Ontario drivers won’t need to renew licence plates: Premier Doug Ford


Taking renewals off the plates of Ontario drivers when Motors will be able to detour around the yearly registration process good afternoon shifting from manual to automatic with a surge of expired plates on the province’s roads the government says it’s something people won’t have to worry about much longer ctv’s Queens Park bureau chief

Sioban Morris is live with more shoban well renewing your registration is one of those to-do items that if you don’t get around to you could face a hefty fine if you’re pulled over and caught by police with the premier announcing in something of a surprise announcement today that that threat will soon be

Gone on Ontario roads they’ve been adding up more than a million Vehicles unregistered since the province eliminated fees and reminders to drivers to renew their plates today a surprise announcement from the premier we did the first step getting rid of the sticker now we’re getting uh rid of the the

Re-registration it’ll be automatically re-registered so people won’t have to worry about that uh at all more details are expected this week but the Ministry of Transportation says only drivers in good standing will be eligible for automatic registration no fines parking tickets or unpaid tolls the slip came at a news conference

In Miss Saga the premier taking a not so subtle swipe but liberal leader Bonnie cromby with plans for a bill Doug Ford says will protect ontarians from a carbon tax if passed this new legislation will require future provincial governments to hold a referendum before imposing a carbon pricing scheme Progressive conservatives

Have been trying to characterize the liberal leader as an expensive alternative my record couldn’t be more different than Bonnie kroy’s she supported the carbon tax right from the start she’s the queen of carbon tax the Liberals have dismissed the attack as a desperate distraction people know we

Also heard from the premier today about the government’s decision not to appeal an Ontario Superior or uh an appeals court decision rather to the Supreme Court striking down Bill 124 the premier says the province is in a much different Financial place than it was when the

Bill was introduced in 2019 and that the government’s already spent billions of dollars on this bill reporting live from Miss Saga I’m sioban Morris Nathan back to you

Ontario Premier Doug Ford says the province is in the process of setting up an automated system to register licences going forward.

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