Montreal faces second wave of arson attacks within a week – Stay updated with Montreal

Montreal hit with second string of arsons in one week - Montreal

Montreal’s String of Fires Bring Concerning Police Attention

“Montreal police are on high alert after another string of fires was set ablaze for the second time this week. The fires have alarmed authorities who are considering the possible acts of intimidation. Improving public safety is a shared responsibility and everyone is urged to cooperate to prevent such harm. It’s important to maintain peace by acting responsibly to avoid potential harm to both communities and property.

Montreal Firefighters on High Alert
Montreal firefighters have been working overtime, extinguishing multiple fires started across the city as possible acts of intimidation. This concerning pattern of fires is alarming the authorities and puts the residents at risk.

Police Investigation
The Montreal police arson squad investigated three fires in the span of 90 minutes, making it the second case of multiple fire bombings this week in the city. Investigations are underway to determine the motives behind these acts and to ensure the safety of residents.

Between 1:30 and 2:45 a.m. Thursday, two residential buildings were targeted with three vehicles torched outside a home in Saint-Laurent on Alexis-Nihon Boulevard. While no traces of accelerant were found at the scene, the fire was deemed suspicious according to SPVM spokesperson Raphaël Bergeron. The owners of the home told police they didn’t know why they were singled out.

In another incident, a Molotov cocktail was thrown through a window on Graham Boulevard in the Town of Mount Royal. Residents were forced from their home, but no injuries were reported. The police were also called to a reception hall on Des Nations Street in the Saint-Laurent borough, to assess the damages after it was targeted by an incendiary device. This comes after a string of arsons was reported in the Saint-Laurent borough on Tuesday.

Lack of Conclusions
The authorities are cautious in jumping to conclusions about the incidents. Police say while the fires are likely connected, it’s too soon to jump to conclusions.

Police efforts
Police say patrols will be increased, especially in the Saint-Laurent borough and they are committed to ensuring the safety of the affected neighborhoods.

Compelling Conclusion
The recent string of arsons targeting residential homes and other properties has raised concerns in the city of Montreal. The motives behind such acts are yet to be determined and authorities are calling for the public’s cooperation to ensure the safety of the city’s residents. It’s essential to address public safety concerns and work towards a secure and peaceful community.”



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