Christian activist leads fight against antisemitism across Australia


Are you not scared honestly the the true answer is no I’m not scared why not this is about Justice this is about doing what’s right am I going to let a bunch of like soy latte drinking New Town vegans scare me out of standing up for

What’s right no and if I did then who am I I’m like just as weak as them I’m here today to bring you the story of Freya leech who I can only describe as a brave Australian Christian activist who’s taking a stand for an issue that’s obviously close to my heart

But she says matters so much that she is not cowering to the real life threats so never again is now is an organization run by Christians uh in partnership with the Jewish community and a lot of Israelis uh to basically stand against anti-Semitism stand against the anti-jewish hate and racism that has

Become normal on the streets of Sydney and around Australia and we’re Christians and we just believe that our judeo-christian values in Australia are something we have to protect we have to stand up for them we have to stand up for peace tolerance and love and we are

Seeing the exact opposite at a lot of these prop Palestine marches so a couple things firstly as a je yeah that’s heartwarming to hear but why like why would you subject yourself to it now I know I have no choice and my community we have no choice that’s I was

Born a Jew I’m Israeli I’m I’m Australian and so I have no choice but to defend myself I mean there are a couple things firstly as a Christian we owe so much of our faith to the Jewish people the Jewish people are God’s chosen people it’s very clear you just

Have to read the Old Testament for that God is the god of Israel and we owe a debt to the Jewish people and secondly it’s the right thing to do you can’t claim to be for justice and then walk past Injustice you are the standard you walk past and so if Christians are

Silent on this if Christians are silent when our Jewish Community is being attacked I question how Christian they really are well what you say to Christians that are Marching at those anti-israel I don’t call them prop pales because often they’re not very prop Palestinian I think that if you’re really prop

Palestinian you would also want to get rid of Hamas so these anti-israel protest that we’re seeing some Christians join making the exact same argument you’re making now what would you respond to them well I would say there are a lot of Christians with good intentions but they’ve been fooled

They’ve been fooled by Iranian propaganda by Hamas propaganda and perhaps they don’t understand the true history of Israel why we need a Jewish State why it is important that there is a place in the world where Jews are safe and why as you said the best thing we

Can do for Palestinians is exactly what Israel is doing is eradicating Hamas because as long as Hamas is empowering Gaza there is no Freedom there is no opportunity to improve your lives all these things that we stand for as Christians is love tolerance Justice Hamas is the antithesis of all of that

So you got to understand what’s really going on here and you’ve got to resist just accepting the propaganda we see on social media what what would you say though to Christians who make all those same arguments the other way they say well you’re just falling for Israeli and

Well we’re seeing now that line between Israeli Zionist and Jewish is being blurred ever so often even as far as the greens now saying exactly how they feel but what would you say to them that think you’re the one that’s deluded you’re the one that’s falling for the

Propaganda and you’re the one that’s walking past the Injustice to you know we’re hearing numbers of 30,000 10,000 Palestinian children killed by Israelis go to Israel I went in July we went into the West Bank we went to rala we spoke with the presidential spokesman for

Mahmud Abbas we saw we spoke to people who lived in Gaza we spoke to Palestinians we spoke to Arab Israelis we spoke to Christians we spoke to Jews go to Israel do some investigating and come to your own conclusions because you’ll be welcomed if you go to Israel

And you genuinely want to figure out what is going on people will not shut away from the truth because Israel has nothing to hide they want to talk about the actions they’re taking to protect civilians they want to talk about the equal rights that people have the

Democracy all that stuff and then try going into the into Gaza try speaking to the leadership of Gaza about what they’re doing to protect civilians you’ll get a very different response you won’t be allowed into Gaza firstly and and the reality is that Hamas isn’t protecting civilians they want to

Maximize civilian casualties for their own cause so I think it’s just so obvious book a ticket to benguan airport in Tel Aviv and go see for yourself like that’s what I genuinely say now looking at your name it seemed familiar to me straight away because at the beginning

Of this conflict there was a famous um Anglican what are they called pastors or Minister that was I guess mobbed in Sydney are you related yes that’s my father we’re a bit of a family of political activists so can you tell me about that day yeah so

Basically what happened on October 9th 2 days after October 7th there was a big Pro Palestine rally in the city uh really at that point the blood had not dried on the ground in Israel there was still Hamas terrorists running around it’s shocking like it’s not pro

Palestine it was Pro Hamas that’s the reality well at that point you can’t even argue because Israel’s offensive had not started yet they had not even fired a single bullet back at Hamas at that point and there were people taking to the streets to support these

