Record number of “zombie fires” burning in B.C.


In 2023 we watched BC burn six firefighters killed a record-breaking 2.84 million hectares of land burned so hot the remnants of Summer’s Devastation still lingers beneath the surface in the dead of winter this fall we just didn’t get the saturating rains that we needed and so those fires have crapped below ground

And are kind of smoldering below the the surface of the ground of the soils they’re called Zombie fires or holdover fires Embers smoldering under layers of snow there are about 90 of those fires mostly in the Northeast part of the province although a few in the Caribou

The ecosystems up there have a very deep dff Duff depth with is basically Duff is just decomposing vegetative or Woody biomass that’s what makes it possible for these fires to burn underground is that they have lots of fuel under control now the danger is if they cross into unburnt territory if over the

Winter they have actually moved under the Fire Guard and into unburned adjacent area and then that’s when they can get back up and then they can reignite a forest fire experts say we can thank climate change more extreme um temperatures and drought in the summertime are all contributing to both

The size of the fires the intensity of the fires and the chances that they’ll continue to smolder through the winter little can be done now so unless something happens over the next couple weeks here and we get a you know a big influx of precipitation or the spring

Ends up being you know very very wet then we’re entering this fire season in in no better condition than we left it uh last fall authorities watching and waiting on high alert for the snow melt come spring cat Moscone Global News

British Columbia’s worst-ever wildfire season in 2023 appears to have carried over into 2024. The mild and dry fall and winter have created perfect conditions for a record number of so-called “zombie fires.”

Many parts of B.C. had lower-than-average rain in the fall and the ground did not become saturated enough to extinguish them. The fires can continue to burn underneath the snowpack and can then pose a new danger come the spring.

Global’s Cassidy Mosconi reports.

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  1. These forest fires are perfectly normal, how else do you think coal and oil is produced. Its just that the conditions are ideal and the lack of personnel to control these fires. ..Solution? Don't build houses or towns near a forest.

  2. Deserves the resignation of Justin Toxic Trudeau illegally drought satellites, illegally squadron of drought helicopters zombie pilots illegally Fort McMurray Alberta illegally unconstitutional and illegally charter of rights .Jason Kenny 1 billion dollars crop devastation insurance drought liberals, conduct French eating debt Freeland disorder.

  3. I worry about vulnerable people with the smoke but also wonder how we will evolve with this new normal. Try reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and then imagine how our species would evolve if we ensured safe housing, clean water, healthy food, quality education, and full health care for everyone, while planning future development to be in harmony with the Earth and with each other. So kids and adults could earn a living wage from a place where they feel safe and loved, working towards an ensured basic standard of living, while achieving self actualization in the process.


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