Ruby Franke: Utah court sentences disgraced family vlogger to 4-60 years for child abuse


Good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to District Court we’re here for sentencing in the matter of state of Utah versus Ruby Frankie Miss Frankie is here with Mr lward Mr Clark and Mr Shan we here for the state of Utah stand up the state respectfully requests the court sentence Miss Frankie to

Consecutive prison terms for each of the four counts of aggravated child abuse this sentence was agreed to by Miss Frankie and her plea agreement and is also recommended by adult probation perole she committed horrible acts of child abuse from May to August in 20123 Miss Frankie and her business

Partner held her two children ages 9 and 11 turning 12 in a concentration camp like setting the children were regularly denied food water beds to sleep in and virtually all forms of entertainment we are not suggesting nor are we asking that the court deviate from the stipulated sentence contained in the written plea

Agreement I want the court to know that through inpection and reflection Ruby Frankie has become a serious student of her own actions I would like to make a statement without any intent to change my stipulated sentence for the past four years I’ve chosen to follow counsel and guidance that has led

Me into a dark delusion my distorted version of reality went largely unchecked as I would isolate from anyone who challenged me I was led to believe that this world was an evil Place filled with cops who control hospitals that injure government agencies that brainwash church leaders

Who lie in lust husbands who refuse to protect and children who need abused it is important to me to demonstrate my remorse and regret Without Blame I take full accountability for my choices and it is my preference that I serve a prison sentence my husband of more than 23

Years you are the love of my life so sorry to leave to you to finish but we both started together Court recalls the matter of state of Utah versus Hill de brand case 23151 763 sincerely love these children I desire for them to heal physically and

Emotionally one of the reasons I did not go to trial he said I did not want them to emotionally relive the experience which would have been detrimental to them and and you know you you look at you look at the images of people that have been sucking concentration camps in

Mal nurish for a time and you look at the forced labor and the types of injuries that they have from that and that’s what these kiddos experienced they they were they were held they were denied food to the point that that is painfully obvious looking at them they

Were they were left out in the heat without water as a form of punishment and they were forced to do work in the St George heat in June and July and August without without not not not like without gloves but without shoes being out in the desert being forced to do

Labor like if that’s not a concentration camp setting I don’t know what is child abuse is an awful crime and and families have to up the pieces

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Ruby Franke, a Utah mom of six who once broadcasted her family’s life to millions of followers on YouTube, has been sentenced to prison for felony child abuse.

Franke was handed four one-to-15-year-long prison sentences by a Utah district court on Tuesday. The prison terms are to be served consecutively, meaning Franke faces a minimum of four and up to 60 years behind bars. The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole will decide exactly how long Franke is incarcerated.

Her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, received the exact same sentence shortly after Franke’s hearing. They have 30 days to appeal the rulings. Franke and Hildebrandt both pleaded guilty to four counts each of aggravated child abuse last December.

Both women were arrested and charged with child abuse in September 2023 after Franke’s 12-year-old son escaped Hildebrandt’s home, asking for food and water. When emergency responders found him, he was injured, starved and had duct tape on his wrists and ankles covering up wounds.

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  1. Talk about a total lack of accountability. It's extremely telling about her state of mind, that, even now, she is blaming HER actions on others, those who "deluded" her about the state of the world, NONE OF WHICH has any bearing whatsoever on her behavior toward her own children. She's just another extremely delusional, narcissistic, sociopathic person trying to make bank by presenting a false representation of "perfect" to the Internet, using her family — her CHILDREN — as props in her sick, little drama. If I were the judge, her statement would tell me all I needed to know about what she's learned as a "student of her own actions": NOTHING.

    60 years, consecutive sentences, with NO chance of parole.

  2. “The world is an evil place filled with cops who control, hospital that injure…” now imagine the fear of these kids when they really were being saved but taught cops and doctor were evil; the neighbor who called the police stated that the boy was really afraid to call the cops, and you can hear him saying “that was my fault” the little girl refused for hours to be visited by doctors, the two older girls were reluctant to talk to the police and didn't even wanted to go with their other sister. The amount of emotional and mental abuse is insane, along with an awful physical abuse, the kids have a lifetime of healing ahead and will carry some emotional scars forever, while these two monsters are going to be out soon, their time in prison will be much shorter than the kids time to heal. Who hurts children should never be let out.

  3. To think that these people were able to do this for years to these children, while cashing in and showing their horrible practices online is just so shameful. So much disrespect and abuse, may the kids heal, be helped and find loving caring and competent people that can help them and offer them a second chance to develop as loving and caring humans.


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