Activities so I I saw this rally being advertised at Sydney University there were posters up around campus and I just like I felt sick I was like how is this allowed how are there people who I’m going to UNI with supporting this right now and so I was outraged I sent this to

My dad and was like we’ve got to go and he was like are you crazy and I was like yes so we were like okay we’re going um we didn’t know what like we didn’t really know what we would do when we got there we were just sort of like we’ve

Got to be there we arrive at Town Hall and we’re we’re just sort of standing in the back just observing what’s going on the kinds of stuff that they’re saying from the front just despicable then we heard a group of people on in town hall Square chanting

Kill the Jews F the Jews at that point my dad was like I’ve had enough he reaches into his backpack grabs his Israeli flag and starts waving it and he’s in his Anglican dog collar his clerical shirt and he’s just there on the steps of the cathedral waving his

Israeli flag in front of this mob of Hamas supporters then the whole crowd I’ve never seen anything like it they just all turn their heads and just start coming for him so this group of men and by the way this crowd was overwhelmingly young men that looked like they were not

There for the right reasons so they turn their heads start coming towards my dad one of them goes like this to him threatening to slit his throat my dad he hustles like gets his stuff together and starts walking and then running up Bath Street and then onto George Street as

This mob follows him chasing him down trying to catch him he ends up having to run behind a police fan to escape them and then the mob is like standing there on George Street looking for him and the police have to disperse them so he literally got mobbed as an Anglican

Minister standing on the steps of an Anglican cathedral in Sydney 2 days after the worst massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust he was just waving an Israeli flag in solidarity with the innocent people that were killed in the face of a protest supporting terrorism and he got mobbed

He got threatened uh with with getting his neck slit uh and yeah that was it it was crazy and the police did nothing that same day is where uh we’ve seen the footage where don’t believe your eyes or your ears they didn’t say gas the Jews apparently they said

Police made a a a thing of of and KY did a long lengthy two-month investigation with what happened to be two journalists who just have a history of hating on Israel but they concluded that it wasn’t so anti-semitic because they were only saying if the they were saying if the

Jews um where’s the Jews not if the Jews gas the Jews uh you were there on the day firstly do you believe that narrative look I I mean does you can just watch the footage like I really don’t understand how it’s that doesn’t matter even if it even cuz i’ I’ve

Watched a few angles of it and I can see how in that footage specifically and I understand that there were actually uh witnesses that gave affidavits and statements to police who said that at some point they did hear the gastr juice but even if they didn’t hear gas juice

Doesn’t matter yeah it’s fine it’s just ether juice what’s the issue with that and where’s the juice like and where’s the juice but this is the thing right where’s the juice you can’t oh it’s not quite as bad as Gast the juice but what does that actually mean

I like I I feel like in Nazi Germany when the SS were kicking in doors they weren’t saying gas the Jew they were saying where’s the Jews and you know what on October 7 they found the Jews that’s what happens when these people go where’s the Jews and they find the Jews

Just look at what happened on October 7 going into homes burning people alive in their cars going into pre schools looking for children like that is what happens when where’s the Jews is successful and you find the Jews so anybody who thinks that wears the Jews is somehow better and there’s no

Anti-Semitism this is just Jewish people trying to play the victim check yourself because you are probably the anti-semite look at what happened on October 7th that is what happens when where’s the Jews finds the Jews what are you planning now well honestly seeing that seeing how hateful how just full of hate

These people are for Jews for Christians for the West for Israel that’s what made us go we cannot be silent now this is actually deeper and bigger than we thought it was and so now on February 18th in Sydney we’re having a big rally event never again is now we’ve got

Christian and Jewish speakers and it’s really about saying to Christians especially and ordinary Australians you love Australia you love tolerance you love peace you love cohesion well we have to stand for it because right now there are people on our streets every single week at these pro pro Palestine

Protests that stand against all of those things and are challenging that so it’s time for Christians to step up and say we are with the Jewish community and we are standing against hate and the problem and this is a reality we have to Grapple with where were Christians

During the Holocaust you know almost 100% of Nazi Germany considered themselves Christians 70% Protestant 30% Catholic where were there there weren’t enough standing up and so we cannot repeat that it’s shameful it is a shameful shameful past the church has during the Holocaust so now that we have

The chance to stand up and to do what is right and actually live out our Biblical values we have to it’s an obligation on all Christians so there’s one in Sydney and you’re you’re also taking it around the country we’re taking around the country so we’re planning one for

Adelaide on March 3rd and if you want to get involved in helping us organize them in your city reach out go through our website neveragain Isn follow us on social media on Instagram Facebook everything uh and and get involved you’re a Conservative Christian and I think through the Trump

