Global National: Feb. 7, 2024 | Canada introduces anti-auto theft measures ahead of national summit


On this Wednesday night pumping the brakes on vehicle theft the surge in crimes and what a national Summit hopes to solve we have become known globally as a donor Nation for stolen vehicles sentenced for leaking Secrets how many years a former top RCMP official will spend in jail fighting for transgender

Rights students walk out to protest Alberta’s new gender identity rules and striking a cord at the Grammys I was astonished how a guitar made by a Calgary woman ended up in the hands of Tracy Chapman global national with Donna freezen good evening and thanks for joining us we begin tonight with what’s being called a crisis in this country an alarming rise in auto theft it is skyrocketing in Canada so much so we’re becoming known around the world as an easy Mark the problem is most acute in

Eastern Canada auto theft in Quebec was up 50% in 2022 compared to the year before in Ontario is up over 48% and it’s on the rise everywhere else too it is highly lucrative and the stolen vehicles are often quickly shipped overseas today on the eve of a summit on

Auto theft the public safety Minister promised help to detect and search shipping containers Abigail Beeman has our top story tonight it looks like they were in and out within 10 minutes it’s a nightmare familiar to too many Canadians Kevin McDonald’s SUV was stolen from his driveway in the middle of the night it

Took about $2,000 and months to get it back making him one of the lucky ones he works in the Auto industry and has plenty of ideas to share when he attends the National car theft Summit hosted by the federal government in Ottawa Thursday obvious Solutions I mean

Improving uh you know the amount of employees that cbsa have as looking at reciprocal agreements with various policing agencies better collaboration tops the list for many advocacy groups as stories pile up of people with trackers finding their stolen cars but unable to get them back due to

Jurisdiction issues as well as a call for stricter reporting rules for cars leaving the country there’s no Silver Bullet there’s multiple things that have to happen collectively and uh I think that’s where we’ll see uh the biggest impact is everybody coming together and uh taking action eager to show their taking

Action late Wednesday ahead of the summit the Federal Government tried to address these concerns by announcing $28 million for the cbsa to find and search containers with stolen vehicles the agency will explore new detection Technology Solutions and the use of Advanced Analytical tools such as artificial intelligence that announcement overlaps with what the

Opposition has been calling for for days secure our ports and lock up the car thieves Thursday brings together different levels of government Auto and insurance stakeholders and police we have become known globally as a donor Nation for stolen vehicles with so much of the problem linked to organized crime High

Reward low risk it funds the guns and the gangs and the and the drugs that are coming into the country and it’s a it’s a crime of opportunity and it’s it’s it allows them to make you know some serious money very quickly and with very little recourse the Liberals are

Promising more news to come from Thursday’s Summit both around technology to make cars harder to steal and around better resources for Canadian police to work with interpole with so many of these stolen cars ending up overseas Abigail bman Global News Ottawa a former highlevel RCMP intelligence official found guilty of leaking top secret

Information to police targets has been sentenced to 14 years in prison an Ontario Superior Court Judge today said the actions of Cameron Oris not only undermine Canada’s reputation they potentially put lives at risk ordis was arrested in 2019 and with credit for time served he will spend another seven

Years in jail duia isri reports on the sentencing and the reaction Cameron ordis knew the consequences of telling Canada’s secrets that’s what the judge said in his sentencing and ordis will pay for those consequences 7 years in jail thought this conduct was deserving of a sentence that far exceeded the sentence imposed

By the trial judge the crown wanted 28 years minus time served Mr Cameron Oris betrayed the RCMP he betrayed our domestic intelligence Partners Mr Cameron ortis effectively compromised the trust that Canada has burned Justice Robert marage also called it a betrayal but thought 28 years was was too harsh despite agreeing

Ordis violated his position of extreme trust and that his actions potentially put lives at risk ortis was arrested in 2019 for trying to sell classified information to a cyber criminal and suspected money launderers at the time he was one of the highest ranking civilian members of the RCMP he had

Access to some fairly highly classified technical information on Communications and Communications intercepts so did he do damage yes sure he did the judge called Oris somewhat of an enigma Witnesses described his work ethic and intelligence Michael kovrig one of the two Michaels jailed in China was a

