Jan.


Tonight cooling off Canada’s inflation rate slows down but the financial pain persists we’re not really feeling any difference at this point back in the target range overall but housing costs are still running High I don’t know if I can still pay my other bills two random shootings in Toronto one leaving a

Father of four dead we believe these two victims were shot indiscriminately also a cyber takedown police Target a ransomware gang with a global reach including victims in Canada plus the overdose crisis hits hard in St John’s a new chapter in a national epidemic and a wild brawl in the

Treetops I was in a kitchen making dinner and something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention two big cats and a fight 30 m above ground CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone we begin tonight with some good news about the state of Canada’s economy and what it

Could mean for your mortgage payments today’s better than expected inflation data is unlikely to prompt a cut at the bank of Canada’s next rate announcement in a couple of weeks but economists believe it does increase the odds for an interest rate reduction in June CDV Sarah plaman leads us off with the

Surprising data and the financial fact check the cost to fill a grocery cart is still climbing but not as quickly they’re not going up as fast but they still went up right inflation Rose 2.9% in January that’s less than the 3.4% hike in December it puts inflation back

Within the bank of Canada’s target range uh the bank wants to see a 1% to 3% in inflation rate they’re obviously aiming for two but uh this is very good news the price of gas and airfare went down groceries still went up vegetables and fruits are a little bit too volatile to

My liking but still every everything else at the grocery store uh prices are stabilizing in the aisles the cost of meat Dairy Bakery products and fresh fruit increased while soup bacon and shrimp dropped Things Are are easing uh within the supply chain and so consumers are starting to benefit but Shoppers

Still feel squeezed we’re not really seeing uh feeling any difference at this point in time one of the major drivers of inflation is the cost of mortgages and housing very big increases in rent this is again being driven by high interest rates High interest rates Drive higher costs for landlords and they push

Those costs down to tenants and renters feel the pain my other bills is like I don’t know if I can still pay my other bills one Economist points out how rent is at the second highest year-over-year increase we’ve seen over several years Omar all right Sarah thank you and as

Sarah mentioned housing is one of the biggest drivers of inflation and today Ottawa pledged $2 billion it says will help make renting in one of Canada’s most expensive cities more affordable here’s ctv’s Andy ber Oliver provincial Municipal and federal leaders joed forces today announcing billions to make one of Canada’s most unaffordable cities

Cheaper to live in puc Premier David eie admitted the bank of Canada’s interest rate is limiting their progress they really need to pay attention to what’s happening in BC how families are being hurt here what is driving costs here because I can tell you right now it’s

Housing we are optimistic that the Bank of Canada will uh start bringing down interest rates uh sometime this year hopefully sooner rather than later but that is their decision to make housing costs have been been steadily Rising for years with new data from statistics Canada showing that shelter costs are up

6.2% over the last year with mortgage interest cost specifically up 27.4% and rent up 7.9% we need the economy to normalize again we need inflation to go down so we could start to see these interest rates go down but we also have to sure make sure that we

Build enough homes so we don’t uh cause prices to spike back up a big part of the problem is low Supply housing start were down last year with construction starting on only about 223,000 units to meet ottawa’s housing affordability Target by 20130 estimates are Canada needs to build 3.5 million

More homes than already planned constructing so much so many houses in Canada in a short period of time it takes big amounts of investment and we should have a welcome sign for any kind of of housing investment in Canada as Supply steadily increases housing related costs are are expected

To drop but analysts say don’t expect to see pre-pandemic prices again for prices to go back down to where it was preco we’re talking like 30 to 40% and for that to happen like economic Armageddon needs to happen like like a global economic event the Bank of Canada will

Make its next interest rate decision on March 6th but economists are not predicting a rate cut Omar just yet all right Annie thank you uh t Community is on edge tonight after two people were shot at the same intersection waiting for a bus less than 24 hours apart a

Father of four is dead and a teenager seriously injured ctv’s Janice Golding on the shootings police are describing as completely random a police command post sits outside this North York Community Center a reassuring presence for a neighborhood shaken by gun violence we believe these two victims were shot indiscriminately one person is

