Global National: Feb. 11, 2024 | Manitoba RCMP investigate 5 suspicious deaths, including 3 children


On this Sunday night the US urges civilian protection in Gaza President Biden’s warning to Israel about invading the crowded Rafa region as a pregnant Palestinian woman in Gaza eyes Canada for a safe birth communities cut off and we’re not even going to a lot of the reserves that we

Would be at this time of year the Winter Road issues prompting some First Nations to declare a state of emergency crucial for Consumer acceptance the industry has to really really really look at this very seriously the unlikely secret ingredient that could soon make its way into plant-based meats and Super

Bowl Showdown a look at the football fan fair in Las Vegas global national with far an Asser reporting tonight meu gcha good evening and thanks for joining us we begin with breaking news tonight a man has been arrested for the suspicious deaths of five people including three children in

Southern Manitoba a warning the details are disturbing an officers from Stonewall headingley and Carmen detachments are currently investigating the suspicious deaths of five people at three different scenes It is believed that the adult male in custody and all five deceased individuals are known to each other the

RCMP says it was alerted to a hidden run at a highway near Carmen this morning and found an adult female’s body in a ditch police responded to another scene finding a vehicle on fire a witness pulled three children out of the vehicle but they did not survive the 29-year-old

Suspect was arrested there the body of another woman was later found at a residence turning to Gaza now there are deep concerns tonight from the US over Israel’s planned invasion of Rafa US President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today urging him not to go ahead with out a

Credible plan to protect civilians Rafa is the last refuge for Palestinians fleeing Israel’s Relentless bombardment according to the UN more than a million people are crammed into its sprawling tent camps hemmed in by the border with Egypt Egypt is threatening to suspend its peace treaty with Israel if trooms

Troops storm the city but despite major fears of a humanitarian catastrophe a defiant Netanyahu says he’s going to do it a ground operation in Rafa could cut off the Region’s main Supply route for badly needed food water and medical supplies and one young couple in the southern border city is particularly anxious

About Israel’s next move the couple is expecting its second child next week and is desperate for adequate Medical Care as David Aken reports the parents are pinning their hopes on Canada to find them a safe place to give birth as the rain comes down in Rafa refugees find shelter among tents made

Of plastic sheets and here steps from the border with Egypt llama and Nadal zakut seek safety llama 22 years old is due to give birth next week to the couple’s second child a birth that will have to be by C-section I am filled with fear of the

State I will be in later on she says when the war started the couple lived in the north of Gaza Nadal worked as a nurse at alif a hospital where will I go next nadell says there is no hospital left suitable for my wife’s delivery my sister-in-law

LMA zakut she’s 39 weeks pregnant she is scheduled to give birth via c-section on the 14th of February we have no idea how’s the health of the baby that’s nadel’s sister Russia zakut she’s a Canadian citizen living in Montreal and she applied 6 weeks ago for a temporary

Resident visa to bring the couple to Canada I urge the Canadian government and the minister of immigration to take an immediate action to evacuate lamaa a spokesperson for immigration Minister Mark Miller said that while unable to comment on specific cases Canada is processing applications from Canadians who like Russia have family members in

Gaza but that right now it is difficult if not impossible to get them out of Gaza llama and Nadal are among 1.4 million refugees that the UN believes is now swelling Rafa at the closed Egyptian border and many are nervous about Israel’s next move they can’t just disappear Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview on ABC’s this week vowed to attack Hamas units in Rafa but somehow evacuate civilians ahead of the assault we’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions in Rafa which is the last Bastion but we’re going to do it and in this I agree with the

Americans uh we’re going to do it while providing iding safe passage for the uh civilian population so they can leave Netanyahu is saying their space already cleared by IDF members north of Rafa to move civilians and if that happens it will be the fifth time Nadal and llama

Have been forced to flee since the War Began they would rather make that fifth move to Canada but there is no answer from them Nadal says and they are our only hope David aen Global News Ottawa the UN Agency for Palestinian refugees says an estimated 25% of families in Gaza are facing

Catastrophic hunger anra says the situation is getting even worse and is accusing Israel of blocking a convoy of food donated by turkey from entering Gaza it says that Shipment has been sitting for weeks in the Israeli Port City of ashdod but Aid is slowly trickling in

Today another un run a agency the World Health Organization released video of its staff delivering medical supplies to gaza’s al- AA hospital for the first time in nearly a month the head of unra says the organization did not know nor did it have the capacity to know what