Friend and sent a letter of support to the judge the defense had argued for no jail time and now plans to appeal obviously disappointed uh we were hoping to have a significantly lower sentence but I understand where Justin M came from he was given a difficult task to choose between two very different

Extremes while while the trial is now over the judge says Canada’s reputation may never recover saying that oris’s actions undermine Canada’s credibility among its five eyes intelligence sharing Partners since ortis had access to their secrets as well tiia isri Global News Ottawa there is an update on a special

Police task force investigating a wave of extortion attempts targeting the South Asian community in Peele region west of Toronto police revealed 24 charges have been laid in relation to 29 extortion attempts dating back to November of 2023 a variety of businesses including restaurants bakeries and jewelry stores were targeted all with

South Asian owners nine of the incidents have involved shootings with multiple rounds being fired there are similar trends that we’ve been seeing uh in Alberta and as well as Lower Mainland British Columbia as well as in certain locations in the US PE police say they are working with investigators in those

Provinces five suspects have been arrested in connection with three alleged incidents across the greater Toronto area since the task force was set up in December while there have no been no reported injuries PE police say South Asian business owners are being threatened with violence unless they hand over cash or money transfers

Toronto police have identified a third suspect in the shooting death of an innocent bystander last July 19-year-old Ahmed Ali is now wanted for manslaughter and robbery with a firearm there was a physical altercation between three males that we believe was a robbery and it escalated into violence when two men

Brandished hand guns and exchange gunfire 44-year-old karolina hubner Marat was walking in Toronto’s Leslieville neighborhood when a bullet hit her homicide detectives believe Ali fled to Somalia shortly after the shooting a Canada wide warrant is out for his arrest and interpole is involved Canada does not have an extradition

Treaty with Somalia three other people are also facing charges in that case the RCMP says a Montreal man has been charged with threatening to kill prime minister Justin Trudeau 30-year-old Paul claro appeared in court today RCMP say the threats were made on social media on the social media platform X and

Investigated by the Force’s National Security enforcement team the force says it’s not the first time they’ve investigated threats against Trudeau and that the threats have increased since the pandemic the federal opposition leader Pierre PV has weighed into Alberta’s controversial planned rule changes for transgender youth when asked

Today if he’s against the use of puberty blockers for people under the age of 18 he said yes I think that we should protect children and their ability to make adult decisions when they are adults the fact that Premier Smith and uh Pierre POV want government to take

Away the option for parents and their vulnerable youth you in consultation with their doctors to make the right decisions for them is anchored in ideology and is not about protecting the most vulnerable in Alberta backlash against Premier Danielle Smith’s plan gender policies is growing today hundreds of students across the province walked out

Of class in protest hether uck West reports on the polarizing policy [Applause] proposal at 10:00 a.m. high school students across Alberta joined the chorus of those opposed to a suite of policies proposed by the Alberta Government restricting transgender rights I know trans kids like little kids and I want to make sure that

They’re growing up into a world that’s safe and that accepts them the premier of Alberta has said that the policies restricting access to puberty blocking therapy for those under 16 and to gender affirming surgery for those under 18 are designed to protect children from making decisions they would later regret citing

The experience of Lois Cardinal a first nation’s woman who underwent bottom surgery at the age of 21 I remember waking up in the surgical Suite saying what have I done while medical professionals the Alberta Teachers Association and transgender support organizations were not consulted in drafting Alberta’s policy Cardinal who

On her social media accounts frequently refers to transgenderism as a mental disorder was consulted by the United conservative party I support it and then there’s others within the community that don’t and I understand that but this is the first step but this transgender man whose identity we’ve agreed to protect

Over safety concerns disagrees he received Top surgery at the age of 15 a procedure he believes saved his life if these policies were enacted like 7 years ago I wouldn’t have been able to do any of the things that I did um and I yeah I don’t think I think that I probably

Would have commit suicide had it not had it happened then well each point of view represents an individual lived experience medical evidence indicates cases involving regret are exceedingly rare studies show it to be between 1 and 2% and that the benefits to the mental health of transgender youth outweigh the