Dead and the other has had their life altered Forever on Friday a 16-year-old heading to a volleyball game was shot in the face less than 24 hours later a 39-year-old man would also be gunned down both shot at bus stops just going about their days uh they were completely

And utterly innocent police say the teen’s mother is traumatized but is thankful he’s alive however 39-year-old Adu boach did not survive his injuries the new newcomer to Canada was here to support his family in Ghana a wife and four children whom he’d only left behind in November It’s just sad you know this

Is a beautiful community that we have here and it’s sad that you can’t come outside and just feel safe when you’re not involved in anything it’s it’s scary especially when you have kids it’s really saddening like it can happen to anyone at any time that particular area

Is run by a lot of young gangsters so these guys got their own stuff running so uh people just walking taking the buses the could accidentally get a bullet police have now released the surveillance images of the suspect a man between 18 and 25 wearing a black coat a

White hoodie and a black face covering with what appears to be a light colored surgical mask beneath in both cases he’s believed to have emerged from a stolen black Acura before he opened fire it’s just really really difficult to understand why you know anybody would would do that anybody would come come

Here and just you know shoot someone at a bus stop and uh and then you know followed up with the day you know a day later while police say the shootings were random they also say they believe they were connected whether that violence could be Gang Related we are

Alive to that and that is a possibility all those things are going to come forward as we as we unpack this as is the possibility of more gun violence say shaken area residents while a suspect remains at large Janice Golding CTV News Toronto a Quebec man was found guilty

Today of serious crimes he committed over two decades ago Mal Onre gron broke into a 19-year-old woman’s apartment sexually assaulted her and strangled her to death her mother overcome with emotion called The Verdict a great release Keno was arrested two years ago when DNA on his discarded drinking

Straws matched the crime scene he now faces life in prison and international law enforcement agencies including here in this country have back to case involving one of the world’s most prolific digital gangs lock bid has crippled targets globally and according to the US Department of Justice collected more than $120 million in

Ransom payments from 2,000 victims ctv’s Montreal bureau chief gen vif BOS on the sweep and takeown of dozens of servers international law enforcement mounted a hack back campaign infiltrating the sprawling lock bit ransomware gang investigators seize control of of the group site on the dark web in addition to disrupting the lock

Bit ransomware group at every level we are also providing assistance and support to victims of the largest and most deployed ransomware variant around the world log bit’s targets have included hospitals schools global companies operatives snuck the ransomware into thousands of systems snatching data and holding it hostage collecting millions of dollars they

Could say hold on a second if you don’t pay me I’m going to leak this data to the public you going get regulatory fines you get lawsuits loss of business trust Canada first detected a lock bit infection within its borders in March 2020 by 2022 it was rampant responsible

For almost one out of four ransomware attacks in this country logit claimed responsibility for the February 2023 attack on the bookstore chain Indigo but also for taking data belonging to Toronto’s sick kids hospital during the 2022 holiday season international law enforcement agencies say they have developed a key that could unlock the

Data belonging to several of lock bit’s victims they also arrested two suspected operatives in Poland and Ukraine and two Russian men have been indicted there is always the digital Trail and we will find it but finding that trail is One Thing ending the attacks is quite another groups like lockit often rebuild

Rebrand and find new ways of holding data for ransom Omar right Jen thank you WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange launched his final British legal battle to avoid trial in one of the largest security breaches in American history supporters demanded his release from a London prison as a two-day

Hearing began to decide if Assange can avoid extradition to the United States where he is facing life in prison if convicted on Espionage charges after publishing thousands of classified US military documents M ments on his website us Central Command says houthi Rebels fired two anti-ship missiles at an American-owned carrier Bound for

Yemen one detonated near the ship causing only minor damage but the risk of spiraling violence from the Israel Hamas War continues to grow and the world can’t agree on how to stop it ctv’s Adrian gobrial reports as the Flames of this conflict spread even wider today Marked One of

Israel’s largest military operations in Lebanon in nearly two decades the IDF releasing this footage of multiple air strikes hitting alleged Hezbollah militant positions and weh houses Ya Allah Ya Allah this week houthi militants released this video claiming to have shot a US drone out of the