Era it was kind of popular for conservative Christians to stand with Israel there has been this massive shift that I’ve witnessed within the conservative especially on the fringes but the fringes kind of have grown on both sides both The Fringe left have become mainstream so the anti-Semitism

There we’ve all seen that but we can’t deny that on the right as well the Conservative Christian anti-Semitism that has kind of grown now one of the arguments that they tend to make is how Israel treats the Christian Community because of they see some videos of Christians in Jerusalem that are being

Treated badly at all but it is often used by that growing after the Trump era where it no longer is called to stand with Israel on the right they use that and they say well Israel treats Christians badly Jews hate Christians as somebody who went to

Israel and who somebody wh who I I imagine understands the Middle East and and the history and the reality for Christians in the Middle East what would you answer to those Christians I think that’s wrong that would be like saying Australians hate all Jews because on the

Steps of the Opera House they were chanting where’s the juice F the Jews gas the juice it’s not true there is a minority of people in Australia that do hate the Jewish people the M the majority of us love them and want to welcome and embrace them into our

Country and we have over the last couple hundred years I think it’s the exact same thing with Israel I have been so fortunate to meet some amazing Israeli people especially with running this never again is now event and the movement we’ve got a lot of is that are

Involved and they are beautiful warm people you can find you can nitpick things about any country any culture but on the whole Israel is an amazing country filled with beautiful people and you cannot let a few unfortunate incidences taint an entire country and I think I would actually say that if you

Want to use that as an excuse to turn away from Israel I think you’re probably being quite anti-semitic to say that those few people who were spitting on christians mean that the entire country hates Christians and therefore we can never stand with them it’s like that’s not

True you’ll find people in Australia who believe anything it doesn’t mean all of Australia is like that it’s just lazy it’s lazy lazy so to those people just get over it and use your brain I guess also looking at the Middle East I was probably aiming to this point is if you

Look at the Middle East the only place in the Middle East where Christian since 1948 where the Christian population has grown is Israel yeah um so you you can you can say whatever you want about that Minority of Jews that acted in a in an offensive way that’s a minority whereas

The the actual statistics in the Middle East the numbers they speak for themselves even you know I’ve seen I’ve seen things where they use the minority Palestinian Christians to say hey this is not just we Christians are also being um you know slaughtered by the Israelis

So in some way trying to boost that Christian Base but when you actually look at the facts look at you know the West Bank Bethlehem I’m sure you’ve been to Bethlehem yes so Bethlehem in 1948 I think was about 80 85% % Christian do you know what it is today

5% I think it might be around 10 10 so most of the Christian population has run is gone and you can blame that on Israel as much as you want because that’s often The Narrative everything’s blame so then explain to me Lebanon explain to me much

Of the Middle East which has the same exact Trend Syria it’s gone from being 45% Christian to 3% Christian or something like that the Christians have been persecuted across the Middle East now for the last well for a long time but really over the last 50 60 years

There’s been a massive Christian wipe out across these countries and those people that now want to turn on Israel it’s like well where were you when the Christians were getting slaughtered in Syria where were you when where are you now and they’re getting killed in in Lebanon in you know in certain Middle

Eastern country and they’re getting killed so when you cherry pick out just Israel I really question whether you truly care about the Christians there or whether you’re just trying to find a reason to hate Israel and hate Jewish people one of the reasons why I’m so passionate about this and about this

Conflict is that Israel is actually destroying Hamas and that is good for the Palestinian people because there is no freedom in Gaza you just have to compare the living standards between the West Bank to Gaza the West Bank is not perfect either but it’s not run by fullon out andout jihadists whereas Gaza

Is and there’s a big difference there so to people who say that it’s like no because we love the Palestinian people we need to get rid of Hamas their lives are also being destroyed by this and you’ll see a few Brave Palestinians who speak out against Hamas you could see

The videos on social media and they’re so brave because it’s like North Korea in terms of its lack of personal freedoms so I just think no if you truly love Palestinians you will want to give them the freedom they deserve and that is freedom from Hamas again so people

That want to find out the details of your upcoming events around the country where is it never again is and why that name well after the Holocaust this was a classic um sort of line never again and it was to say that never again will there be a genocide

Against Jewish people and on October 7 we saw something approaching the levels of the Holocaust in terms of the evil the brutality uh the the killing of innocent civilians and so now the call is never again is now this is the time when we have to say no we are not going

To have a holocaust 2.0 that’s not happening but but now we have to stand up what would you say to people that that might agree with you but they they argue come on we’ve seen these anti-israel protests every single week enough protests let’s just stop the protests all together call telling you

