The West Block: Jan. 28, 2024 | Parliament to resume as foreign interference inquiry kicks off


The national foreign interference inquiry will hold its first public hearings this week. ‘The West Block’ host Mercedes Stephenson speaks with Dick Fadden, a former CSIS director, and Vina Nadjibulla, an international security specialist at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, about the threat of foreign interference, protecting national security, implications for Canada’s foreign relations, and more.

Plus, what’s at stake for the parties when MPs return to Parliament for the 2024 session? Stephenson sits down with The Globe and Mail’s Ottawa Bureau Chief Bob Fife and The Toronto Star’s Deputy Ottawa Bureau Chief Stephanie Levitz to discuss where the leaders stand ahead of the session. The panel also discusses Prime Minister Trudeau’s strategy to rebound in the polls, the potential political fallout over a court ruling on the Emergencies Act, and former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson’s sharing the stage with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith.

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  1. If CSIS was any good at their job, they'd know how to research properly to gather the TRUTH and fact based evidence from multiple sources vs the lame media, to actually do their job in PROTECTING this country from the organizations working to take us down. Instead, they're pandering to evildoers and protecting THEM in their bid to annihilate a once great country. Thanks for NOTHING!

  2. This inquiry is nothing more than publicity stunt by Trudeau's Liberals. The emphasis is entirely on illegal Chinese donations and interference, while entirely ignoring the election interference from the United States, with the CIA and American right-wing sponsors promoting candidates who wouldn't be getting much funding from Canadians. Why Global News promotes this nonsense inquiry as "news" demonstrates just how much its new editors are willing to push government propaganda onto its Canadian audience, without any critical thinking and gullible willingness to accept the government's viewpoint. Joseph Goebbels would have been proud to have something like Global News in march-step with his government's propaganda of hatred.

  3. So simple but so effective in diluting the sociopath's reasons for vaudevillean behavior. Coincidental to the alleged birth of a deity was that moment when Justin delivered himself to his anxious mother..
    As a teen he mentioned:
    "I'm never persuaded by the opinions of others.. never." So the pilgrim's progress turned to dark deeds and other ummed priorities. It may have been Evan Soloman who noted a knife in the back of someone in McCleans


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