Former Navy SEAL ‘not surprised’ at U.S. vetoing UN ceasefire call | Canada Tonight


Well turning now to the war between Israel and Hamas we’re following the Fallout from a key diplomatic decision made thousands of kilometers from the battlefield an arbl draft resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire has failed at the UN Security Council the organization’s highest body for the maintenance of International Peace and

Security the result of the Voting is as follows 13 votes in favor one vote against one abstention the draft resolution has not been adopted owing to the negative vote of a permanent member of the council again allows her that negative vote that proved so crucial was from the US

Ambassador she said she has her own draft resolution for a ceasefire and she will bring it before the security Council in the coming days well for more on this we’re now joined by Dan oay he is a former US US Navy SEAL and part of the hostage working group at the US

Embassy in Iraq so thank you uh Mr OA for joining us are you surprised that the US vetoed the resolution for a third time no because the the US has a standing position on what is hopefully seven remaining American Israeli hostages that they’re trying to get out

And hostages were not part of the deal which is why this resolution was uh voted down but with the veto vote by the United States so the the US did bring its own rival Security Council uh resolution that would support a temporary ceasefire uh linked to the

Release of all hostages and call for lifting of restrictions on delivery of humanitarian Aid so talk to me about how that is different from the Arab back UN resolution they vetoed well the the Algerian measure demanded a complete ceasefire which cessation of fighting the IDF would have to withdraw um without any any

Discussion of hostages that’s why it became a non-starter uh there are still approximately 100 hostages being held there’s reports that 25 to 30 have been killed but that still means there’s roughly 100 hostages being held presumably uh seven of those are Americans uh from the original 10 11

That were taken um you know four or five months ago on October 7th but the the hostage is always been the sticky issue it’s what was the first challenge to get the first ceasefire the ceasefire only occurred because Israel wanted to get hostages back and that’s why they agreed

To a ceasefire and they agreed to the extension but so far they have not been able to create uh that use that blueprint for future success and that’s why we’re at another stalemate today we’re at another stalemate and what do you think it’s going to take to move the ball forward

Here well at the end of the day the challenge is this you have the two principle parties are not at the table Hamas and Israel are not at the table all these negotiations are being being done through third party intermediaries the US government politicians uh officials in Qatar non-government

Organizations so there is not a Israel and Hamas are not sitting across the table and the fact of the matter is both stated aims of Hamas and Israel or at least the current Israeli government is to destroy each other and that’s not a good starting position for any any

Chance of getting uh negotiated settlements much less a ceasefire it certainly is not you know you mentioned Qatar it recently blamed Israel for negotiations failing and said a truce shouldn’t depend on a deal to release hostages now meanwhile the Israeli negotiator walked off because of hamas’s Demands and calling them delusional how

Complicated is it going to be to reach an agreement here you know this is one of the biggest challenges why uh you know I I hate to say this because no one wants to admit to it but there will never be peace in the Middle East because these are the

Type of challenges we have we have uh and this goes back to the formation of Israel uh it has been this conundrum and it comes up every few years it’s either they’re either attacked or we have you know we’ve had multiple attempts to have a peace settlement to have a two-state

Solution all those attempts all those efforts have failed because we’ve got two sides that are completely polar opposite and when they both have the stated aim to wipe each other out you know as a starting point how are you going to find success in a negotiating

Table when the end state for both is the ruction of the opposing side so I mean what is there to do at this point then back channels is that one way uh to to to move this forward well the the problem is that’s what they’ve been using this is all all

The negotiations to to the to date have been back channels I mean to be frank when they first made the first ceasefire and they were able to extend it to get more HW I thought they had created a blueprint for future ceasefires but sadly um you know the Israeli position

Is entr trenched I mean right now they’re surrounding the last major city in in in Gaza that hasn’t been subdued where virtually a million plus refugees are are um contained and presumably the rest of the Hamas Fighters and uh I I saw report last week that only 25 to 30%

Of Hamas Fighters have even been taken out despite the large casualty rates of 25,000 plus from what uh reports are coming from Gaza of the casualties to date but uh the news just keeps getting worse and frankly the worst of this is for not only the hostages themselves but

Their families ultimately they’re the ones caught in the middle uh of this this tragedy and uh it’s it it doesn’t look positive right now especially with latest developments at the UN today yeah and all eyes are on Rafa this evening as well uh appreciate the time tonight Dan

That is Dan OA a former US Navy SEAL and part of the hostage working group at the US Embassy in Iraq

Dan O’Shea, former U.S. Navy SEAL, says he’s not surprised that the United States vetoed an Algerian resolution to the United Nations Security Council calling for an ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire.’ He says it’s because of the country’s position on releasing hostages, which weren’t part of the proposed deal.

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