Essentially to call off what you’re doing as well the reality is politicians listen to numbers people on the streets actually matter you just have to look at Labor shifting in position on Israel from October 7 to now gradually over time incrementally as the public pressure has maintained as you continue

To see hundreds if not thousands of people on the streets around Australia every week Marching for Palestine they have been moved and so if we are to resist that if we are to resist the hate resist the anti-israel push that’s going on in our society we need to mobilize and I think

On the right as well from a political perspective conservatives tend to be really bad at protesting uh and and I think I don’t know why that is maybe because the left is all about you know solidarity workers rights they love a good protest on the right we don’t

Really comprehend protests and so we don’t understand how they’re so important but the problem is the pro Palestine people do and the politicians listen to numbers this is why this is a Christian Le event it’s about getting people from outside the Jewish Community to come on board and to stand against

Anti-jewish hate so partly so that politicians can actually realize that there is a constituency out there of people who do stand with the Jewish people who do stand with Israel and it’s not just a Jewish Problem anti-Semitism is not just a Jewish problem it’s everyone in Australia should care about

This and so that’s what we’re trying to do we’re trying to broaden the scope of people who actually care so that we can mobilize and have more of an impact why is it not just a Jewish problem it’s not just a Jewish problem because anti-Semitism threatens what Australian

Actually stands for it threatens our tolerance our peace our cohesion it is anti-Semitism or anti-jewish hate is a better way of saying it is so un Australian it’s it goes against all of our values as a country and so to stand by and just watch this take over in our

Country is like standing by and watching people destroy our country it’s changing the character of who we are as a nation and I think we should all be very concerned about that are you not scared of the the you’re putting a big you’re putting a big Target on your back

By Leading this look I mean like no honestly the the true answer is no I’m not scared why not I think most Jews are scared well part this is probably one of the advantages as a Christian I just go well what’s the worst they can do right

Kill me okay well then I get to go Fe Jesus so whatever like you really just go well like seriously what is the worst they can do I don’t know I’ve experienced it all on social media the death threats in in-person harassment verbal abuse or physical harassment and like who cares this is

About Justice this is about doing what’s right and am I going to let a bunch of like soy latte drinking New Town vegans scare me out of standing up for what’s right no and if I did then who am I I’m like just as weak as them so I don’t

Really care I don’t think I mean I understand why the Jewish Community is scared totally uh cuz these people some of them are really dangerous some of them are really dangerous but I just go well that’s why we’re here if you think freya’s story is important and what she’s standing for

Matters make sure like comment but most importantly share this far and wide to let people know what she’s up to and to get behind her and then over to her website neveragain Isn get all the details for your local events and support her work never again is now.

| Freya Leach sheds light on the urgent need to confront rising antisemitism in Australia and the importance of solidarity between Christians and Jews in combating hatred and prejudice.

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  1. The first casualty in war is truth.
    I don't think it's about religion or race. There are powers that be that want human beings hating each other and this pot of hatred has of course been brewing for a long time. But the pot of hatred is stirred and intensified by political players. So while it is undeniable that there is hatred involved, on all sides, I think the real immediate motives are more likely that the Israeli government, along with the USA government, wants Gaza to be uninhabitable for geopolitical, commercial, and tactical reasons. If a canal is built and/or natural gas or other resources are extracted in the near future through the now uninhabitable land then this will be evidence of these unspoken motives. Time will tell. Meanwhile, actual fellow human beings are being killed or driven out of their now former homes. But as in almost every modern day wars, the elites who make the decisions to go to war aren't putting their own lives or the lives of their own sons on the front line to possibly be killed. The truth, whatever it actually is, will someday come out. But please, let us not fall for the trap that this is about destroying people because of their religion. And while the State of Israel is supposed to be a safe place for Jewish people to live, the State of Israel is actually a secular state with religious accomodations and not a religious state per se. But as a side note related to religion, among those in Gaza who are being displaced and possibly killed are a group of Catholic Sisters of Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity. So while certainly a minority, there are and have been Christians living and worshipping openly as Christians in Gaza. I cannot support the destruction of the people of Gaza that is happening. That does not mean that I am anti-Jewish. Mass killing of civilians on either side is gravely wrong.

  2. CHRISTIANS are the most persecuted group in the world today. NOT jews… Demonized In much of the West and actively exterminated in most of the middle east and Africa as well as in China….Why not stand up for them? And also; Why are ZERO jews and jewish groups support Christians? They ONLY care about Israel and themselves while demanding the world prioretize THEM over their own…
    HIAS and a slew of jewish groups demand open borders for everyone but Israel.


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