BC premier apologizes for wrong message posted to social media #Holocaust


It is not acceptable that it Happened mistakes happen but in this case uh this was a mistake on a particularly sensitive subject the uh day of remembrance around the Holocaust and uh it is not acceptable that it happened uh I would like to apologize to anyone who was hurt uh by

This error that was made uh and uh to reassure uh people that we have taken steps to in to confirm uh the content of any of my public statements that are issued by social media before they are uh released

B.C. Premier David Eby has apologized after a staffer posted the wrong message with a link to his statement marking Holocaust Remembrance Day. The post’s text, which has since been deleted, was for the Jan. 29 anniversary of the 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting. #HolocaustRemembranceDay #DavidEby #BCPolitics




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