Former border patrol agent offers key insights into southern border challenges


Me meico toia I’ve had hundreds and I’m not kidding hundreds of people show up at my house thing was we’re out here chasing aliens you know we’re out there patrolling the Border you’d have to answer all your sensors and you go out there be be looking for stuff there’s a

Whole category of people that aren’t even be touched right now they just run right through today we are pleased to present the full interview with former Texas border patrol agent leis valderama in our previous report my colleague Lincoln J and I highlighted our migrants continue to cross the Rio Grande River despite

Governor Greg Abbott effort to reinforce border security we are here to send a loud and clear message that we are Banning together to fight to ensure that we will be able to maintain our constitutional guarantee that states will be able to defend against any type of imminent danger or Invasion our

Journey took us to the southern border to investigate Governor habit unwavering stance especially after the Supreme Court ruled that federal agents could cut the Raz of wire installed by the governor if necessary habit stanchly defend his border against what it calls an invasion although the number of

Illegal Crossing has decreased in the go past Tas a previous odd spot but today due to the raise of wire and shipping containers used as a temporary barriers Crossing still occure nearby visit Texas to catch up on our coverage of the mission at the southern border it was during our investigation

In the kimado area that we encountered Lis valderama as a former border patrol agent valderama provided valuable insights into the process of migrants before and after being encountered with border patrol agent they must have talked to somebody I worked with the boorder patrol for 25 years and then investigations another 10

After that so I had 35 years all here in Eagle Pass area everything was under control to a sense apprehensions went up one year we’d catch them amnesty apprehensions went up you know we were encountering a lot of people drug traffic could go back up but we were

Always out here chasing people and people were running and ever since it’s sorry to say ever since Biden showed up no one’s running anymore they just come across with little babies and all that kind of stuff I’ve had hundreds and I’m not kidding hundreds of people show up

At my house and it’s unsettling you know you don’t know who they are um during covid and all that other stuff like that what diseases do they have and and they’re hungry they’re you know they want they want assistance and and you turn them over to border patrol and

Border Patrol’s job is just to gather them I mean they’re not running they gather them load them up in their vehicles take them to to their processing centers and release them and there was a point in time where they weren’t even processing them they they they called it parole but they weren’t

Even setting them up for dates you know these are there’s a chunk of people that they just released and it’s not border Patrol’s fault you know they’re they’re they’re they’re tied by by the administration I know of people that are trying to immigrate the right way and

Their their their spouses are in Mexico waiting for their their hearing date and there ain’t no hearing date coming anytime soon you know the the courts are so backed up that the people that are doing it the right way can’t do it the rest of them just come across and here

They are you know they get free Hotel in New York right you know um let them go to the sanctuary States and um and you know see if they treat them any different after after a year or two of of these big groups coming through because um they’re going to get tired of

It too they just not just unsustainable you know you can’t you can’t take care of these people it’s crazy thank goodness for abbit he took control of a little bit of a river you know they put up their stand and and I think the word

Has gone out it’s obvious to me that the word got out because they’re not coming here anymore did you see a changing on the kind of immigrant that were crossing we talk about either men alone families or different country did you see like a changing in the country that people were

Crossing it was all seasonal at the very beginning of my career people would come across um they were coming across to work and during Christmas they’d all go back to their homes and so our apprehensions would Dro during Christmas and then you know it it kind of just

That cycle you know that way you know um there was a time period here where we were catching marijuana the dope um a big seizure every once in a while was a big deal and then all of a sudden we were having big seizures multiple times

A shift thing was we’re out here chasing aliens you know we’re out here patrolling the Border you’d have to answer all your sensors and you go out there be be looking for stuff and you be catching people as you go but in the meantime every once in a while you get

Lucky and catch some dope and um and that’s a big celebration for us it’s a trophy so we’d be all happy about it so it it’s gone up and down up and down but now now it’s not Mexicans Hondurans and El salvadorians now it’s everywhere else

You know um Ecuador was wasn’t a big number back then um a little bit of everybody you know and it’s it’s it’s incredible to see them you know they just um they’re all showing up and who wouldn’t show up right you know if they’re I mean why not you know um come

Over get $800 and a sell cell phone and go up to New York for a vacation until it gets cold and then just go home when you’re done I mean you know who why not and it’s hard to be angry at people when you see so much Glee and happiness

Because you know they see it tomorrow um you know um you want to you know you’re not happy at first but you know it’s hard to to hold that against them you know who wouldn’t come to America but um you know we can’t we can’t continue you

Know it’s it’s awful I find machetes I find um sharp sticks i’ I found a pistol but it turned out to be a BB gun um and you you find all this stuff so you wonder what do they need a machete for and what do they need a pointed stick

For and what do they need all this stuff for is it to attack a border patrol agent is it for defense are they worried about coyotes or something attacking them or are they worried about thieves maybe um Bandits that are out here look at either one of those scenarios and

