US Senate passes $95.3B aid package for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan


The US Senate has passed a bill worth more than 95 billion dollar to provide foreign aid to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan following a marathon of speeches that stretched into the early hours on Tuesday after months of work we can say it’s been worth it today the Senate

Keeps its word to ukrainians in need desperate need of supplies and ammunition to innocent Palestinian civilians in need so much need of relief to Israelis in need of support and to US service members on patrol in the Indo Pacific the Red Sea and around the world the Democrat L Senate approved the bill

In a 70 to 29 vote with 22 Republicans supporting the bill despite former president Donald Trump’s opposition the legislation now faces an uncertain future in the House of Representatives which has failed to pass any assistance for Ukraine ever since Republicans took control in January of 2023 Republicans

Are pushing for the bill to include border reforms as the US continues to see a surge of migrants at its Southern border MO

On early Tuesday, the U.S. Senate passed a US$95.3-billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan after months of complicated negotiations, as political divisions grow in the Republican Party over the role of the United States abroad.

The legislation includes $61 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel in its conflict against Hamas, and $4.83 billion to support partners in the Indo-Pacific — including Taiwan — and deter aggression by China.

It would also provide $9.15 billion in humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine and other conflict zones around the globe.

Both houses of Congress must approve the legislation before U.S. President Joe Biden can sign it into law.

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