Global National: Feb. 16, 2024 | Alexei Navalny death sends shockwaves across Russia, world


On this Friday night Alexi naval’s Legacy of unrelenting Defiance until the end what prison officials say happened to one of the Russian president’s most vocal opponents make no mistake Putin is responsible for nal’s death the worldwide reaction and the suspicious deaths of other Kremlin critics find what Donald Trump is being

Ordered to pay even for a billionaire an enormous amount of money plus what he’s not allowed to do and royalty at the rink Prince Harry gives wheelchair curling a world global national with forign Asser reporting tonight Neu gcha good evening and thanks for joining us reaction is

Pouring in tonight to reports of the death of Alexi naal Russia’s most significant and outspoken opposition leader despite the risk navali supporters took to the streets of Russia to pay tribute to President Vladimir Putin’s staunchest critic navali had been jailed since 2021 on what many Saw as false charges his wife delivered a

Surprise and charge statement shortly after the news surfaced making it clear who was to blame if the reports were confirmed Julia Nal NAA said I want Putin and all of his Entourage to know they will be accountable for what they’ve done to our country my family and to my

Husband those sentiments also being felt by many in the west Redmond Shannon begins our coverage Alexa Nal on Thursday appearing in court via video link from an Arctic prison Colony jokingly asking the judge to wire him some money on Friday prison authorities said the vocal critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin had

Died having collapsed after a woke International condemnation came quickly we don’t know exactly what happened but there is no doubt that the death of theal was a consequence of something that Putin and his and his thugs did next month Russian voters are expected to reelect Putin as president I’m shocked said this woman

But she added she doesn’t think nal’s death was political many vocal opponents of Putin live outside Russia like Dimitri moskovsky maybe they want to put down the people who are who were who could have potentially protest against the elections over more than a decade naval’s primary focus was outing

Corruption among Russia’s Elite these are people who are trying to steal my country and I’m strongly disagree with it I’m not going to be you know a kind of speechless person right now he was regularly arrested and prosecuted on charges widely seen as politically motivated in 2017 he received chemical

Burns when sprayed with a green Dy a year later he was blocked from running for president then in 2020 Nal fell dangerously ill on a flight in Russia and was flown to Germany for treatment tests there said he’d been poisoned with a variant of the russian-made nerve

Agent novichok when he recovered he made two f decisions he flew back to Russia where he likely expected to be arrested and was days later he then posted a slickly produced documentary on YouTube about a secluded billion doll mansion He alleged was owned by Putin tens of millions of

People watched it naal would never leave prison again in 2017 he told 60 Minutes on CBS why he thought his work was worth the risk I think I’m ready to sacrifice everything for my job and for the people who surrounding me I’m not let them down

And I’m trying to not to reflect about it all the time Alexi Nali was 47 Redmond Channon Global News London the Kremlin has called the West reaction to naval’s death unacceptable and absolutely rabid it says it has launched a probe into the incident but for many outside of Russia the blame has been

Clear and focused strictly on the Russian president Eric senson looks at Vladimir Putin’s history of silencing dissent Vladimir Putin knows these are the images of him the world would see today in control a normal day at a factory while outside Russia Global reaction exploded in Fury over Alexander naval’s

Death obviously he was killed by Putin said Ukraine’s President Vladimir zalinski adding Putin doesn’t care who dies as long as he retains his position they imprisoned him they poisoned him they sent him to an Arctic penal colony and he’s died and and that is because of the action that Putin’s Russia took

Germany’s chancellor suggested Russia has changed under Putin no longer a democracy and hasn’t been for a long time while Putin projects an image of a secure popular leader he cannot escape the evidence piling up that his regime uses lethal Force to silence opposition anap poit kavaya a journalist murdered

In an elevator Alexander laneno a former security agent poisoned in England Sergey M nitzki who was exposing Russian corruption died in police custody Boris nmo political reformer shot crossing a bridge near the Kremlin even mercenary leader yevi progan turned on Putin last June and was dead by August and now nalni what they

Have in common they stood up to Putin and died on the west block this analyst suggested it’s an act of impunity but indicates I think real confidence on Putin’s part that he can get rid of this thorn in his side and uh uh and and not not see Russia suffer any real negative

Effects Putin’s regime has become ruthlessly efficient at squelching descent and there’s growing support among some conservatives former US president Donald Trump has openly admired the Russian leader twice you’ve described us president’s interviewer Tucker Carlson gave Putin a platform to criticize Ukraine a country he’s trying to take over you did not talk about

