B.C. rest stop seeing a surge in overnight campers | Housing crisis in Canada


Of the Fraser Valley housing crisis another provincial rest area along Highway 1 is seeing a surge in campers among them a couple with their young child who say they can’t afford to live anywhere else cdv’s Michelle bero has the story the co Road rest area next to

Highway 1 is jammed with dozens of RVs Chris lives in one of them with his girlfriend and their one-year-old boy I hate it I’m embarrassed I hate it I don’t like it but what other option do I have he says affordable rentals for the three of them and their dog are

Impossible to find I was just looking on Craigslist today and a two-bedroom place is like $2,800 how am I supposed to afford that overnight camping isn’t allowed here but that isn’t a deterrent for those desperate for a place to stay like Darren Heath who’s on a disability

Income it’s quiet it’s peaceful and I don’t get bothered when you live paycheck to paycheck One Small Bump in the road can set you into no place to to park my trailer at a campsite expensive nothing available I looked for like 8 months before I ended up moving it out

Here we’re told that people have been living at this rest stop for as long as 6 years but also that the number of campers has increased dramatically in just the last couple of months that could be in part because of other homeless camps shutting down so far uh

These people are a bit more peaceful than uh 22 a 7 9-year-old Danny Holmes moved here last month after campers were forced to leave the island 22 homeless encampment near chilak this rest area sits on provincially owned land The Province says it’s aware of long-term camping and knows more affordable

Housing is needed we have opened or started construction of more than 540 new affordable homes in the community since 2017 we continue to advocate for um you know especially for BC housing for rent subsidies um there you know it breaks your heart when you hear that there’s young families that are not able

To afford families like the one living in this trailer which is more important our child’s upbringing or a nice house Chris says right now he’s doing the best he can Michelle brunoro CTV News

A rest stop along Highway 1 in the Fraser Valley has become home to dozens of people who say they can’t find or afford anywhere else to live.

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  1. Canada is truly screwed. As a healthcare professional making six figures I know this could be me too in Alberta as we don't have rent control. WHEN WILL THIS END?
    We need to stop mass immigration and temporary forign workers and make businesses like Loblaws pay more then minimal wage a LIVING WAGE as they make profits like never before.


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