P.E.I. students feed appetite for inclusion at shared food fair


Hello everyone I’m Raa be I’m from India joku I’m from Nigeria haa mat um I’m representing Brazil I’m Isa unas and I represent Palestine from China it’s Gabriel verduga so I’m from Ecuador I’m from Nigeria Kori ugam I’m from Mexico and I want represent a little bit of my

Country so this week Holland college is showcasing the diversity and the culture of our International students so we have 800 International students here at the college and we wanted to take the week to just celebrate their culture and take the opportunity to learn about where they come from over here we have the

Nigerian um stand where we have like food tasting so we prepared the jolof rice as popularly known with some chicken I brought a beautiful delicacy here it’s fried plantain as you would call in English but in Spanish we would call it in my country pones it’s called

Hu in Chinese kind of a cookie yes here I brought puff puff with K Ki and peanuts yeah today I did Kush that was um a dish from my country is like deep fried Savory and a dessert made of of coconut is very famous it’s called beu

Muad it’s uh made with lentils and rice and the secret ingredient is cumin I prepare two kind of breads you can enjoy Mexico is through the flavors we prepared a sweet dish which we call as K it’s like a spreading Sweetness in between the people so I think it’s really important

To celebrate them and the fact that they came here and to get to know all about their culture because the more we know the better off we all are is this cinnamon yeah as you can see there are lots of smiles on people’s and the queue is long

So I mean it’s good it means a lot it means a lot it means a lot beautiful to to see that people are interested in knowing more about different cultures and I’m happy that I was able to represent Palestine and my culture it’s just beautiful so they need to see this

One of the most important things around the world I feel like is a food as it um encloses the culture of that country whenever we so far from our country we kind of not forget but we we kind of don’t feel that so strong within you so

Whenever you kind of have the chance to have all of this contact you remember yourself and you feel like all of that is real and it’s with you wherever you go it’s not gone over there it’s still with you you bring that come a long way

From home and it’s it’s it’s it’s great to have a feel of home again I also want to Nur some other culture from like from their country like I feel it’s a good chance for us to share it’s important to have some Fair like this so that the

People here in college and the community they will get to know that there are people from different nations what they culture is what their what their Traditions are if you had to say what a Canadian dish to you what would a Canadian dish be honestly um as soon as

I got here I knew I had to try the foutine I love SE CH maybe the ftin I like it lobster rolls are my favorite they are good it’s a bit hard for me because I’m vegetarian I would go with the muffins I like the muffin ha it’s

Poutine and there’s an invention I heard about and I tried it it’s called cronuts it’s a mix between donuts and crons and I think it’s just brilliant from PI the raspberry pie it’s something for me but Canada have a lot of diversity so every flavor from every World represent Canada

International students shared food and a little taste of home at Charlottetown’s Holland College during the school’s weeklong Diversity Fair. CBC’s Jane Robertson was there and brings us more on how sharing food brought these students together.

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