Sky as they chant death to America death to Israel curse upon the Jews Victory to Islam iran-backed houthi Rebels have been expanding their attacks in the Red Sea to include us and UK cargo ships diplomatic relations are also in Troubled Waters those against the United States today blocked yet another un

Security Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire demanding an as the US argued for their own temporary ceasefire proposal on the condition all hostages held by Hamas are released while warning Israel against a ground assault in the southern Border City of Rafa Canada’s minister of international development met with Aid workers today

On the Egyptian side of the raffic crossing where he contradicted the US stance we need an immediate ceasefire because that will enable more Aid to to go in and more vulnerable people to come out some 1.5 million Palestinians are now Sheltering in gaza’s southern Border City of Rafa where Israel is threatening

To move forward with a ground defensive against the wishes of the White House we should expect a ground offensive inside of Rafa uh and pushing people right up to the fence uh with Egypt which creates yet another crisis for the world he the this all comes as the un’s top Court began

Day two of a hearing into Israel’s historic handling of the Palestinian territories 52 countries are scheduled to present Decades of evidence to the international court of justice with many standing in opposition to Israel Canada has declined to speak at the icj hearing instead offering a written submission that CES concerns that the Court’s

Opinion could lead to further polarization and hinder any chance of Peace in the region Omar all right Adrien thank you another one of Vladimir Putin’s opponents appears to have been killed police in Spain believe a bullet riddled body discovered last week belonged to a Russian Defector Maxim kusmanov flew his military helicopter

Into Ukraine last year and handed it over to Commandos Russia had declared him a traitor today the White House house said it’s preparing a major sanctions package over the mysterious prison death of Putin’s fiercest critic here’s Washington bureau chief Joy Malin is a dealer as outrage around the

World grows over Alexi Na’s death US President Joe Biden promising to punish Russia targeting the kremlin’s defense Industries starving moscow’s war machine I told you we’ll be announcing sanctions on Russia we’ll have a major package announced on Friday Biden holds Vladimir Putin responsible for Na’s killing Na’s mother traveling 2,000 miles to the

Arctic prison where her son was jailed in this video begging and pleading I’m asking you Vladimir Putin give me his body she cries let me see my son give him back so I can bury him humanely told by the Kremlin nal’s remains won’t be released for at least

Two weeks while they investigate Na’s Widow Julia Direct irly accused Putin of poisoning her husband and keeping his body to disguise the cause of death the best way to punish Putin um including for the death of Naval is by actually getting this Aid package approved in

Congress and uh uh for the Europeans to ratchet up their production of weapons to send to Ukraine the pressure on Congressional Republicans who refused to authorize a military aid package for Ukraine with Donald Trump leading the charge president zalinsky on the front lines is running out of ammunition as

Russia gained control of a key Eastern Ukrainian City now smoldering in Ruins America’s sanctions package Friday marks the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine the European Union and the G7 leaders also considering more sanctions including targeting individuals linked to Na’s death Omar all right Joy thanks the head of NATO

Echoed Biden’s assertion that the the Russian president is to blame for naval’s death in an interview today on ctv’s power play with vashi capelos it just shows the oppressive nature of the Putin regime uh and how they uh never accept anyone standing up against uh Putin Yen stoltenberg added that the

Best way to honor naval’s memory is to ensure Putin doesn’t win in Ukraine coming up an overdose emergency toxic drug supply has been growing for several years sudden deaths linked to dangerous drugs spur urgent warnings plus a new look for the Oilers this Black History Month the RCMP is recommending a charge

Of criminal negligence causing death over a crane collapse in 2021 that killed five people in BC the crane gave way on a construction site in downtown Colona the mounties have not revealed exactly who was the focus of their investigation there is a perilous new front opening up in

Canada’s war on what’s become a national crisis five sudden deaths in Newland and Labrador have prompted a public warning from police about a toxic drug Supply that’s become easier to access here’s ctv’s Garrett Barry the deaths are still under investigation but police issued a public warning about the possibility of an

Increase in the availability of illicit dangerous and potentially fatal drugs One Drug that’s now been found in the province is nine it’s a synthetic opioid said to be even more potent and deadly than fentanyl it caused an overdose death in the rural town of St Anthony in