Naali about assassinations asked about the Putin interview days before naval’s death Carlson said this every leader kills people some kill more than others leadership requires killing people sorry in Russia of course Putin’s leadership is largely accepted don’t expect a ground swell of opposition because of naval’s death says this expertly on

Russian social media today very few people talk him about n Valle I don’t think his passing is going to make make a huge difference the opposition was already disarray and I think that’s likely to continue Russia’s next election is in four weeks without some shocking development there will be no

Serious opposition and Vladimir Putin will be reelected for six more years Eric senson Global News Toronto prime minister Justin Trudeau was quick to react to reports of Alexi naval’s death calling it both tragic and horrifying Trudeau said naly was an extraordinary Fighter for both human rights and

Democracy and uh we know how much that scares and continues to scare Vladimir Putin Trudeau says Canada remains committed to holding Putin responsible for his actions adding that we must continue to protect and defend democracy everywhere David Aken has been monitoring Canadian reaction from Ottawa David well nethu even before Russia’s

Fullscale invasion of Ukraine Canada had been harshly critical of Vladimir Putin’s human rights abuses and anti-democratic measures and of course after Ukraine was invaded Canada along with its allies sanctioned dozens of Russian officials including President Putin this is a reminder to us of who Putin is the fact that Naval a

Pro-democracy Advocate an opposition Del leader was poisoned and then imprisoned and now is dead reminds us of how important it is for us to stand with the people of Ukraine now Russia still has diplomats in Canada just as Canada still has diplomats in Russia today protesters could be seen outside Russia’s Embassy

Here in Ottawa now Canada of course has a significant Ukrainian and Russian diaspora and in fact that’s where prime minister Justin Trudeau was today in Winnipeg one of the country’s major centers of Ukrainian Canadians there Trudeau said Alexi nval set an example for all Canadians it is a moment to uh

Reflect on his courage on his inspiration for all of us and double and triple down in our resolve as Canadians and as a country uh to continue to stand up against Putin and in an interview that will Air this weekend on the west block defense minister Bill Blair tells Mercedes

Stevenson that Canada will continue to look for ways to hold Putin accountable for his actions Neu David Aken in Ottawa thanks for that David in the US former president Donald Trump was dealt another legal and financial blow in court today a judge found Trump liable for more than

$350 million in Damages after previously ruling Trump fraudulently inflated the value of his properties Jackson prco is in New York tonight with the Fallout from this ruling Jackson well NE to New York’s attorney general believes the final damages could approach $450 Million by the time you factor in

Interest and other penalties this is a serious test of Donald Trump’s claims of wealth especially because the ruling also bars him from taking out any new loans to pay down this massive judgment in a city dotted with Towers bearing his name Donald Trump faces a potentially fatal blow to his Empire

Ordered to pay over $354 million in Damages for fraud conspiracy and false financial statements leading to ill-gotten gains the result of falsely inflating the value of his assets so if you have a legal judgment against you you’re going to have to sell the assets you have to pay for that bankruptcy is

Not a way out of that Justice Arthur engeron went further barring Trump from doing business in New York for 3 years and restricting him from taking out new loans however the court stopped short of dissolving Trump’s company entirely a crooked New York State judge just ruled

That I have to pay a fine of $355 million for having built a perfect company uh great cash great buildings great everything the only question the judge faced was how much should Trump pay having previously Ruled The Real Estate Mogul committed fraud in a case brought by New York’s attorney general

Today we prove that no one is above the law no matter how rich powerful or politically connected you are everyone must play by the same rules during the trial the judge repeatedly slapped Trump with gag orders and fines for his conduct in and out of court now that

It’s over Trump’s Fortune is in Peril he already faces an $83 million judgment in a civil suit brought by writer EEG Carroll and now the massive New York judgment that is even for a billionaire an enormous amount of money and could create enormous cash flow problems

Simply try to take an appeal here in delivering his ruling the judge was absolutely scathing about Trump’s conduct saying that he and his sons displayed a lack of Contrition and remorse that bordered on pathological he also went on to say that Trump imputed his own credibility Time and Time Again

By refusing to properly answer questions during the course of the trial me too Jackson prco in New York tonight thanks Jackson today’s verdict is just one part of Trump’s long list of legal troubles yesterday a trial date was set over hush money payments to adult film star

