Asylum seekers from Mexico arrive in record numbers at Montreal’s Trudeau airport


Aruro Nava is fresh off a flight from Mexico City ready to start a new life in Canada the petrochemical engineer traveled on a tourist visa but as soon as he landed at Montreal’s Trudeau airport he requested Refugee status Mex he says there’s a lot of talk in Mexico about how supportive Canada is

To refugees though he admits he didn’t have much information about what the process entails Nava is one of thousands of Mexicans who are coming to Quebec to claim Refugee status in 2023 Quebec processed more than 25,000 Asylum claims at the airport more than double the amount of 2022 in

General Asylum requests in Quebec have exploded in the past 2 years in 2021 Quebec received a total of just over 10,000 requests compared to more than 59,000 in 2023 in 21 there were more than 1300 requests from Mexican citizens in 2023 the government received more than 15,000 requests a high number of

People with Haitian and Colombian citizenship also requested Refugee status in the province those who land at Trudeau airport and have nowhere to stay are sent here the regional program for settlement and integration of Asylum Seekers known as prid Elizabeth Valencia says it has been harder than she thought much

A few blocks away from Pride us shelter is the welcome Collective they say they’ve seen an increase of Asylum Seekers like Nava and Valencia coming through the airport a major issue is that their work permits don’t come right away pushing many to request financial assistance for the first 15 days of 2024

Quebec’s labor Ministry says there have been nearly 10,000 requests that’s an average of 656 per day an estimated 30% come from Asylum Seekers Melissa CL says the government should issue work permits upon arrival just like it did for Ukrainian refugees that’s going to mean that so many families thousands of

Families won’t have to go on welfare in the first place federally funded assistance would also help she says to navigate a massive change and the reality of a new and unknown life Gloria Enriquez Global News Montreal

Canada has seen a steady influx of asylum seekers over the past few years, with an increasing number of claims coming from Mexican citizens since the Trudeau government scrapped a visa requirement for Mexican travelers in late 2016.

The unofficial “Roxham Road” border crossing south of Montreal was closed last winter to manage the flow.

But as Gloria Henriquez reports, Quebec processed more than 25,000 asylum claims at the airport in 2023 — more than double the amount in 2022.

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  1. I'm all for responsible immigration, but what's happening in Europe and on the US southern border is anything but. It's anarchy and chaos. And this guy is no refugee. He's an economic migrant. There's a difference between the two. If you ignore it, asylum becomes meaningless.


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