It’s it’s not good you know you know you have to be prepared you have to you know um you know we’re out here by ourselves you know there there’s no cell phone signal down there when you’re down there you’re down there by yourself now there’s a bunch of people that aren’t

Turning themselves in and that that’s the scary part right you know the ones that aren’t turning themselves in who are they you know they’re the they’re going to be the childa molesters and the murderers and rapists and criminal aliens that that if they turned themselves in you know they would be

Deported prior deports so there’s a there’s a whole category of people that aren’t even be touched right now they just run right through the buses couldn’t get down to the river to pull out those groups of 700 that were coming up and during the summer and hot time

That people look like it was a death march in the old days and alien would carry a 1gallon bottle of water and he’d fill it up in little little creeks and tanks of water he fill it up and continue on these people are just coming up this hill from the river were already

Dying it seemed like they were already dying and border patrol can’t get down there with a bus or any big vehicles so they you saw the signs where they directed them up through here and they would direct them up with little arrows all the way up to the highway where they

Can get their buses in but this is private property and the trash that’s out here you know um kind of created by the government they ought to be picking up the trash you know the aliens themselves ought to be picking up their trash but you know they just leave

Everything scattered and it’s it’s an ice or someone where bringing them over here who are those people I’m sure there’s guys that have decided to come out here and just cross people on a regular basis and stuff but there is also a bunch of fishermen down here that

Come down here to fish so they’re they’re they’re fishermen down here but you know if they’re out here fishing with a boat and a group of aliens come up they’ll take advantage of that situation you know for 50 pesos o come you know they’ll put down their fishing

Pole and bring them across and the the the fishermen are also they know the area they know where border patrol is and so they know you know where to look hey there’s no one there right now this is a safe time to come across they’re

The first one to run the fastest and so when you catch five or six guys that’s the guys that are usually being smuggled and the coyote is already peeled off and gone off by himself you’re not going to run by 20 people five people 10 people you know going after that one because

It’s going to be a race and by the time you you know you’re probably not gonna he’s running for his life and they’re hard to catch just one guy like that you know usually the way border patrol works is you know we set up an ambush point

Which they know about too so when you get them in an area that one guy runs off and leaves you with 20 you know um so usually you don’t catch them after you caught them you bring them to the facility where they G being processed how long is the process and afterwards

What they all doing with them I’ve been retired like six years now so I this is way before they’re taking that that Firefly place that had a some kind of threat going on they shut it down for the day they take them over there I’ve I’ve talked to aliens that I bumped into

At the airport they’ve been there like seven days before they’re processed and released and then they go to the airport and they fly wherever they’re going to fly to you guys fly you know you have to present ID um they they don’t have ID you know um all they have is a printed

Piece of paper and um and the the airlines TSA you know they just walk by that stuff you know they don’t they don’t need a driver’s license they don’t need a photo ID with the same name on a ticket where are they getting the money

I’ve heard it was FEMA money and all you know there’s there’s um no it’s just a monster you know we’re paying for it right you know it’s um it’s the Government don’t forget to go over Texas border to help us to offset our travel cost we did travel modestly and we need your help because it’s because all of you that those mission it’s possible so please go over tasb and chip in what you can

| Alexa Lavoie interviews former Border Patrol agent Luis Valderrama, shedding light on the present situation at the southern border of the United States.
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  1. Alexa Lavoie and Lincoln Jay have arrived at the Texas border to find answers about the migrant invasion and the showdown between the Biden administration and Governor Abbott ! If you value our unique, independent reporting, then please chip in here to help cover the cost of their economy class airfare, shared Airbnb, taxis and meals while they’re on the road: Thanks!

  2. All the boarder are open . This is what they want. There not going to stop this. Wake up people. And no Texas did not shut the boarder down. Look at the gates that are open without gates on them. Wake up it not going to stop .

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  5. Thank you, for providing vital reporting on this issue, free from partisan messaging.
    I'm so sick of our domestic coverage of this issue. As this is an international human trafficking ring, effecting all our nations.

  6. Border Patrol Agents need to step up and go to the good media and tell us all exactly what is happening. After all, they all swore an oath to protect the borders and they are not. The old “Im only doing what Im told” is not cutting it. You swore an oath!!!

  7. They won't tell you the truth that the native population of all Western democracies is shrinking. In 2020, 55% of all U.S. counties reported more deaths than births. In 2021, 73% of all U.S. counties reported more deaths than births. The gov't blamed it on COVID but this trend has being going on since the 1980s. In 2021, we imported over 2 million legal aliens and at a MINIMUM 2.5 million illegal aliens. But even with 4.5 million immigrants our population grew by less than 1 million. This is why ALL Western democracies have thrown open their borders. They are terrified of what happens the first time they are forced to report a shrinking population because everything from new housing starts to Social Security DEPENDS upon more people in each generation. That's how the Ponzi schemes which are entitlement programs operate. They cannot borrow ENOUGH against a future generation if it is smaller than the previous one.


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