Stormmy Daniels that trial is set to start on March 25th Trump will then face another trial in May for 40 criminal C by the US justice department that’s related to keeping classified White House documents illegally at his maral Lago estate and obstructing efforts to retrieve them a grand jury also indicted

Trump last August on four counts for federal charges related to efforts to subvert the 2020 election results including conspiracy to violate civil rights related to the January 6 Capital riots there’s no trial date yet and in Georgia Trump is among multiple individuals indicted by a grand jury accused of trying to overturn that

State’s election results he faces 13 counts there Trump’s risk of jail time is real if convicted on all charges the maximum sentence could be over 700 years it’s highly unlikely he’ll face that much time but not one of those convictions would prevent Trump from holding office again if

Reelected in Ottawa a significant update in the case of a young person RCMP arrested in late December on terror related charges for allegedly plotting an attack on the Jewish Community today not only have RCMP announced they are laying two additional charges on that individual they’ve also arrested another

Young person as a co-conspirator our Ottawa bureau chief Mercedes Stevenson has the latest Mercedes what do we know so far well Neu we had known that this was an ongoing investigation that the RCMP were still conducting into what sources have described to us as a significant and serious terrorist plot

One which sources told us back in December they believed was related to Isis likee ideology trying to influence one youth here in Ottawa and now of course we have the second youth being charged as well and these are very very serious charges none of which of course

Have been proven in court the youth that was arrested in December was charged with trying to obtain explosive substances and we’ve been told by sources that included the homemade explosive tatp which is relatively easy to make the youth who was charged in February who appeared in court today along with

The other youth has been charged with trying to procure a prohibited firearm to carry out a terrorist activity and of course we know that the youth in December was looking to Target Jewish people among others what’s also interesting about this is that there’s a number of layers to these charges

They’ve now had a significant charge added in there which was conspiracy to commit murder I’m told by National Security sources that is sometimes used if they are worried about the ability to prove the ideological requirement behind terrorism charges but there’s no doubt in my source’s Minds that there’s an

Ideological component to all of this and this of course comes as well Neu on the heels of the RCMP telling us and speaking publicly about their concern of the radicalization of young people across Canada as you know and we’ve reported previously there was five arrests since this summer we’re now up

To at least six on terrorism charges and there’s a real concern about the targeting of young people and at this point the RCMP are trying to determine who may have been counseling these young people if there was anyone and where they might be all right Mercedes Stevenson in Ottawa thanks Mercedes New

Revelations in a double murder investigation in Quebec coming up the accused Killers passed run-ins with the law we are learning more tonight about a Quebec man accused of killing two women including his mother the 44-year-old suspect has a long history with police and was in court just days before the

Murders accused of another violent crime as Mike Armstrong reports critics say red flags appear to have been missed for a second day police investigators were on site the crime scene is on the sixth floor of what is normally a quiet apartment building it wasn’t quiet Thursday afternoon Fabio

Pugi was arrested after police say he ATT packed three women with a knife the 44-year-old lived in the building with his mother one of the victims the other two were neighbors well he was always walking as dog and uh just a quiet guy he’d always wave to me I’d see him from

My balcony and we’d chat sometimes Pugi appeared in court by video conference among the charges two counts of second-degree murder and one of attempted murder on screen he appeared agitated and both of his hands were bandaged at the request of his lawyer Pug’s being sent for a 5-day psychiatric

Evaluation so the next step is the return of the evaluation of a psychiatrist he’s going to uh decide if is’s fit to trial now Pugi has been found not criminally responsible for offenses in his past in 2012 he was involved in a road rage incident and in

2018 he was charged with fraud he spent time in detention but was not found guilty due to his mental state well blii was in court just last week he’s accused of assault a woman in November someone in the neighborhood but someone he didn’t know personally that has led to

Questions of whether someone with his history should have been out after the recent incident that’s something that could be reviewed if the coroner orders a fatality inquiry that could allow for a look at whether there were some warning signs that were missed earlier in the process cases where the accused is found

Not criminally responsible tend to make headlines but the accused also tend not to reoffend the civism rate is actually lower than people who serve sentences Mike Armstrong Global News vroid Doro Quebec ahead the Stark signs Egypt is preparing for a potential Mass Exodus of Palestinians across its

Border in the Middle East Egypt appears to be building a wall and leveling land near its border with Gaza satellite images show extend construction and a wall being built along Egypt’s border with gaza’s Southernmost city of Rafa where Israel is planning a ground offensive more than 1 million displaced

