Guilbeault’s ‘no new roads’ comment ‘so stupid it drew ire from across the political spectrum’


Um so this guy in his um petrochemical jacket there he has decided that uh the federal government is not going to invest in road infrastructure you know like we’re what I think the world’s second largest country by land mass we are very sparsely populated as um Tucker Carlson puts out the world’s second

Largest country with just a little under 40 million people sounds like heaven um except the Liberals want to fill it up with people for some reason but anyway he says we’re not getting any roads so I guess you’re not getting any food as a farmer I would say to you if I

Don’t have roads you don’t get Food City people like the food doesn’t grow at the grocery store but anyways he says we’re not getting any roads and um the Liberals are making excuses for this blackmail from the federal government let’s hear what Justin trau has to say

When he tried to clean up this mess somebody else made the DRX water bottle sort of thing uh commented that uh this government will no longer invest in roads we have Northern First Nations that came out last week asking the province and the federal government to invest in an all-

Weather Road system it’s the middle of February those roads have just opened climate change is a problem there yeah invest in that the minister clarified his uh uh his comments that he was speaking about a very specific project in Quebec City um the reality is since 2008 uh this federal government has

Stepped up massively on investing in infrastructure right across the country uh and it’s a contrast not just with the conservative government that uh preceded us uh but the uh the conservative party in Ottawa right now that continues to stand uh against investments in infrastructure against uh the kinds of

Investments that help communities uh because all they’re proposing is uh cutting the Investments including in infrastructure that Canadians are relying on we will continue to be there do you know how long he’s been in power he said his government has made infrastructure Investments it’s not Investments you don’t invest taxpayer

Money uh spending is what he’s talking about but he was elected in 2015 late 201 15 so he’s taking credit for infrastructure Investments spending uh that the prior government made like he’s been in power so long that he doesn’t know when his government came into power and I think

That goes to his his sense of entitlement right that um that he thinks the Liberals are the natural governing party of this country and so they should just be able to take credit for the things that other people did um and yeah sorry as as a small SE conservative not

A partisan conservative I am skeptical of infrastructure Investments you want to know why because they can’t keep track of infrastructure spending didn’t uh Katherine McKenna lose track of billions and billions of dollars when she was infrastructure Minister I think it led to her not wanting to run again

Because they just lost track of like multiple billions of dollars in infrastructure spending so yeah forgive me if I’m skeptical of throwing money at infrastructure projects under the Liberals but this idea that Canada’s as the world’s second largest country we shouldn’t have roads like we all don’t live in like the

Toronto Montreal Ottawa Corridor we all don’t live like five minutes from the American Border we live in other places and in fact the people who live in other places not in that little Corridor and far away from the border guess what we do we keep you alive we are the ones

That make the energy and grow the food so we need the roads to keep you people alive if you wouldn’t mind thanks Justin Trudeau uh now naturally when Stephen gbo does something stupid there’s one person who uh loves to weigh in and I cannot wait to hear what she has to say

Every time that Stephen Gilbo does something stupid uh and that is Premier Daniel Smith who uh I think Stephen gbo is a bit of her Muse she does her best work when she’s fighting with him and owning him and uh telling him that she’s going to own him and telling him excuse

Me that she’s going to fight him like she likes to put him on notice but I think for the psychological Terror and then she does it and so naturally she had a lot to say let’s hear from uh my Premier Daniel Smith well uh Premier yesterday the federal minister of environment and

Climate change Steven gubo uh made quite an announcement he announced uh that the feds won’t be building any more roads in Canada now he has since walked Walked those comments back saying that he was misinterpreted in any event it was pretty clear what he said and to not

Build any more roads in a country like Canada where we’re growing I think of Alberta is just plain bizarre your reaction to what he said well it’s like he’s never stepped foot outside of Montreal I mean I can understand if all you have ever done in your life has

Lived in an urban environment where you can take the bus I can understand that you might not know how big this country is you might not know where resources get developed you might not know that when you have a a country as vast as Canada not only east to west but north

To south you need roads to drive on so the the problem with gibo is that he’s getting increasingly erratic and bizarre the more and more the more every time he opens his mouth is to come up with some with some new unattainable policy pronouncement and the only thing that I

Scratched my head over is why is caucus and why his cabinet uh have not done something about him he’s destroying the credibility of the Liberals he’s destroying National Unity he’s acting in a lawless way because he’s not it’s not abiding by the Constitution or by the the decisions of the courts it’s just

Mystifying that he continues to to be out there making these ridiculous pronouncements I I suppose the good news this time is it wasn’t just me who had to say how how what what lunacy this was you had Doug Ford who also weighed in as well as Brian uh or David eie in British

