Why an Ontario town with fewer than 6,000 people has OPP’s largest jail


The hospital and airport in Sue Lookout make it a key part of the north connecting tens of thousands of people from far-flung places with Healthcare and other vital Services is a help for the north especially the flying First Nations that are here it’s a Lifeline while it’s a Lifeline for some it

Represents a dangerous proposition for others in a town of just under 6,000 people police make 4,100 arrests every year 98% of them involve alcohol local leaders say those numbers represent neglect with Social Services stretched thin the most vulnerable fall through the cracks and into police custody when they have nowhere else to

Go this sound doesn’t sound good but in a lot of ways that’s the sometimes the safest place for them to be so they don’t freeze to death according to the town’s mayor many of those who do get arrested have struggled with alcohol and addiction for years this population in

These communities on any measure of social determinance to health is the most marginalized population in Ontario deeply impacted by failed Federal and provincial policies relating to the residential school system relating to the 60 scoop experts in the town say police are not equipped to deal with

These calls the police you know do their best to kind of deal a situation provide that safety nut I would like to think there are other opportunities and ways how we can provide a better safety nut that doesn’t include the police but a better safety net would require more

Money and in the north that’s been historically hard to come by when Canada came here to sign treaty with us Ontario was at the table too so where’s Ontario’s portion of uh the funding to provide uh better services on reserve a spokesperson for the provincial government said more flying Services

Would need the go-ahead from the Ontario medical association while a federal spokesperson said Canada is invested in providing the healthcare services the north needs Isaac Callen Global News

Advocates in a northern Ontario town are saying a lack of social services and government finding are failing thousands of vulnerable people every year – along with mental health and addictions issues gripping much of the community.

Sioux Lookout, Ont., a town with a population of just under 6,000, also houses the OPP’s largest jail facility in the province.

Global’s Isaac Callan explains why the small town, which is four hours north of Thunder Bay, Ont., has a jailhouse of this size.

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  1. Even if they had no generational trauma they would still be poor and addicted because there isnt anything up there to do other than drink and drug. Humans need society and large groups to thrive. Throwing money at these small communities will do nothing.

  2. Ban alcohol. Seems like the community has succumb to it. This doesn't require money. This video seems to report that an entire town is drunk, which is causing social and criminal issues, and so more money is needed. Save the money by banning booze.

  3. The gouvernment needs to wake up & do their best to correct the harm these ppl suffered at the hands of the Sixities Scoop & the years & years of generational trauma they tormented the Indigenous people.
    Sorry means nothing when no actions are done especially in areas like this!!!

  4. Most of those arrests are public intox arrests. Maybe make drinking in public legal? It is in europe, why not here? Instead the powers that be start up with alcohol prohibition talk. How well did prohibition go? Bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.


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