Was going on underneath its headquarters in Gaza the Israeli Defense Forces says it has uncovered Hamas tunnels running under the now evacuated compound in Gaza City last month Israel alleged that some unra staff members were in involved in the October 7th attacks prompting more than a dozen countries including Canada

To suspend funding to the agency Redmond Shannon reports for almost 75 years the United Nations Refugee and works agency or unra has helped displaced Palestinians many major donors including Canada have suspended new funding to unra after Israeli allegations that 12 of onr’s 13,000 Gaza staff sta were involved in the October 7th

Attacks cutting off Aid will hurt many people in terms of health and education says occupied West Bank resident D faraj fears for the agency’s future only increased this weekend we were in the headquarters above on ground now underneath Israeli soldiers took a select group of journalists on a tour of

What Israel says are Hamas tunnels that reach beneath onr’s evacuated headquarters in Gaza City the head of onra Philip lazarini says the agency did not know what was underground and that before the compound was evacuated last October concerns about any suspicious ground cavities were reported to Hamas

And Israel I have been to the unra headquarters in Gaza many many countless times Chris gunnis was un’s Chief spokesperson for 12 years unra doesn’t have um some kind of surveillance arm that can do underground surveillance and the other thing to say is that UNR is responsible for neutrality in its own

Compounds in its own headquarters not what goes on underneath them or indeed in the skies above them Canada’s suspension of Aid is pending an unra internal investigation into alleged staff involvement in the October 7th attacks in January Ottawa pledged $40 million to other un agencies in Gaza on

Monday hre’s top boss heads to Brussels to ask European governments to keep Aid funding flowing but the EU itself is split some Nations have suspended funds some have maintained payments and Spain has even increased Aid another indication of how divisive the conflict can be in the International Community Redman Channon Global News

London in Ukraine Russia launched a 5-hour drone attack targeting infrastructure in the South keev says it shot down 40 of 45 Iranian made drones over nine regions one strike sparked a fire and damaged a residential building in mikol injuring at least one person and in an attempt to bolster his defense

Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski made more changes to his War cabinet today including announcing a new commander of Ukraine’s Ground Forces more controversy from Republican Presidential front runner Donald Trump last night this time over the security of NATO if he’s reelected while campaigning in South Carolina Trump suggested he would not defend NATO

Allies who are behind on their defense spending even against a theoretical Russian invasion I said you didn’t pay you’re delinquent he said yes let’s say that happened no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want you got to

Pay the former US president was recalling a conversation he claims to have had with a world leader at a NATO meeting in a statement NATO Secretary General Yen stoltenberg responded to Trump’s remarks saying any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security in Finland voters are picking

Their next president and whoever wins will steer the country’s foreign and security policy for the Nordic nation which is also now an official member of NATO former prime minister Alexander Stu has taken an early lead over rival and former foreign minister Pekka havisto both have largely agreed on maintaining

A hard line towards Moscow strengthening security ties with Washington and helping Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in the UK King Charles made his first public outing since being diagnosed with cancer the King was seen with his wife Camila attending church in eastern England where he has been staying since starting cancer treatment

He stepped back from his public duties in the meantime Charles issued a statement thanking people for their support and good wishes back in Canada an unseasonably warm winter is causing major issues for an ice Road system many remote communities rely on for food Fuel and supplies the roads are also vital for

Accessing Health Services but many aren’t open yet prompting first nation’s leaders to declare a state of emergency in parts of Manitoba and Ontario as Melissa Ren reports the changing climate is driving up worries about the future of what is a transportation Lifeline this is not what an ice Road should look

Like at this time of year mild El Nino conditions making winter roads impassible First Nations leaders from Manitoba’s Interlake region declared a state of emergency this week as several communities can no longer access supplies the warm weather that has led to the rapid deterioration of the newly constructed winter road that provides

Provides the vital Road Transport access to the isolated communities in the region during our winter months some communities now have less than a week of fuel left I don’t know what we’re going to do once we run out Nish shabi aski nation in Northern Ontario sounded the

Alarm too of the 30 or so ice roads in the region only one is open to Freight shipments construction of 20 roads has been delayed by warm weather and Tanner open only to passenger vehicles these Road networks are built over land but also cre Creeks bogs rivers and lakes

And all need more than 40 cm of ice for these trucks Andre our temp Hull’s Construction and building equipment to several Manitoba First Nations he says if it doesn’t happen communities will be forced to fly in supplies at a cost up to five times more then there’s things

