Are Christians under attack in Canada? Find out on The Candice Malcolm Show – and where’s the outrage?

The Candice Malcolm Show | Christians are being targeted in Canada – where’s the outrage?

“Why are Canadians not speaking up when American media personalities have to address the country’s troubling issues? Over 90 churches have been burned down in Canada due to the false assumption of ‘unmarked graves’ at residential schools. Additionally, Christian pastors have been imprisoned during the pandemic for practicing their faith. With Christians being targeted in Canada, one has to wonder why politicians, media, and law enforcement are silent on this matter. Join True North Senior Journalist Cosmin Dzsurdzsa and Candice Malcolm as they discuss this disturbing trend on The Candice Malcolm Show.”

The Need for Canadian Voices

It seems that Canadians are not the ones addressing the country’s serious issues. American journalist Tucker Carlson has brought light to Canada’s problems, such as the burning of over 90 churches and the imprisonment of pastors. This is alarming and highlights the need for more Canadian voices to speak out and bring attention to these issues. It’s time for Canadians themselves, including politicians, media, and law enforcement, to take a stance and address the troubling trend of targeting Christians in the country.

A Call for Action

The ongoing persecution of Christians in Canada should not go unnoticed. It is imperative for Canadians to come together, rise above political differences, and address this situation head-on. By speaking out and not turning a blind eye to these issues, real change can occur. Canada needs to uphold its values of freedom of religion and expression for all citizens. Let’s come together as Canadians and defend these fundamental rights.

It’s high time for Canadians to stand up and fight against this trend of targeting Christians in the country. Let us use our voices to demand change and address these issues. No one should live in fear of practicing their faith, and it’s up to us as Canadians to ensure that freedom of religion is protected for all.



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