Columbia weighing in so if you’ve got premieres from all across the the pro uh the country with different political Stripes all saying the same thing you know there’s one person who who’s wrong and it’s the environment Minister yeah yeah well in this case even even even

The media some of his closest allies in the media were turning on him on this one so uh I take your point entirely listen one more and I’ll let you go I know there’s a couple things in there like she doesn’t spare any words she called it lunacy she pointed out that

You know that there is a whole other Canada outside of that Montreal Ottawa Toronto Corridor um and you know she she pointed out that we are the people who grow the food and make the energy and uh it is true that it was so stupid that it drew ey from across the political

Spectrum David eie um is no conservative that’s for sure I think he would be to the left of a socialist in BC Doug Ford God only knows where he’s at today I think he would be closer to a liberal than a conservative like a federal liberal I think he would align himself

Probably more closely with them than he would with PV um and yet he was outraged at just how stupid this is the only point that I would take umage with my Premier there is that it she said this she wonders why caucus hasn’t done anything and that Gilbo is destroying

The credibility of the Liberals Madame Premier I believe that ship has sailed a long time ago look I know why caucus isn’t doing it they’re all just as radical as he is he’s just saying out loud what they believe

? | Tell Trudeau Canadians don’t want a reset of our economy!
Sheila Gunn Reid reacts to comments from Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault about the federal government no longer funding new roads, remarking that it was “so stupid it drew ire from across the political spectrum.”
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  1. what a liar trudeau…. come see our roads liar. the four ruts r so deep you constantly push water off the road to all on coming traffic from point A to point B and back all yr long when it's raining and it rains lots here.. There's ZERO money being spent on roads. And the pot hole fixers lasts a week top and got to redo it over and over ect…

  2. Steven doesn't have a road between his ears. Just dumb, when asked how much a EV cost Steven didn't know. EVs batters don't like our northern weather. Heat pumps don't work after -20.
    Liberals are lazy they don't like homework.

  3. Well, this is Canada's homegrown government eco terrorist so out of touch that he makes The Three Stooges look smart. What a complete moron. Right in line with Trudeau. Also, the Conservatives have no plan to cut anything except stupidity.

  4. In his opinion every one should live in Montreal or Toronto or Vancouver. Anybody outside those areas can ski snowshoe ride bikes etc. Maybe sled dogs. He is so out there they would need the starship Enterprise to find him. Yet Trudeau will say no. This is what he meant to say.

  5. No roads? Lol. I'm sure my f250 will handle no roads much better than the ev's that guilbeault is touting
    Liberal government. "We are building more houses. But you'll have to walk to them"

  6. Guilbeault is an ANARCHIST – plain and simple – he has ZERO education in science, has provided ZERO evidence to back his claims, has a history of PRISON/JAIL-TIME and THAT is where he belongs

  7. Do we all know why any traveler with a driver's license boasts about the Avus highway, the precursor which is now known as the Autobahn? Because of its undeniable construction and maintenance. I've driven it, in a high end beamer (BMW) going 200km/hr with cars still passing me on the left lane. It's incredible. But it exists still because it's maintained. It's one of the main backbones of a countries infrastructure. How is this a wise statement or admittance to squash funding towards? Especially in a country with such fluctuating seasons that requires ongoing maintenance and improvements of roads and highways? How does one expect EV'S to get anywhere efficiently or safely? I don't understand the role of the federal government anymore. It should not be a role of hindering the right of every province and every person in that province to prosper. Does he not know that the very home he lives in requires trucks to travel on these roads to provide goods and services so that at the least he can sustain his own livelihood in his own home without repercussions? Yah! Roads and highways are intertwined in that equation. What is the sudden motivation to make such a fundamental risky decision without an exhaustive or clear reason outlining detailed analysis and data transparent for all to review?
    Usually i have something positive to end my comment but this is the first time in along time that I'm speechless to why this is a good idea?
    Still sending my love to all.

  8. What a fricking liar this guy Trudeau is!!Guilbault never mentioned ANYTHING about Quebec in his "no more hiways" comment!And that smiling idiot behind Trudeau is the premier of Manitoba,Wab Kinew.A member of the NDP party,Trudeau's partners in crime here in Canada.He looks like he is so enamored with Trudeau as to be speechless!!

  9. Guilbeaut parker his car a la coin de la rue cuz he'll soon see that he can't drive it any further without does new streets, eh! .. Get him out of parliament and let him get back to injecting Safe Supply – he obviously enjoys it.


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