You can’t fly in right certain items are too large to fit into a plane trusses for example some fear this Winter’s challenges could soon become normal in More Southern parts of of the country including the provinces of of Manitoba Ontario it may not be possible to even

Construct them at all for any short period of time it has reopened the conversation of constructing allseason roads to many communities is that even feasable for a lot of these places oh I’m sure with enough money you can do anything right and would likely see First Nations looking to provinces and

Ottawa to foit that Hefty Bill Melissa Ren Global News Winnipeg the precarious plight of the North Atlantic right whale coming up a young one entangled off the coast of new Brunswick meets a heartbreaking end the death of a young North Atlantic right whale first spotted in Tangled by

Rope off the coast of New Brunswick two years ago is highlighting the precarious position of the species the loss of a female that could have helped bolster the species is sobering for conservationists Heidi petrac on how the loss has shaken those trying to save the whales it’s hard to understand what this

Animal had to have gone through Marine mam veterinarian Sarah sharp says this case was particularly difficult for her North Atlantic right whale number 5120 was young 3 years old and the female was entangled for several years she spent more than half of her life with this entanglement around the base of her tail

The whale had first been spotted off the coast of New Brunswick in August 2022 caught up in buoys and rope then seen again in January of 2023 in Cape Cod Bay still entangled before being being found in waters dead off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard January 28th of this year

Efforts to get the Rope off had failed and to lose an animal so young this population really can’t afford to lose these females there’s really only 70 adult females left that’s out of a total population of 350 this is cing season but experts say the whales aren’t reproducing enough to

Make up for their deaths the caveat here is that we’re only thinking we’re seeing about 1/3 of of all deaths so a lot of animals disappear particularly young animals without us ever knowing what happened to them after 12 whales died in 2017 Ottawa set speed limits for part of

The Gulf of St Lawrence and cabat straight at certain times of the year to prevent collisions Marine ecologist Boris worm says now is the time for jurisdictions to adopt ropeless fishing gear and other measures to prevent entanglements it’s crazy to me that we can land on the moon and we can send

Rovers to mass and all all of that and we can’t keep those whes safe I do feel like there’s more we can do and we need to do better by these whales and this death she says may not be the only one scientists tracking a severely injured

Whale calf now sharp doesn’t think Will Survive Heidi pachic Global News H facts ahead taking fake meat to a new level why plant-based Alternatives May no longer be animal free meet all Alternatives have beat on grocery store shelves for a few years now and while many Canadians have tried

Them not everyone sticks with them those who agree say those products could offer environmental benefits and some Canadians think they have a way to make the products tastier as Nathaniel Dove reports some say the solution goes back to animals there’s nothing quite like it which might be the problem meat

Alternatives don’t hurt animals and typically use fewer resources Advocates pitch them as a more ethical sustainable way to feed the world’s population but while the plant-based Food Market is growing not all products are seeing the same kind of uptake and it can be hard to replace the taste of

Meat a mreal startup thinks it has the solution adding animal fat you don’t see the same juiciness the same old beautiful feeling that we have evolved thousands of years to to enjoy the company genuine taste stresses its fat doesn’t come from an animal that’s died it’s grown in a lab from cells

Taken from a living cow exactly the same fat without harming animal puya mamag says it can renew wider interest in plant-based meat an industry expert isn’t so sure the cost of things is really the driver here and I cannot see a large scale adoption of these products

Until they come to scale with animal sourced cells it may not be for all vegetarians and definitely not for vegans marangoni says they’re competing for meat eaters plates and wallets meat alternatives are usually more expensive we’re at the stage where the industry has to really really really look at this

Very seriously and and work towards making it a more natural product less expensive or at least a par with meat Health Canada hasn’t approved any cultivated fat products yet the US approved cultivated chicken last year but not cultivated fat with climate change and a growing population marangoni says lab grown food that

Appeals to more people could one day be part of the answer Nathaniel Dove Global News next fans catch Super Bowl fever in Las Vegas when facing a medical crisis patients usually expect to be transported to to the nearest and most accessible hospital but that wasn’t the case for Saskatchewan woman Moren

Mcbratney who suffered kidney failure despite living just 20 minutes away from a hospital in the city of Flyn fla in neighboring Manitoba red tape forced her to get treatment around 6 hours away in Saskatoon but as Easton ham reports she is finally getting the news she’s been

