Russia captures Avdiivka in biggest loss for Ukraine since battle for Bakhmut


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Russia’s Defense Ministry says they have captured the eastern city of Avdiivka, less than a day after Ukrainian troops withdrew, making it the largest victory for Russia since they took control of Bakhmut in May 2023.

President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russian troops should develop their success on the battlefield in Ukraine after the fall of Avdiivka where he said Ukrainian troops were forced to flee in chaos.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s military said its troops are taking up new defensive positions in the east – and repelling Russian attempts to develop an offensive thrust.

The capture of Avdiivka pushes Ukrainian forces further from the Russian-held bastion city of Donetsk.

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  1. The fear of escolating via support is the chance that this conflict will trigger WW3. The question we need to ask is if ignoring the conflict is worth the suffering of those to come. Then again, Americans allow children to get shot in kindergarden class, so it isn't a shock to see them let other evils go unpunished.

  2. The little trickster depleted Ukraine off its citizens by making it appear that he was defending it. Those of child bearing age have fled and the remainder that are not child-bearing will vanish by attrition.

    Land of milk and honey: The plenty of game and fish, the innumerable bee-hives, deposited in the hollows of old trees and in the cavities of rocks, and forming even in that rude age a valuable branch of commerce, the size of the cattle, the temperature of the air, the aptness of the soil for every species of grain, and the luxuriancy of the vegetation… (A.D. 244 during the reign of Emperor Philip).

  3. Do you remember when the russian trolls said the Ukrainians counter offensive failed? Well here russia has taken less land over more time taking heavier losses and they call this a victory ?

  4. Putin seems to be on a roll since Trump said, "Putin do whatever the hell you want". The GOP blocking of weapons and ammo to Ukraine to was key to Russia's victory. Putin should send Trump and his followers a Thank You note.

  5. Once you embrace the fact Russia will and SHOULD win. It is easier not to spend your taxpayers money (and really your childrens childrens money) on delaying Russia's win.

    Due to military complexities, the Ukrainians are advancing backwards whereas the Russians are retreating forward.

  6. The Liberals will get my vote ONLY if,…. they post a video with the bobblehead Freeland wearing a helmet, sitting in one of those freshly dig trenches and screaming : Slava Ukraini!


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