December the RCMP said it appears the victim bought pills online thinking the substance was morphine the you know toxic drug supply has been growing for several years at this point like five plus years an advocacy group in St John says unless people are given safer Alternatives the harm reduction

Techniques widely practiced across the country like sterile needles can only go so far things like you know safe injection sites or you know other programs like we have now they’re only reactive Solutions today while already in the middle of an addiction emergency the mayor of Belleville Ontario said he

Wants to push forward with the new service center for mental health an addictions care even if the city has to do it alone we asked the province for $2 million and the answer was basically you’ll have to wait as myself as mayor of the city it’s time to bring action if

We have to do it on ourselves or by ourselves that’s what we’ll do there’s also news from Vancouver Islands tonight a new plan by a team in Port alurn to combat what they call a toxic drug catastrophe signs that this issue is developing into a crisis from coast to

Coast Omar all right Garett thank you still ahead there you go a high stakes rescue as a wild storm reeks Havoc across California a dramatic rescue to show you from Southern California where rapidly Rising flood waters put drivers in danger there you go very good good a rescue chopper pulled five people

Stranded in a Rushing River to safety 37 million people are under flood watch as heavy rains continue to lash the state in Alberta it’s the opposite problem dry and warm weather prompting an early start to the Wildfire season which typically begins March 1st we are declaring an early start to the 2024

Wildfire season last year more than a thousand wildfires burned a record 2.2 million hectares of land in Alberta and hockey fans in Alberta can soon expect a different look to the Edmonton Oilers logo I was really grateful to have the Oilers reach out about one of the

Specialty logos and so was able to create one for Black History Month artist AJ Lowden says he was inspired by textiles worn in Africa and by the diaspora My Hope Is that people felt seen too that you know they saw the kente cloth that as part of the design

And recognize those patterns and those motifs or the bogolan cloth or any of the other anara elements that you see in a piece and they say hey that’s ours that’s from us the special jerseys make their debut tomorrow night when the Oilers host the Bruins after the break a

Treetop tussle as felines face off we leave you tonight with an incredible confrontation caught on camera a BC woman is sharing rare footage of a cougar and a bobcat battling it out in the most precarious of places cdv’s BC bureau chief Andrew Johnson has the story wow a life or death struggle plays

Out at the very top of a towering Cedar but at first from Tammy Jordan’s kitchen it was hard to see see what was going on maybe it was a raccoon Jordan put making dinner on hold as the family in BC’s Fraser Valley broke out the binoculars and they realized a cougar was working

On a meal of its own it had a bobcat cornered I never heard the cougar make a noise but the Bobcat was definitely growling and hissing and a precarious standoff 30 m in the air and on paper a mismatch if the cougar got any one of it

Paws on it it more than likely was a a very quick death for that Bobcat Jordan and her family were pulling for the underdog or in this case cat it was sad that I really hoped got away but it was pretty cool it was getting dark out so

No one saw how the treetop tussle ended and based on some of the other brutal BC encounters that have been caught on camera maybe it’s better that way I can’t believe that I was there in 2015 a Vancouver Island man was stunned to stumble upon what conservation officers

Called a once in a-lifetime encounter cougar versus wolf the crunch of the spine the first initial hit it’s like I relive it this underwater battle off Victoria between a seal and an octopus was a photographer’s dream in the end the seal earned its snack he was mowing down on

It experts say it’s rare to catch a violent encounter in the animal kingdom up close so if you do keep your distance and grab your video camera Andrew Johnson CTV News Vancouver and that’s a snapshot of this Tuesday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night

And see you tomorrow n

New Statistics Canada data found inflation rates cooled in January; U.S. preparing sanctions for Russia over the death of Alexei Navalny.

1:11 Inflation rate cools in January
3:14 Housing costs up 6.2 per cent
5:29 Deadly shooting in Toronto
8:24 Ransomware group taken down
11:01 U.S. vetoes ceasefire
13:57 U.S. prepares sanctions package for Russia
17:07 Drug deaths in N.L.
21:03 Catfight caught on cam

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