Waiting for and I was literally sitting right here when I got the call and not a word of a lie it took took about 15 minutes before I could speak Moren and Greg mcbratney are getting ready to go home after 8 months 600 kilometers away in Saskatoon uh we have missed so many

Firsts in our only grandchild’s life his first day of kindergarten his first Halloween parade Moren went into kidney failure in June and now she needs dialysis treatments three times a week but because she lives in Saskatchewan she was told she could not get those treatments at the Flyn

Flon Manitoba Hospital 20 minutes from her home in Dair beach in September shared Health Manitoba told Global News current regulations including Professional Licensing restrictions for staff govern how and when provincial healthc care can be delivered adding there were efforts underway exploring collaborations between the provinces I don’t think anyone thought it was going

To take this long to make such a change that everyone knew needed to happen and I think think that’s the greatest thing is that it’s not stopping they’re keeping this work going and in November one space was opened for dialysis treatment in flynon for a Saskatchewan resident but it was not Moren now

Another space is being added that spot is hers but we’re not stopping we are going to go home and we are going to make Health Care in our area better for everyone and on top of advocating For Better Health Care also being reunited with their grandson

Fox yeah and what are you excited yeah so excited to top it all off after eight long months moren’s first treatment in the flynon General Hospital is on a special day February 26th the 26th of February which is my birthday couldn’t have asked for a better gift eastn ham Global

News there is nothing but energy and excitement in Sin City tonight Football fans and certain celebrities from all over have converged on Las Vegas for Super Bowl 58 in what’s expected to be the most watched NFL game ever this year’s matchup is between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs it’s a highly anticipated rematch of the 2020 Edition when the Chiefs won

Despite trailing most of the game and in case you’re wondering yes Taylor Swift is in Vegas to cheer on Star Chiefs player and boyfriend Travis Kelce and that is global national for this Sunday night I’m Neu Gara while the year of the wood Dragon officially began Saturday Lunar New Year celebrations are still out in full force we leave you tonight with more festivities from around the world from traditional Dragon dances and drum performances to dazzling firework displays thanks so much for watching have a great night

Warning: This video contains graphic details. Viewer discretion is advised

Police in Manitoba are investigating the suspicious deaths of five people in the town of Carmen, including three children. Manitoba RCMP’s Major Crimes Unit says a 29-year-old man has been arrested. Global News has those details.

There are deep concerns about Israel’s planned invasion of Rafah. A ground operation there could cut off the region’s main supply route for food, water and medical supplies. And one young couple is particularly anxious about Israel’s next move. The couple is expecting their second child and is desperate for adequate medical care. As David Akin explains, they are pinning their hopes on Canada to find them a space to give birth.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) says it has uncovered Hamas tunnels running under the now-evacuated Gaza headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA). The head of UNRWA says it did not know what was going on underneath the compound. Last month, Israel alleged that some UNRWA staff members were involved in the Oct. 7 attacks, prompting more than a dozen countries to suspend funding. Redmond Shannon reports on the fallout.

An unseasonably warm winter is causing major issues for an ice road system many remote communities rely on for food, fuel and supplies. The roads are also vital for accessing health services, but many aren’t open yet — prompting First Nations leaders to declare a state of emergency in parts of Manitoba and Ontario. Melissa Ridgen reports.

The death of a young northern Atlantic right whale, first spotted entangled in a rope off the coast of New Brunswick two years ago, is highlighting the precarious position of the species. The loss of female that could have helped bolster the species, is sobering for conservationists. Heidi Petracek on how the loss has shaken those trying to save the whales.

Meat alternatives — or plant-based products — have been on store shelves for a few years now. But while many Canadians have tried them, not everyone sticks with them. As Nathaniel Dove reports, some Canadians think they’ve found a way to make them tastier, and the solution goes back to animals.

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  1. Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Barbie, Joly, have been for several weeks in secret negotiations with Israelli officials for Canada to take in half a million Palestinians from Gaza, look out Canada

  2. This is truly mind boggling. Egypt would rather go to war against Israel than allow a temporary tent-camp that could be surrounded by the army if necessary, set up outside of Rafa in the desert. Are the Gazans really that dangerous a bunch…???

  3. The ice road is melting. Not good. But the British have a super fast ferry that jets across the English Channel. Maybe Canada can buy one of those, that zips across both ice and water. A retrofitted Northern Ferry for those communites.


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