People are in Rafa with nowhere to go Egypt has not publicly acknowledged the construction at least five patients have died following Israel’s raid on a hospital in southern Gaza the Hamas run Palestinian health authority says the deaths were caused by lack of oxygen and power outages during the raid doctors displaced civilians and

Critically ill patients were forced to evacuate the complex some patients were left behind too weak to move Israel has accused Hamas of holding hostages at the facility Hamas denies the claim When Harry Met Michael next the prince rubs elbows with some Canadian royalty I love my family the fact that I

Was fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him I’m grateful for that what’s sort of your outlook on on his health that stays between me and him Prince Harry giving his first comments on his father’s cancer diagnosis while

Speaking to ABC’s Good Morning America the Duke said King Charles’s illness could help reunify the royal family but also stated he has his own family the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are in British Columbia to Mark the one-year countdown to the winter edition of Harry’s Flagship initiative the Invictus

Games the event will be held in Whistler and Vancouver in 2025 and today Harry and Megan wrapped up their visit with a Canadian classic and Global’s Troy Charles was at the rink yes thank you NE to plenty of sweeping and hurrying hard here in Vancouver as the Duke and Duchess of

Sussex wrapped up their trip for the Invictus games training camp wheelchair curling is one of several new winter adaptive sports that are being added for the 2025 games Harry and Megan were joined on the rank by veterans from the Canadian Armed Forces their families and Invictus games alumni also there was no

Shortage of VIPs and dignitaries including BC Premier David eie many federal ministers and Canadian kuner Michael bé Prince Harry started the Invictus games in 2014 after drawing on his own experiences serving in Afghanistan the smiles on the faces that I have seen over the last few days

It proves why we do what we do and that was just with the competitors imagine what it’s going to be like when friends and family get in a get in a coach get in a bus and head up to whistling the competition for wounded injured and sick service personnel and Veterans is taking

Place next February in Whistler and Vancouver bringing together up to 550 competitors from over 20 Nations today wraps up a whirlwind week for Harry and Megan as they darted back and forth from Vancouver to Whistler getting to know the athlete venues and events that will

Be a part of next year’s games me too all right Troy Charles in Vancouver thanks for that Troy and that is global national for this Friday night I’m Neu garcha tonight’s your Canada is the Manitoba legislative building in Winnipeg thanks so much for watching and hope you’ll join us again tomorrow have

A great Night

In tonight’s top story: Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died, according to authorities in the prison where he was being held. The 47-year-old vocal critic of Russian leader Vladimir Putin had been in jail since 2021, on charges widely believed to be politically motivated. Redmond Shannon reports on the reaction to the news and the career of the activist.

The Kremlin has called the West’s reaction to Navalny’s death “unacceptable” and “absolutely rabid.” It says it has launched a probe into the incident, but for many outside of Russia, the blame has been clear and focused strictly on the Russian president. Eric Sorensen takes a look at Putin’s history of silencing dissent.

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the country remains committed to holding Putin responsible for his actions, adding that we must continue to protect and defend democracy everywhere. David Akin has more on the reaction from Ottawa.

Plus, there is a significant update in the case of a young person RCMP arrested in late December on terror-related charges for allegedly plotting an attack on the Jewish community. Not only did RCMP announce on Friday that they are laying two additional charges on that individual, they’ve also arrested another young person as a co-conspirator. Mercedes Stephenson has the latest.

Meanwhile in the U.S., former president Donald Trump was dealt another legal and financial blow in court. A judge found Trump liable for more than US$350 million in damages, after previously ruling Trump fraudulently inflated the value of his properties. Jackson Proskow has more on the fallout from the ruling.

In Quebec, more is being revealed about a man accused of killing two women on Thursday, including his mother. The 44-year-old suspect has a long history with police, and was in court just days before the murders, accused of another violent crime. As Mike Armstrong reports, critics say red flags appear to have been missed.

And finally, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are in British Columbia to mark the one year countdown to the winter edition of the Invictus Games – Prince Harry’s flagship initiative. The event will be held in Whistler and Vancouver in 2025, and Harry and Megan wrapped up their visit with a Canadian Classic on Friday. Troy Charles reports from the rink.

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  1. He could have poisoned himself as to try and hurt Vladimir Putin who he knew would be blamed or suspected of it! DONT FALL FOR THE FALSE NARRATIVE, it only helps the evil usa government! ?

  2. Mind your own business and your own countries problems. Who the F Trudeau is to even open his mouth and give his opinion. Your own nation is hating you, Trudeau, and yet you are still grasping on power.


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