Pride Year? Ontario school flys “Pride Progress Flag” in February


David men for Rebel news here in Peterboro Ontario and folks I’m standing outside of Peterboro Collegiate and I couldn’t help but notice as we head into the month of February well lo and behold right under the Canadian flag we have the pride progress flag but not the

Latest Pride progress flag you know the one with the little purple flurple for the interex people geez I wonder if that is interex phobia uh on the behalf of Peterboro Collegiate but I digress the thing is when does pride season end I mean it used to be Pride day then Pride

Week pride month last year the federal government said it’s Pride season I guess it’s the entire summertime but we’re in the middle of winter and this flag is still a fluttering and uh so is it pride year now I guess it really is the other thing is this is a breach of

Flag etiquette the Canadian flag cannot share the same flag pole as any other flag so given that this is being flown by an educational institution what is the message here don’t follow etiquette don’t follow rules don’t follow the law it’s absolutely outrageous my final point is I’m sure the argument for

Flying this flag it’s to be inclusive it’s all about inclusivity but wait a minute doesn’t that red and white flag at the top of the poll doesn’t that stand for everyone in this land no matter who you are no matter what your sexual orientation is no matter what

Your gender identification is no matter what your race is well apparently not I guess to paraphrase uh George Orwell’s classic Animal Farm in Canada everyone equal but some are a little more equal than others now folks as an addendum I reached out to Greg kid he’s a spokesman

For the kortha Pine Ridge District School Board and I had a few questions for him here goes number one why is the school breaching Canadian flag protocol two why is the pride progress flag on display given that Pride season ended months ago and three we noticed that this particular pride progress flag is

Outdated missing the so-called purple flurple symbol to represent the interex community have interex people rais concerns about the flag being outdated and here is what Mr kid had to say quote thank you for your inquiry we agree that the Canadian flag must be treated with respect and dignity at all

Times it is important to note that the federal government in its description of national flag etiquette makes clear that the rules applied by the federal government are in no way mandatory for individuals or organizations they may serve as guidelines for all persons who wish to display the national flag of Canada and

Other flags in Canada as our schools are equipped with one flag pole per school we ensure that the national flag always holds the position of Honor by being flown at the top of the flag pole and always having first position if flown with other flags schools and board facilities May display corporately

Endorse Flags such as the pride flag throughout the year hope that helps Greg kid end quote well I guess that kind of clears things up it looks like there may be some sort of a loophole in which another flag can occupy the same flag as a flag pole rather as the Canadian flag

Um still didn’t answer the question about why it is in the month of February uh we’re still celebrating Pride season or I guess is it official it is now Pride year 365 days a year it is pride and Alas and aak no mention of the missing purple flurple my heart Pines

For the intersex Community well there’s one good thing about celebrating pride in the middle of winter nobody in that Community is going to get naked thankfully but folks seriously we know you count on Rebel news to bring you the other side of the story if you can please go to Rebel

Field that’s Rebel field we don’t take a nickel of trudo’s media money nor would we ever take it if offered but we depend on you to continue funding our journalism

Rebel News journalist David Menzies questions why a Peterborough school is flying the Pride Progress Flag in February on the same flagpole as the Canadian flag.

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  1. The reason they fly the pride flag underneath the Canadian flag, (full well knowing it is not proper to do so) is so people will speak up against it. Which then in turn allows their cult to retort with, " look at all the LGBTIQQ hate!! This is why we need more pride flags everywhere, all the time"

    This woke cult needs to continually virtue signal perpetual victimhood and oppression for it's very survival.


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