IVF offers hope to save endangered northern white rhino from going extinct


When the last male Northern White Rhino Sudan died in 2018 the animal sperm was saved and the clock started ticking the remaining members of the species two females are unable to carry a pregnancy to term made impossible possible scientists have announced a breakthrough at a press conference in Berlin after they used

Invitro fertilization to impregnate a surrogate the southern white Rhino’s 70-day pregnancy they say proved the concept works it’s kind of roller coaster because it’s a Sweet Bitter Symphony uh we we actually achieved what we worked for for years and we are extremely happy about that but tragically the female and her embryo

Died of an unrelated bacterial infection even so the scientists call it a success they intend to repeat the procedure next time with a northern White Rhino embryo created in a lab whatever it takes whatever humanly possible to make sure that these animals do not uh disappear from the face of the Earth Northern

White rhinos once roamed freely in East and Central Africa but persistent poaching for their horns sold illegally for thousands of dollars brought the species to this precipice here we have a potential Lifeline this conservation experts says boosting the populations of endangered species is only part of the

Solution what did needs is it needs this broader course of planning to be able to bring the species into a situation where it has a chance to establish herself in the wild that means protecting both the animals and the habitat they need to survive the Rhino team hopes to see

Northern White Rhino Cales born by surrogate within 3 years as they race to prevent its permanent Extinction Heidi pachic Global News Halifax

The northern white rhino is the world’s most critically-endangered animal. This month, scientists attempted to save them from extinction and made a big step toward that goal.

It took 13 tries, but they managed to impregnate a rhino using in-vitro fertilization.

As Global’s Heidi Petracek explains, what happens next will determine the fate of the northern white rhino.

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  1. These conservation scientists are amazing, the dedication and expertise they bring to this project will result in a successful replenishment of the White Rhino population..Lots of respect from ??.


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