Poilievre asks Liberals if they’re hiding documents amid #ArriveCan investigation


She pointed out that she can’t even total up the full cost of the arrive scam app because many of the documents were still hidden from her either because they’ve been destroyed by corrupt liberal government officials or because the prime minister is having them hidden will the Prime Minister hand

Over every single document that refers to the arrive scam or GC strategies yes or no Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition knows very well that our government is collaborating with parliamentary committees the office of the auditor general the Border Services Agency is doing uh an internal review an

Investigation with respect to many of these matters and officials have from the very beginning referred to the RCMP any and all information where they think it might be appropriate for the RCMP to investigate the government will always cooperate with these lawful authorities to ensure that they can do the work that

Canadians properly expect them to do I will

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre grilled Liberals during Thursday’s session of question period in the House of Commons regarding what he called “ArriveScam,” referring to the ArriveCan app. He asked Liberals if they’d disclose all documents related to the development of the app, which cost over $60 million. Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said the government will “always co-operate” with the auditor general’s investigation into the matter. #Cdnpolitics #PierrePoilievre #HouseOfCommons




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