Historic ruling gives Indigenous nations in Saskatchewan jurisdiction over child and family services


A good day uh today is a very important day when it comes to our indigenous rights and our laws the Supreme Court of Canada has now affirmed that we do have the right to protect our children and that bill c92 and the entire Act is constitutional they were attempting to

Say that parts of the bill c92 were unconstitutional but the Supreme Court of Canada has now upheld that the entirety of the ACT is constitutional and this also means that we will be able to protect our children through our own rights through our own laws and also our laws

Will will Paramount provincial laws well we already have our our FS family framework act which is a declaration of our principal and are in treat and inherent rights based positions um so we already have that in place now the the the Nations that fall underneath the

Umbrella of that act it’s them it’s up to them now to do that work but they need the resources to be able to do that work a lot of the first nations are taking their time because what they’re doing is they’re revitalizing their natural laws right they’re this this is

Not something you just uh develop overnight yeah and it’s it’s a process that could take anywhere from 5 to 10 years to be fully functional so 58 to 59 out of the 74 perations in Saskatchewan are involved in that process right now well that the provincial governments were not going to take it

Lightly that they took it as a a shot at their jurisdiction over our first nation children their way has failed for several decades from the residential school system to the 60 scoop to even now in the current child welfare system their way has failed at the height of the residential

School system the residential school era currently in the year 2024 we have more children in their care than we ever did during a residential school system so it gives you an idea of the scope the task that we have to undertake together in unity together in prayer and ceremony I

Heard an old man say many many years ago many years ago our children are looking out the window waiting for us to bring them home let’s bring them home what we really need is the province to cooperate and work with us and get out of our way

Like they have failed and I want to say that this is an important settlement because it shows the failure of the provincial and territorial child welfare system they want to operate business as usual and we want to we we want to dismantle that system and create our own

System which is going to serve our families and our children far better than there’s ever will so

Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) Third Vice Chief Aly Bear announced the result of a historic Supreme Court of Canada ruling on Friday, giving Saskatchewan First Nations the right to administer child and family services – a right that supersedes the authority of the provincial government. She was joined by Chief Bobby Cameron and Second Vice Chief David Pratt.

Pratt said that the FSIN established a family framework act of principals and inherent rights but it is up to the nations that fall under the umbrella to set up their family service systems. FSIN child welfare director Karen Pelletier added, “Creating a system is not something you just set up overnight as many nations are revitalizing their natural laws and it’s a process that could take years.”

FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron said, “Currently in the year 2024, more children are in the child and family services system than in residential schools during the height of the residential school system era.” Pratt said, “This is an important settlement because it shows the failure of the provincial and territorial welfare systems, and we want to dismantle that system so we can create our own system that will serve our families far better than theirs ever will.”

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  1. My lnuit neighbor was taken he told me very bad things he is in his 60s now they should compensate them every last one while they still here native peoples have the best headwear in the world unmatched gold diamonds can't compare to these feathers they wear

  2. These people came from Europe and Asia, just like the rest of us. So they got here first, so what? They came over and exterminated the camels and lions that used to roam the plains of the Americas. They also wiped out many other animals and plant life.
    Will they ever stop crying about their plight??
    How much money equals an apology?

  3. How do they expect to pay for this ? Protect your children like the way you protected those women missing and murdered or the 6 year old boy beaten to death by his parents in Port Alberni after he was returned to them . Half the children in care are aboriginal and they are there for a reason .

  4. Somewhere in the world, there is a group of Vikings saying the same thing with traditional headwear. This is all part of the indigenous nonsense that the UN has introduced focussing on dividing people along race/cultural lines, not individual needs which you would think this far down the track now would be common sense. Trudeau is following lockstep with the UN guidelines.


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