Risk it creates a false debate so when you sort of call into question the medical evidence and say actually like you shouldn’t be receiving care like there isn’t agreement on this and in terms of the puberty suppression and you know that intervention like we have a lot of consensus actually it’s not it’s

Not a debate which is why those opposed to the policies say they’ll keep fighting to protect transgender rights Heather urix West Global News Calgary Israel has flat out rejected a proposed ceasefire and its war on Gaza prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is saying there is no solution but a

Complete and total Victory the war now into its fourth month will continue and Israeli forces will push further into Southern Gaza it’s not the result the US Secretary of State wanted he is back in Israel trying to find a way to end the Bloodshed the US provides Israel with

Tens of billions of dollars in economic and military aid but as Crystal ganing Reports American influence over what happens next seems limited operational success is what Israel prime minister is focused on not peace Benjamin Netanyahu says the war on Hamas and Gaza could last months longer but that Victory is Within

Reach I would like to emphasize again that there is no solution other than total Victory if Hamas survives in Gaza it is only a matter of time until the next Massacre a definitive rejection by Netanyahu to a Hamas counterproposal to pause fighting a proposal that had the US Secretary of State once again

Crisscrossing the Middle East meeting with key players while there are some clear non-starters in hamas’s response uh we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached the Hamas proposal had laid out three phases with fighting paused for 45 days at each stage Israeli women males under 19 and

Sick and elderly hostages would be released in Phase One in ex exchange for the release of Palestinian women and children held in Israeli jails and the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from populated areas in Gaza families of Israelis taken hostage on October 7th have been fighting to keep their loved ones fate front and

Center my mom was released without a deal she was released because of humanitarian reasons and there is nothing stopping Hamas from releasing more people her father she says is frail and has spent four months in captivity in Gaza I hope that he has the strength it’s very hard to survive something when

You are frail some Israelis have expressed fear that the fighting means there will be no hostages Left Alive Netanyahu says IDF operations will move South into Rafa with the aim of demilitarizing Gaza Rafa is where more than 1 million displaced Gins are taking Refuge Crystal ganing Global News London

Still digging out from a mammoth snowstorm coming up the pleas for more plows as patience in Cape Bretton runs thin Coast Guard officer Cadets are being called in to help people in Cape Breton dig out from a record snowfall over the weekend many people are still trapped in their homes the provincial

And federal governments are promising help but as Heidi pachic reports it’s not happening fast enough about a 100 officer Cadets from the Canadian Coast Guard college in Sydney hit the snowy streets to dig residents out after they dug their own way off campus and if we had difficulties getting out of our own

College imagine how much people are having trouble getting their own homes their efforts greeted with relief because I know I can go to my medical appointments and I can get out faster many hand make lighter work but the job is massive there are residents throughout Cape Breton still blocked in

Especially in rural areas we did not have the equipment to deal with this so fast so Furious snow completely blocks the driveway at the home of Terry matthys and paty Geisler their vehicles buried they’re on a list to be bulldozed out from their Albert Bridge home

Hopefully in the next 24 hours we have a friend her her mother is is very ill they have a really long driveway and they’re right in Sydney River and can’t get anybody to plow their so if something happens to mom there’s nothing anybody can do we still have residents

That are not plowed out yet um there’s communities that are not plowed out yet the province says 40 extra pieces of equipment are now in Cape Breton but Cape Breton Regional municipality councel Gordon McDonald says they need much more I don’t know why um we don’t

Have the deserves in to at least look at the situation um we have a very serious um situation here the military would go a long way as it did after post-tropical storm Fiona but this time Ottawa hasn’t gone that far whatever the province has requested from us we’ve been there but

The problem is you can’t buy a snowblower right now in Cape Bron 4 days since the storm hit and Counting there is so much digging left to do and more anxious waiting for those still stuck as time goes on Heidi pachic Global News hellofax ahead turmoil in Pakistan after

