Poilievre claims Trudeau is “losing control” with “screaming and hollering” while answering question


Stop the auto theft that has run rampant under this prime minister he’s now throwing a cape over his back claiming that he’s the hero on auto theft but it’s actually tripled in Toronto and it’s up by 100% in Montreal after he brought in Catch and Release and house

Arrest for car thieves and after his incompetence allowed our ports to spin out of control and our cars to be exported to overseas crime and Terror networks why doesn’t he reverse his policies instead of another meeting the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker this is a serious situation Canadians are concerned about

This uh and the conservative leader just chooses to whip out his empty slogans and continue uh to blame everyone while we’re getting to work we’re pulling together stakeholders and leaders from across the government uh to look at from across governments to look at uh what more we can do we’ve had we’ve seen

Successes cbsa agents have intercepted over 1, 1600 stolen cars uh last year in 2023 but there’s more to do we’re going to continue to make uh the steady uh work and Investments necessary to keep Canadians safe and to keep crime Down The Honorable leader of the opposition keep crime down crime is way

Up violent crime is up 40% under this prime minister and today he held he had his ministers hold a big press conference as their solution and in it they put out a press release that said and I quote in 2022 a approximately 9,600 Vehicles were stolen in the

Toronto area alone representing a 300% increase since 2015 end quote what happened in 2015 what happened I know he happened Mr Speaker how can we make him unhappen and stop the crime the right honorable prime minister speaker in 2015 Steven Harper presented a budget that had slashed funds for

Policing slashed funds uh for cbsa officers a slash funding for Veterans Affairs services and we were there to clean up the mess to cut taxes for the wealthiest 1% lower them for the middle class to support families to start moving forward on gun control in real ways while the conservatives cozy up to

The American Gun lobbies we contined to step up and keeping Canadians safe let him bring assault weapons back to our streets we’ll keep Canadians safe The Honorable leader of the opposition wow is he ever losing control of himself oh my goodness screaming and hollering like that Mr Speaker it’s his

Press release that says that in Toronto Auto thefts are Up 3 100% since he took office his solution is to hold a summit he held a summit on food prices food prices went up he held a summit on housing housing costs doubled how much is crime going to rise after all the big

Wigs go to his Summit the right honorable prime minister speaker the leader of the opposition has trouble believing that we would actually include facts in our press release something he and the Harper government never did for years yes Mr Speaker there is a real challenge around auto theft in this

Country and our solution is to roll up our sleeves pull together Partners from across the country and get to solving it his solution throw his hands up in the air Blame A a raft of of political attacks on us and continue to see uh that he’s not putting forward any real

Solu ions Mr Speaker

Speaking during question period on Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre had a heated exchange about rising vehicle thefts in Canada.

“Auto theft has run rampant under this prime minister. He’s now throwing a cape over his back, claiming that he’s the hero on auto theft. But it’s actually tripled in Toronto and it’s up by 100 per cent in Montreal after he brought in catch and release and house arrest for car thieves,” Poilievre claimed.

In response, Trudeau said that his government’s solution to auto theft is to “Roll up our sleeves, pull together partners from across the country and get to solving it.” He also said Poilievre’s solution is to “Throw his hands up in the air. Blame a raft of political attacks on us and continue to see that he’s not putting forward any real solutions.”

During the heated exchange, Poilievre remarked “Oh wow, is he ever losing control of himself? Oh, my goodness. Screaming and hollering like that.”

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  1. When someone break into my car, I saw their minivan with my bag and took a photo of the licence plate. I called VPD who told me to call non emergency who told me they won’t do anything because the bad guys are “protected by the privacy act”!!! Goff job JT!!!!

  2. It is absolutely, totally and definitely beyond me why Trudeau still has supporters. That even a single Canadian still states "yes, I voted for that guy and I don't regret it" is extremely mind boggling. Incredible.

  3. Empty leftist rhetoric. ‘They’re doing the work.’ Not solving the problem. And then he blames the righteous for the policies of the left that are increasing crime and terrorizing citizens.

  4. Sad my taxes pays for all these politicians to sit in one room and just blame each other for Canada's problems and not actually provide Canadians with relief or solutions to make life for the average Canadian more affordable. Instead we get these two guys point the blame at each other and everyone in the background hollering over these two guys while they try to talk…..what a circus.

  5. I cannot make out what the Liberal members are responding so enthusiastically to. JT complains that his opposition, instead of offering solutions is only spouting slogans, but if a slogan contains an answer within it then that is offering solutions. The obviously proffered answer to growing crime is that of the removal of JT's legislation. How is that merely a slogan?

  6. The solutions will be put forward when the Conservatives are in power. Liberals want them to come up with all the ideas because they can't. Rolling up their sleeves for photo ops is the extent of their work.

  7. I find these theatrical ping pong matches oddly entertaining and the politicians seem to be enjoying themselves too, but I'm always left wondering what this banter actually accomplishes.

  8. As soon as Mr. T. Starts speaking, I just hear:

    He just threw out his panels to look like someone who speaks straight, has a strong point and is balanced.



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