Trudeau condemns protest at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital: “Reprehensible”


The Prime Minister describing this as reprehensible a display of anti-Semitism it happened last night after the group moved from outside the Israeli consulate to the hospital which has deep roots in the city’s Jewish Community let’s go live to Global Shan OA which is who is outside of Mount Si tonight

Sean Alan a lot of anger over this particular protest you quoted some of the words from political leaders here anger because specifically of where this protest took place this is what it looked like protesters demonstrating outside Mount siai Hospital on University Avenue Monday evening they chose to Target the

One that has a Jewish star of David in its logo and a Jewish history behind its name fing now fing now Pro Palestinian demonstrators have made their presence known outside the Israeli consulate earlier at one point a man climbed onto a light standard with a

Flag then the that group made its way to Mount Sinai Hospital where the chanting continued and another demonstrator climbed above the hospital sign an emergency room physician went on social media pleading with demonstrators to leave hospitals alone I would ask that all torontonians and all Canadians observe the decency to allow Hospital

Workers and patients to access all hospitals federal law prohibits protesters from blocking a member of the public from obtaining Health Care Services or interfere with another person’s lawful access to a place where Prof profal provide Health Services it’s imperative that when people break the law they’re held accountable for that

Onario Premier Doug Ford appeared angry about what happened do not do not break the law because that’s exactly what happened you broke the law prime minister issued a statement calling the demonstration reprehensible adding I strongly condemn the display of anti-Semitism in a statement Toronto police said it’s investigating several

Incidents that occurred in front of Mount Sinai Hospital and along the demonstration route adding investigations will continue and charges may be laid at a later date it’s not just an attack on a a Jewish Community institution it’s an attack on a Toronto institution that’s not the Ontario I

Grew up in Toronto mayor Olivia Chow said the actions at Mount Sinai can’t be tolerated intimidating uh or um picking on a hospital because it started from a Jewish Community even though it served everybody in the city it’s just not acceptable police also promised today to beef up security here on Hospital row

You can see one patrol car parked right in front of Mount Si right now they’re also appealing to people who are in this area people may have video or other accounts because they say the charges may follow as a result of that protest here yesterday Alan back to you thank you Sean

Toronto police say they’re investigating “several incidents” that happened in front of downtown’s Mount Sinai Hospital, after a demonstration there that has drawn sharp criticism from both the premier and the prime minister.

Demonstrators marched in Toronto Monday evening and at one point demonstrators were seen outside Mount Sinai Hospital. Some were even seen climbing onto the building, with at least one waving a Palestinian flag.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reacted to the demonstration in a post on social media platform X, calling it “reprehensible.”

“Hospitals are places for treatment and care, not protests and intimidation,” Trudeau said. “I strongly condemn this display of antisemitism. In Toronto and across Canada, we stand with Jewish communities against this hate.”

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  1. Nothing anti-Semitic about criticizing war crimes, plied by militants with "real" assault rifles, upon a civilian populace.

    Anti-Semitic is trying to play-off war crimes as some form of Jewish tradition.

  2. Please do not ever equate protesting what Israel is doing as anti semitism.
    It's just stupid brainwashing and outright lying.
    That said they shouldn't be doing this blocking access to a hospital although it's rather ironic isn't it?
    That they can't target a hospital with a Jewish name to protest as thousands are dying over there at the hands of Jewish soldiers.
    It's also ironic that you never hear the protesters say how sorry they are for what happened in October.
    Violence begets more violence.
    This isn't a secret and the ones responsible for planning the October massacre need to be brought to justice.
    This is so tiring because it will never end with people on both sides acting entitled to land that was never theirs to begin with.

  3. As someone who just recovered from the hospital. Let's see that there are people whom are just trying to heal everyday, year, span of time is hard. Protest and free speech yes. But disrupting this place that already has death dying and cancer hardships please try to understand. We hear you and yet. If this noise is to get the attention and communication going perhaps another way. At the same time. I really do question this whole MAID reality. Well perhaps Global news has more meaning to it than meets the eye. Truly nothing is simple yet everyone. Lets do our best to do better.

  4. This is the diversity that our Government tells us we need. This is our future, according to politicians. This garbage. Third World values, Third World issues, Third World criminality. All of it smashing through our borders.


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