Deadly bombings on the eve of an Election Pakistan is on edge tonight after two bombings near the offices of candidates on the eve of that country’s general election more than 26 people were killed at least 50 others injured the blast happened 150 km apart in the country’s Southwest the first rocked the election campaign office of an independent

Candidate less than an hour later there was a blast at an election office for the country’s ultraconservative party the so-called Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for both bombings Pakistan’s election has been marred by violence and claims of pole rigging Russia launched a series of air strikes across Ukraine early today

Killing at least five civilians at least three major cities were hit including the capital keev and more than 40 people were injured the European Union’s top Diplomat was in ke at the time discussing military aid and financial support for Ukraine more Western help is needed by Ukraine which has shortages of

Ammunition and personnel as the fight against Russia approaches its second anniversary some good news for a of orcas that appeared to be trapped in drift ice off Japan’s northern Island Japanese officials monitoring the killer whales say they’ve managed to escape Drone footage from Tuesday shows about a dozen orcas clustered together in a

Small opening in the ice poking their heads up to breathe they were spotted by a local fisherman about a kilometer off Hokkaido and they’re gone now it’s believed they made it out through gaps in the ice and this stunning photo of a young polar bear sleeping on a floating chunk

Of ice has won 2023 is wildlife photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award it was taken off the coast of sard Norway by an amateur photographer from the UK organizers of the competition call it breathtaking and poignant and say it allows us to see the beauty and fragility of our

Planet hitting a high note next the Calgary connection to Tracy Chapman’s Grammy Performance millions of people were captivated watching the Grammys on Sunday especially the magical moment moment when Tracy Chapman who hardly ever performs anymore appeared on stage playing her hit song fast car one woman in Calgary couldn’t quite believe her eyes the acoustic guitar Chapman was playing was the one that Calgary woman

Had made by hand years ago Carolyn Curry de Castillo has the story of how it got there music has always been a passion for Judy threat but it wasn’t until the former philosophy Professor started making instruments that her Talent hit a high note a friend of mine that I was in

A a folk Club House band with built a archtop guitar for me so I started hanging around at his at his Studio while he was building it and I got I got hit uh I got the bug for building soon after she quit academics and switched careers I went into the

Department office and rescinded my application for the next year and said no I think I’m going to take some time off and build some guitars in 1999 she crafted a guitar and tried to sell it in Calgary with no luck she ended up shipping it to a music store in paloalto

California it was there that a certain folk musician by the name of Tracy Chapman walked into the store looking for a smaller guitar and he just reached over and handed her that one and she eventually left the store with it that was in 2001 over the past 20 years Tracy

Chapman wasn’t a household name anymore but her song fast car was on the charts again when covered by country artist Luke Colmes on Sunday they performed the song together at the Grammys in Los Angeles meanwhile back in Calgary the retired guitar maker gets an email from a friend saying he spotted

Judy’s guitar Tracy Chapman strumming it on stage for the world to see I was astonished and I’ve seen pictures every once in a while of her playing it um but you know sort of dropped out of Performing and so I didn’t know if she still had it I mean I’m hoping that

She’s hung on to it because it’s sort of become a trusted friend and and if that’s the case then then that’s wonderful cuz that’s that’s sort of what everybody hopes for when they’re when they’re building guitars Carolyn Curry detillo Global News what a story that is global national for this Wednesday I’m Donna

Freezen tonight’s your Canada is this seagull in Picton on onario we’d love to see your Canada please email it to viewers at and thanks for watching hope to see you here again tomorrow Bye-bye

Auto theft is a rapidly growing problem in Canada, with the country gaining an international reputation as an easy mark. Abigail Bimman reports on what’s driving the problem, how the federal government plans to put the brakes on this crime, and the suggested solutions from advocates.

Cameron Ortis, a former high-level RCMP intelligence official found guilty of leaking top-secret information to police targets, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison, which includes time already served. Touria Izri reports on the judge’s reasons for the sentence and why this case may have permanently damaged Canada’s reputation with its Five Eyes allies.

Students across Alberta walked out of schools to protest Premier Danielle Smith’s proposed new ‘Parental Rights’ policies, which critics say will harm transgender youth. Heather Yourex-West explains how the polarizing plan is becoming a lightning rod for criticism against Smith.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected Hamas’ ceasefire plan, saying “there is no solution other than total victory.” Crystal Goomansingh looks at some of the details from the failed proposal and the worries for the hostages as the fighting drags on.

Days after a fast and furious snowstorm hammered Cape Breton, N.S., many people are still trapped inside their homes. Heidi Petracek reports on the pleas for more plows as patience runs thin.

Plus, Carolyn Kury de Castillo has the story of how a guitar made by a Calgary woman ended up in the hands of singer-songwriter Tracy Chapman, who played that guitar during a rare performance at this year’s Grammy awards.

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  1. A device prevented a thief from starting and driving away my vehicle. However, to repair damage to the dashboard and ignition cost $2000 plus towing charges. So if you win you still lose. That is the problem with every type of security.

  2. How about start vetting the people coming in? One other thing they don’t mention is maybe the millions flooding the country might have something to do with it.

  3. 100's of students walked out to protest proposed gender policies in Alberta…. out of well over 250,000 grade 8-12 students in the province. That's only 0.4% if you use assume 999 students protesting, likely less. Isn't that well under the representation rate of LGBTQ+ professed to be in the community??? Seems like even most of them agree with the Premier's rational logic to protect children.

  4. American influence is not limited. They're Israel's main military supplier. They're choosing not to use that influence, shipping more arms while they continue to pay lip service to peace, aka tacit approval.

  5. Wait a minute, what PM Trudeau said I’d not true! He said that his opponents are against “parents and vulnerable kids in consultation with doctors…” but that’s exactly what they are defending: the right of parents to be informed and consulted when “vulnerable kids” are confronted with such as difficult, life changing decisions!!

  6. This gender nonsense is gone too far, and as if this is the only thing that seems to have tremendous support in the news. All the media shows all these protestors way beyond common sense. They give very little exposure to those who oppose this stuff. I will say Global did have a transgender person on there tonight who stated just how much she has regretted getting this procedure done. She even stated that these who want this done have mental issues and need help. God Bless her for speaking up opposing this procedure!!! These kids have no clue what they are doing by destroying their bodies with this, and it sounds like they are not getting proper counsel before they kill their bodies.
    Under JT this country has gone so far down down hill now in so many areas. We have been restricted what we say as certain things are against the law now, for eg…. Freedom of Speech has been going down. Firearms taken away from the law -a-biding folks and the criminals are treated with kid gloves for using illegal guns in crimes. Trudeau can't determine who is illegal or not!! This is so sad.

  7. parents are fully responsible for their kids up to 18 years of age no kid in Canada can go into a doctor and ask for this kind of care, no kid can walk into the school office and tell the school what to call them, any teacher would call the parent and say hey your kid is in hear asking us to call them whatever, it's American politics creeping into Canada from alberta, the woman the dani smitty called a child is actually an ADULT that made a decision that she regrets and is now trying to blame others for her mistakes in like, no one takes responsibility for themselves any more is that what you youngsters think is ok??

  8. Finally some parliament officials with common sense and decency. I support Danielle smith and Pierre 100%. They can actually answer questions honestly with logical thought and accountability. Its nice for a change unlike the idiotic scatterbrains that have been in office the past 8 years. Children should not be altering their pronouns or taking life changing drugs until 18 years old!

  9. The only real threat against Trudeau is himself, his own behavior and actions. I honestly cant believe hes not in prison for life already for embezzlement and crimes against humanity with the handling of the corona virus leak and the freedom truckers convoy. Nixon was a less shady character than blackface. Canada went from being respected to losing all decency and dignity under his horrible reign, Extremely S.A.D.

  10. Federal government made a fortune off taxpayers last time this was in the headlines. Forcing people to buy their anti theft devices at jacked up prices, which were useless of course. This is the plan once again! You can bet on it.

  11. Biometrics like face recognition for starting vehicles like we use on our phones or a retina scanner once in vehicle should work to deter thefts & at same time hidden camera's to record the thieves in the act!!!


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